Shocked by Bristish Men's Choice...


New Member

I’m a college student here in the U.S and this summer I did the "studying abroad" like most universities have. There were about 45 students this summer from the business school in my University.
I’m 23 years and I consider myself a good looking girl because I take care of myself. I do not look down on others or races. I’m obvious white, 115 pounds, 5"5" tall, 36 bust. In college i have a lot of guys going after me and my friends.
This summer the study abroad was in london. We were so excited about being in london and meeting good looking british guys. To our surprise, we found that european men preferred to go after black women. This was shocking and such an eye opener to me and my white girl friends.
We went to pubs, clubs, restaurants. lounges and some other fancy places. It was the same. They bought drinks for them. Thats not to say that white men did not hit on white girls just that seemed to be on equal grounds. Which is good but surprising because this does not usually happen in america.
our group of girls had 3 white girls and 2 African American girls. I’m not racist. Even in school this is our usual circle of friends. We travelled together in Europe and every where else.
Every time we went out, the british white guys would mostly be after the African American girls. My African American girls are also pretty. It’s just that it shocked us the white American girls. We thought, we would be the first pick. I guess we are used to the white American guys not appraoching black girls, I thought it would be the same there.
I found that in europe a white girl is not the most wanted girl. I learned tthat white and black girls have equal chances when it comes to men there. We found that there are many white men and black women couples in the U.K as there are black men and white women couples. Unlike in the U.S where there much more blcak men and white women couples compared to white men and black women couples
By the time we went out for the 4th times, we the white girls knew it was fair game for the men for both black and white girls.
I WAS HURT NOT because I’m white but because there were some guy there that i would have liked to have spent some time with but instead they chose to get to know an African America girl. I would have felt the same way had they chosen an other white girl over me
Not all but from what we experienced we learned that european men view women of all races in the same way or view black women in better light than white american men. This happened when we went to France, Ireland, Scotland, Switerland, Italy and Germany.
Bare in mind that there are a lot black british people in the U.K. I have lived with black people for as long as we have.
I had a good time though. I learned a lot about other people and culture.
Why is it different here. In america, i’m a 100% certain that if I were to walk in a place with only white men and I walked in with some African American girls that a white man would appraoch a black woman at least not in public or in front of a white girl.
What makes a white american man different from a white european man?

They don’t get any more English than me. I’m an English man living in london and there is truth to your statement.
You still have white people that will not date black people and you still have black people that will not date white people.
From what I have heard from my american friends, yes we british men go for what attracts us, it does not matter if the girl is green, red, black or white. If I like what I see i go for her. Her race does not cross my mind. I have dated both white and black women so have most of the english men I know.
Yes in the U.K I pretty much much say it’s fair game.
I don’t know about you over there. A woman is a woman PERIOD.

[COLOR="Red"Fascinating isn't it? I am always floored when I hear black people say other nationalities don't find black women attractive or that women of other ethnic groups could NEVER be jealous of black women. Some are clearly jealous and some feel as though there isn't a need to be jealous because they don't believe we are competition. Well, the later, will continue to be shocked as time goes on. I think you are either a liar, a racist, or completely delusional if can't find one black woman who is attractive to you.[/COLOR]
She posted this question on a couple major sites. Everyone seems to able to see through her racism and bias.

Sounds like bs. Not to say that doesn't happen irl, of course, just that this sounds like propaganda of some sort.
I was prepared to type out my reply but this person's response sums up my feelings exactly:
By rrm38 on April 2nd, 2010 at 3:20 am

Despite your many claims of not being a bigot, you gave yourself away in your first line:


This question insinuates that you believe that there is something wrong with these men if they prefer your black friends over you and your other white friend. If you didn’t believe yourself to be superior in some way, you wouldn’t have phrased your question in this manner and you would not have been insulted when you weren’t approached first. Perhaps you came across as being too eager or needy, or maybe you just have a bad attitude. It may have nothing at all to do with race. Just because you’re bigoted doesn’t mean that others are behaving in the manner that they are because they’re bigoted.
Well I guess she would have a rude awakening with me in America, because white men always hit on my black bffs and me when we go out with our white friends.

Sounds to me she's full of it.
Yes..."shocked" is a bit much.

She says that she would feel the same way if the men were approaching other white women and not her, but her whole point is that she can't believe they find black women just as or sometimes more beautiful than white women.

People get upset when their place in the pecking order is disrupted.
Isn't this one of those old posts that gets forwarded every once in a while? I saw this last year... I don't know how true this is, or if it was created to start controversy.

That being said, when I did go to London back in 1997, the girl in our group who got the most attention from white British men was the medium-brown skinned black chick from Saginaw, Michigan with braids.

