Shocked by Bristish Men's Choice...

It's still a valid premise. WW are notoriously uncomfortable with any woman of any other race usurping their perceived position as the standard of beauty....and ESPECIALLY BW.....maybe it is ingrained from the days of slavery when all those slave women were birthing their DH's mullatto babies.

I think it genuinely troubles them to the nth degree when a BW is a total package...brains, beauty, personality....I believe they lose sleep over it. :yep: :lol:

That WW's letter, though old or urban legend, rings true in terms of their attitudes about the pecking order of dating in America. They DO expect to be handled as the most desirable thing in the room in comparison to other races of women....their only competition, in their minds, are women who already look like them.

They can be the trashiest of trashy and they still have a sense of superiority over a refined BW. It's pathetic!

You are right. It makes me thankful for my yt bff. If she was like that, we'd have problems. However, I have been around other yt chicks and a yt dude will come after me and they act like it's an abomination. Don't let him have money I've had them throw themselves at the men I'm with and get straight turned down. Then I'm eats them alive.
:look::look:Awww poor white girl, you're no longer the object of every man's desire.Men want options other than flat asses, long stringy blonde hair,pasty skin, and big titties.....for shame, its an adbomination:rolleyes:

Imagine the shock of "most" British men to find out that the Black girls are not putting out when the stereotype says that we do. LOLOL. They are attracted to the wrong women :lachen:
This girl may be dumb or racist OR even both but there is an element of truth in her confusion with what she saw. With a lot of talk here about IR and a lot things in the US seeming to boil down to race, it MUST HAVE come as a huge surprise to this fruit cake that things arent like that in the UK. Just because you are blond, blue green eyed doesnt mean you get first pick of men, job, seat.....! I hope she took something from this...(although judging by her writing:nono:)
:blush3: Thank you! It takes some type of courage to post a recovery room pic on a board full of women :lachen: but it was a happy moment so I love the pic.

At that the truth! You and the baby look gorgeous though hon. It's a beautiful pic!
:laugh::lachen: i live in the U.K and travel to the U.S often

:look:and have never observed what she talks about, you get a few white guys in an all black club trying to 'holla' and the odd stare down at the shock to your beauty/hair/waist to hip ratio from white men.(they tend to be middle aged, italian, and married stressing to you that their wife is black as are their kids and professing there love of black women)

She sounds really upset!
aww, whogonloveyouboo? & whyyoumadson?
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LOL! I'll say that in the US, I've had very few white men attempt to hit on me. But there certainly some men that do around here. I think that in some places (like where I'm at) white men don't feel as comfortable approaching the sistah's...

One of my best friends is a white man, and he dates 90% black women...completely unapologetically! He has black siblings and family, and it is what he grew up around...