Should She Sleep With This Married Man?

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Y'all are rude. OP is posting because she obviously needs some help/insight into helping her friend. Ignore all those jerks, OP. I'll tell you what to do.

Tell your friend is really bout it bout, and down to play the long game, tell her to seduce the wife, sleep with her, then break her heart. They'll both be mad, then. Flip it so it looks like the wife and the husband is trying to get you in on some kinky swinger roundup, and they get mad when you decline so now they're harassing you. This entire time, be sure to casually reveal very specific details that have just enough plausibility to gain traction (they'll be lies, of course, but your co-workers don't know that) while you maintain your wide-eyed and delicate innocence. Ultimately, she could probably get them fired for sexual harassment. Revenge complete.
Now this is creative
With the mindset expressed in this thread? I refuse to believe that.


I'm crying. I can't breathe!!! :lachen:
For months & months she maintain ed professionalism. Tried to ignore the 'bad behavior' and it has not gotten her anywhere. She was vilified because someone's husband was being inappropriate. I need y'all to dig a little deeper for me to buy into this 'turn the other cheek'. Where is the wife's responsibility in all of this?

Why would she go on a date with a married man to spite his wife. How does that make all the true or untrue rumors go away. She should not care what they think as lon gas she knows what is really going on. Why would she even make time and energy with the man? What is the reason? I don't know any grown woman who goes out with a man for spite. Either she feeling it or she not. I don't entertain a man in a relationship, let along care what others think. She is only making herself look bad stooping to such actions.
You may have a point cause she did mention that she was taken by him, before she knew he was married. She then respected the fact that he was married, although he didn't. But the wife was working overtime....

So she did have interest until she found out he was married? So how did she lose interest? Seems like it is still there if she wants to "spite" the wife. If she want the man...she just needs to own it. She shouldn't have to use excuses to go out with him. I knew a girl who stated she was attracted to this woman's husband but knew she had to try to just have a friendship with him. I told her it couldn't be mine, she was playing the role with. The attraction doesn't go away because you decide he's married and settle for friendship.

Nope...ya girl gon play herself!
My apologies, cause I didn't read every post in detail. So let me know if I failed to address a point. First my friend and I talked about this in detail over the past months. I asked questions to get a full account of what happened. She didn't know he was married, she didn't know we both tried to figure out what happened cause like I said to date nobody addressed my friend, even the husband. The dinner happened very very recently. The dragging has been happening for months although since my friend wasn't informed she doesn't know exactly when. I made it crystal clear that she purposely went on the date to spite the wife, knowing he was married. (Whether you like it or not). By the way I am a detail person, when it matters ( it is part of my profession). Did I miss anything? What else you got?

So now that she has gone on the date to spite the wife, what happens going forward? I would ignore everyone and keep it moving. Do my job and move along. Did the wife find out about the date? I'd hate for her to have done that and the wife never found out about the date. Then he spite would not be effective.
OP, is this woman YOU?

What sort of foolishness is this?! Life ain't a cakewalk, people get their cardio in by junping to conclusions and at some point we all end up as gossip. Why sleeping with this jerk is an option is beyond me!

What you/her need to do is move on from the drama, excel at the work being given and let yours/her integrity speak for itself.

ETA: Why did she go on a date?! SMH!
This is what I immediately thought.
Sorry... Just got back from the gym. No, I am not 18. No need to do research. My age doesn't matter. It's easy for you all to judge a persons reaction to a situation from the outside.. Like... okay stay...calm don't react to swiftly... Miss me with that BS. You know damn well if it was your situation or a close friend/ family member.. You would be foaming at the mouth. Don't make me do my stalking/research on some of y'all.
As long as I've been here I can honestly say I don't ever think anyone here has ever admitted to encouraging a friend (or themselves) to sleep with a married man as payback... Even in the "petty" thread. That's the place you should've started for payback advice, the "petty" thread.
The jokes do write themselves:

And yet you started the thread with

@niknik253, I think you nailed it.

And I have read ChocolateLove's threads
She was fun and funny
This here is bullshyte
Exactly, this is not CL's style. And if anything she wouldn't have asked for anyone's advice... She would've did it, came back and said she did it and got caught and called it SURPRISE CHEATING.
No offense to be taken, I appreciate everyone's opinion. My friend is my friend because we share similar values as is probably the case with you all. So, some of the decisions she makes usually aligns with my thinking (not always). So I was in support of her going on the date with Wifey's husband (although she told me afterwards). She can absolutely 'hold her own' . He treated her with respect, she was wined and dined on Wifey's dime. Rode in her car. That is sweet revenge.

I will agree that giving up the cooch is giving away too much of herself. However, wifey was too weak to deal with husband. She was too weak to leave his behind for the trifling hoe he probably is....

Suggesting that my friend reads "I strongly advise you and your friend to read the book: "Why Men Don't Love Women Like You" , by G. Lambert." is quite unnecessary, in this situation. Because this is a one time event for her. This doesn't usually happen to her. The point of my post was to figure out how to exact revenge on the wife. Instead wifey needs to read that book... For clinging to a bum of a husband. And punishing innocent people because she is to weak to leave him.

So in doing all that on the date, I'd still like to know if the wife found out. If she doesn't like I said before its all for nothing. I WISH I would entertain someone's husband...for what! I will not even lower my standards for dinner with him, let alone ride in his wife's car. I would have to wonder what really is going on with your friend. No one goes to that much trouble unless they are feeling this man. I just don't see a grown woman playing these types of games!
Because of the tension and rumors, why not talk to the wife straight up. Reassure her that HE is pursuing You and YOU are the one who "push the breaks" when he disclosed he was married. Be honest with her. To me being honest and sincere will give you peace with fellow coworkers and make the wife look foolish for staying with him. You are not the first nor will you be the last. He enjoys disrespecting her in front of her coworkers. He wants to show his power over his wife and other women for all to see.
Wait... same author also started the thread about the dude rubbing the other woman's hand and pretending it was an ornament and yet she's choosing to stay with him. :scratchchin: Now I get it. OP's response in the other thread makes much more sense now.

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