Should She Sleep With This Married Man?

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WRONG!!!! Correction: My friend doesn't owe the wife anything. Especially, since she ( the wife) hasn't brought anything to her attention. The wife knows who she married, a bum. So why visit that crap on someone else. Just Deal! Go home and go rock yourself in a corner.
Why does the friend want a bum? And that is a genuine question. I guess as her friend I would ask her that so she can figure out the answer herself- that would be here looking deeply within versus reacting to drama.
As a woman, I don't want other women's bums, even if only for one night. No bum is going to raise my body count--- know what I mean?
I think this might've been better received on the other site! But I would still hope the folks over there had more sense not to cosign this mess!
Why doesn't she just confront the wife herself and tell her nothing happened and that he continues to pursue her against her wishes.
She'd rather give him free kit kat, as punishment instead. :abducted:

Cause we all know the best way to punish a lying cheater who just wants to get into your pannies is to give in to him and show him what he's really missing....:rolleyes:
I don't know what she wore. They did not kiss, she said he tried a few times but she church hugged instead.
OP your friend is lying to you. She prolly already smashed him and is now luring you into cosigning her sleeping with a married man by making it about "revenge"....:spinning::spinning:

There are a million petty revenges she/you could have come up with without slanging the kitty including printing the text messages where he begged your friend for a date and she refused and leaving them on wifey's desk so she knew the deal.... recording the married man and sending the evidence to his wife etc but somehow jumped to doing him just because she is already suspected of doing it.... if they suspected her of robbing the bank would she go through and rob one to "get revenge too?"
What exactly is the wife doing? Is she really making life "miserable" or did she "expose the office slut" (as she perceived it) and now said "slut" has no friends?

Most likely she saw or heard rumors about her husband singling her out, asked him about it, and he told her "friend" was interested in him but he told her he was married. And she got mad and told some co-workers that "friend" was after her husband. you can see, women don't like it when people go after someone else's spouse. Now obviously it was untrue but friend can't get mad at the wife...the husband was the one to initiate (lie) and cross the line.

Real question: If the wife deserves revenge (in your mind)...what does HE deserve?

BTW: Your friend should have approached the wife and told her it was untrue and that she would involve HR if the rumors did not stop.
What exactly is the wife doing? Is she really making life "miserable" or did she "expose the office slut" (as she perceived it) and now said "slut" has no friends?

Most likely she saw or heard rumors about her husband singling her out, asked him about it, and he told her "friend" was interested in him but he told her he was married. And she got mad and told some co-workers that "friend" was after her husband. you can see, women don't like it when people go after someone else's spouse. Now obviously it was untrue but friend can't get mad at the wife...the husband was the one to initiate (lie) and cross the line.

Real question: If the wife deserves revenge (in your mind)...what does HE deserve?

BTW: Your friend should have approached the wife and told her it was untrue and that she would involve HR if the rumors did not stop.


At the bolded: These women involved think he deserves her v-jay-jay. :yep::thud:

Every now and then it comes to mind, and I just TRIP over that.




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OP your friend is lying to you. She prolly already smashed him and is now luring you into cosigning her sleeping with a married man by making it about "revenge"....:spinning::spinning:

There are a million petty revenges she/you could have come up with without slanging the kitty including printing the text messages where he begged your friend for a date and she refused and leaving them on wifey's desk so she knew the deal.... recording the married man and sending the evidence to his wife etc but somehow jumped to doing him just because she is already suspected of doing it.... if they suspected her of robbing the bank would she go through and rob one to "get revenge too?"


Can't be real... They definitely work at Rainbow And can't be over 25. Side chicks always get on one accord thinking they have some secret power over the wife. OP come back under a new screen name.

This board has a certain caliber of woman and this ain't it. Every rebuttal has been side chick-hoetepish. Lock and ban!
WRONG!!!! Correction: My friend doesn't owe the wife anything. Especially, since she ( the wife) hasn't brought anything to her attention. The wife knows who she married, a bum. So why visit that crap on someone else. Just Deal! Go home and go rock yourself in a corner.

