Should She Sleep With This Married Man?

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You aren't the only one
The way she knows the details of their encounters as if she was there
Normally this is stuff you remember when it's happened to you
My brain cannot comprehend how this is even a solution for this particular situation. The wife is spreading rumors about you so you decide to go out with and now consider sleeping with her husband?

:amen:Lol. Why do you think I worded my first post like this? That was not a general "you" or a mistake.
Life is not an episode of Gossip Girl. No matter how someone treats a person, the person should do their best to treat them well. Her self worth should be more than using her body as a vehicle for revenge. Your friend is so mad at the rumors by a hurt wife that she wants to make them true? Obviously he's not worth much as a man, so does she value her time? It doesn't seem so if she allegedly thinks it is worth going on a DATE with him for the reason to stoop to the levels of others. I will pray for her - if she can justify that, she can justify going further down the rabbit hole
Who left the gate open? Can you block certain threads--I'm sick of seeing this pop up in my queue.
Birds of a feather, flop together.


@bajandoc86 this would be even funnier if OP hadn't said this:


No offense to be taken, I appreciate everyone's opinion. My friend is my friend because we share similar values as is probably the case with you all. So, some of the decisions she makes usually aligns with my thinking (not always). So I was in support of her going on the date with Wifey's husband (although she told me afterwards). She can absolutely 'hold her own' . He treated her with respect, she was wined and dined on Wifey's dime. Rode in her car. That is sweet revenge.

Just to wrap things up here.... I really appreciate the responses who stayed on the topic. Someone had the nerve to state that I was certifiable. Thank the Lord I am thick skinned. This is to the idiots who read the post (probably in its entirety) then probably read most if not all of the comments. And then some had the nerve and time to conduct an investigative report and do research (look up previous posts) . To those people I say a sincere, 'Get yo life'. And I'm the one whose 'certifiable'.
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Just don't click on it. Are you serious? Then you post the question in the very same thread. You should have reached out to the moderators. Really, are you serious?


Are YOU serious??? Asking if you (oops, your friend) should sleep with a married man?

The price of LHCF must need to increase.

*Long exasperated sigh*

YES OP! Go pop it on a handstand for him ( since we can stop pretending it's your "fwen"), and maybe even get a Rainbow handbag and some lobsta out of it. Bonus winning!!!

BE that heaux his wife is claiming you to be, bet she'll know better than to mess with you again! Good luck!
Sweetie pie. Read a book.

Maybe this one will teach you to at least GET SOMETHING for your contentious, bird behavior.

I'd rather not have a debate with an anonymous person. It's really not worth my time. So Hon please go find another thread to bird poop on. I have more important things to do. Before you go....You should make a list of what you consider my 'contentious' behavior & post it. I'm curious to know. Now this would mean.. Acts I've done. Then go fly away with the rest of your simple friends.
I know that most of your answers would probably be the same as mine .... But there is more to the read on and then decide...

OP you started this thread wrong and I see you're intent on it ending that way.

So, how should she handle this

You asked people how they would handle the situation and they answered - not one poster agrees with your suggested hood-tactics. Now, I can appreciate someone who goes against the grain but even after your explanations and clarifications the response has been a resounding "NO". It's safe to say that if you choose to chuck well-intended advice and still wish to lead your "friend" down the path of a foreseeable fail, no one here can stop you.

Please post a spinny so we know how the panties on the desk idea works out. TIA.
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But you would've been cool with this board full of anonymous people if most of us cosigned to your ratchetry.
I didn't expect a consensus in agreement with what I posted. I wanted opinions on the overall situation, from a vast group of people and birds. So I am satisfied with the outcome. Who would seriously expect a bunch of women (& some birds) to co-sign with infidelity.
I didn't expect a consensus in agreement with what I posted. I wanted opinions on the overall situation, from a vast group of people and birds. So I am satisfied with the outcome. Who would seriously expect a bunch of women (& some birds) to co-sign with infidelity.

The irony of you calling even some of us some of us birds is killing me softly as pretty much all of us offered better alternative solutions than slanging puss........but genuinely glad you got the outcome you wanted.
The friend is not innocent in this scenario for three reasons: (1) she continued to engage the man after learning that he was married; (2) she didn't approach the wife to settle matters after learning of the rumors; and (3) she went out on a date with a married man. Had she ignored his antics after learning that he was married, the onus would've remained on him. Just because someone calls your name, rings your doorbell, dials your phone number, etc., it doesn't mean that a response is required. Since she repeatedly engaged him whenever he sought her out, she has to share some of the fault. Additionally, once she got hint of the rumors, she should've maturely discussed the issue with the wife instead of haughtily dismissing her. Doing this would've also kept the onus of guilt on the husband; plus, it would've shed light on her side of the issue and most likely have resolved things in a satisfactory manner. Number three is self-explanatory. Unless an individual is a baseless ho, married men are always off the table. The end. However, if the friend continues act as a blame-less victim intent upon seeking revenge instead of humbly accepting her part in this fiasco and working towards a mature solution, she may very well find her self nursing a black eye and several contusions while on the unemployment line.
The jokes do write themselves:

I didn't expect a consensus in agreement with what I posted. I wanted opinions on the overall situation, from a vast group of people and birds. So I am satisfied with the outcome. Who would seriously expect a bunch of women (& some birds) to co-sign with infidelity.

And yet you started the thread with

I know that most of your answers would probably be the same as mine ....

@niknik253, I think you nailed it.

And I have read ChocolateLove's threads
She was fun and funny
This here is bullshyte
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