So because she feels she doesnt owe the wife anything...she cant possibly be bothered to simply sit down with the wife and tell her her side of the story with how things happened? If this is true, she is obviously not truly interested in resolving the problem. Period.
@Anacaona Mèsi anpil for pointing me in this general direction :lol:

OP I'm genuinely baffled by your logic and how the only solution you came up with for this situation was to sleep with the husband! How Sway?

As far as the wife could see, you have a woman flirting with her husband, sure she didn't know at first, but even after finding out, she entertained him enough that he felt comfortable asking her on a date that she agreed to go on! So how is she the villain in this story? Dumb to be dealing with this disrespectful fluckboy, perhaps, but villain, no.

As for you, getting one free meal and riding in her car is not winning. And it probably wasn't no $200 date either :lol:

I blame Olivia Pope for this fluckery, got hoes thinking they winning :nono:
Op, you're the type of "friend" that would get a **** killed. The fact that you and your "friend" are concocting ideas on how to exact revenge on the wife is beyond crazy to me. I'm sorry but you, your "friend" and other women that think like you are really disgusting. Instead of directing your energy on getting revenge on the no-good lying married man your "friend" is thinking about screwing, you are worried about getting back at the wife... All because she has been giving your friend dirty stares and turning others against her? What are ya'll, 6 years old? o_O(Yeah, let me give this lyin cheating man who does not give two shiits about me some puss. That will really piss his wife off:yahoo:) So the husband gets exactly what he sat out to get from day one and your "friend" gets what exactly? A meal and a car ride!?! What is her end game? It appears the wife is smart enough to act in manner that gives your "friend" no ammunition to have a case with HR. Two points for the wife Op, the fact that you and your friend are up to such thottish antics tells me that ya'll really need to do better in life.:ohwell:
I feel like everyone in this situation is about to end up on the ID Channel, "Another 48 hours Mystery" or something. This is some all-around bull.
OP, you and your "friend" need to quit while you're ahead. Your friend has no right to be trying to "get revenge" on anyone's wife, especially not for something that her HUSBAND started, and that SHE (your "friend") kept stringing along. I swear that you guys sound like middle-children.

She should have stopped talking to this dude the moment that she found out that he was married. Since she didn't, she's going to have to deal with the fall out. She can ghost him now and ignore the wife and the "petty" coworkers. If they keep bothering her, she could get HR involved, but I can only imagine that things are going to get even messier than they already are.

And please, for the love of God, you need to stop encouraging her in her ratchet behavior. Seriously. There are more options here than what you presented in the OP! WTF???

I don't understand how this man is deserving of sex when he hasn't stepped up to defend your friend.

Certainly he knows what your friend is dealing with. He could end all of this by admitting his wrongdoing to his wife and absolving your friend of any transgressions (though it's kinda late since she went on a date with him). Yet he sits by while your friend is "harassed" by his wife and her crew... but he should get sex in the end?

And if your friend sleeps with him, and somehow his wife and her buddies find a way to get your friend fired... she'll be jobless with a wet behind while this guy and his wife will go on to live their lives as usual. He'll label your friend a temptress who pursued him while he was in a vulnerable place. His wife will side with him since she's shown that she doesn't hold her husband accountable.

I guarantee you that your friend isn't the first woman to get caught in this dysfunctional couple's web.
OP do NOT get revenge on the wife. Get revenge on the husband who brought all this drama in to her life!! Why do we always let men off the hook? If you ask for how to get revenge on the man, I might be able to give you some pointers.
(Edited to add that this entire situation was unnecessarily messy)

OP do NOT get revenge on the wife. Get revenge on the husband who brought all this drama in to her life!! Why do we always let men off the hook? If you ask for how to get revenge on the man, I might be able to give you some pointers.

Was just thinking that I hate coming into the thread so late, but looks like I arrived just in time.


I only read the OP,
but I hope your "friend"
gets her ass kicked.

She knew the man was married,
but still entertained him each and
every time he addressed her.

She should have shut him down from

All the other foolishness from the
wife and her allies, she bought on herself
publicly being seen all up in this married man's face.


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