She would be in a group of white blond women and the men would pass them all up to get to her... the white women called themselves "protecting" her from these Brits, but I have to wonder if they were a bit jealous about all the attention Miss Saginaw was getting... :p
This question is originally posted on Yahoo Answers. That question is over two years old. I remember when it was posted as I was a frequent Y/A poster. She actually tried to defended her post, too.
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*waits for some poster to come in and say it was really an IR blogger posing as a white woman in order to advance some devious evil plot* :rofl:

Of course she was a racist and trying to disguise her bias. Don't most people have some racist beliefs, and don't they usually try (and fail) to disguise them?

What's WRONG with those guys, they wanted to get with a BLACK girl :rolleyes:

Mind you we have posters all over this forum who sincerely believe in their souls and shout from the mountains that NOBODY WANTS US :violin: SMDH Speak for yourself!!! I've never left the USA (yet) but I've had dudes of *every* nation try to holla at me. It helps that I live in a very international area. But anyhoo... if you aren't ready to believe it, you aren't ready to believe it.
*waits for some poster to come in and say it was really an IR blogger posing as a white woman in order to advance some devious evil plot* :rofl:

Of course she was a racist and trying to disguise her bias. Don't most people have some racist beliefs, and don't they usually try (and fail) to disguise them?

What's WRONG with those guys, they wanted to get with a BLACK girl :rolleyes:

Mind you we have posters all over this forum who sincerely believe in their souls and shout from the mountains that NOBODY WANTS US :violin: SMDH Speak for yourself!!! I've never left the USA (yet) but I've had dudes of *every* nation try to holla at me. It helps that I live in a very international area. But anyhoo... if you aren't ready to believe it, you aren't ready to believe it.

Wait for it....wait for it....:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Isn't this one of those old posts that gets forwarded every once in a while? I saw this last year... I don't know how true this is, or if it was created to start controversy.

That being said, when I did go to London back in 1997, the girl in our group who got the most attention from white British men was the medium-brown skinned black chick from Saginaw, Michigan with braids.

She would be in a group of white blond women and the men would pass them all up to get to her... the white women called themselves "protecting" her from these Brits, but I have to wonder if they were a bit jealous about all the attention Miss Saginaw was getting... :p

Like the "Disgusted White Girl" article from Sister 2 Sister magazine? :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Well, this is the first time I've gotten wind of this foolishness, but I must thank the OP for giving me my first belly laugh of the week!

P.S. Lady P looks GAWJUS in her babylicious siggy. I have never seen such clear and creamy skin!
Well, this is the first time I've gotten wind of this foolishness, but I must thank the OP for giving me my first belly laugh of the week!

P.S. Lady P looks GAWJUS in her babylicious siggy. I have never seen such clear and creamy skin!

:blush3: Thank you! It takes some type of courage to post a recovery room pic on a board full of women :lachen: but it was a happy moment so I love the pic.
I just went to the site and the comments are funny. You have a couple haters in the mix, as always. But an unusually high proportion of the comments were from people with sense... who were eager to tell Miss Thing about herself.
Like the "Disgusted White Girl" article from Sister 2 Sister magazine? :lachen::lachen::lachen:

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking!

As with "Disgusted White Girl," I have no doubt that there are PLENTY of white women who feel exactly this way and I know from study abroad experience in Europe that black American women will often get more play than white American women and the white women will get REAL salty about it. Whether or not this "play" from these white European guys is serious, who knows... but the white women don't necessarily take too kindly to being ignored in favor of the black women in their group. It's quite interesting to watch!

That being said, I don't get too wrapped up in e-mail forwards (even if I know the original source) written by anonymous people.
which one is "Disgusted White Girl"

It was a letter written to Sister 2 Sister Magazine.
Aw man that one got played like a old recod. It's bascially about this white woman who has a black bf or dh and she writes about how black women are ignorant and that she can't help that her black man wants her.

Then a bm writes a letter in response to her ignorant letter and she gets OWNED! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
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It's still a valid premise. WW are notoriously uncomfortable with any woman of any other race usurping their perceived position as the standard of beauty....and ESPECIALLY BW.....maybe it is ingrained from the days of slavery when all those slave women were birthing their DH's mullatto babies.

I think it genuinely troubles them to the nth degree when a BW is a total package...brains, beauty, personality....I believe they lose sleep over it. :yep: :lol:

That WW's letter, though old or urban legend, rings true in terms of their attitudes about the pecking order of dating in America. They DO expect to be handled as the most desirable thing in the room in comparison to other races of women....their only competition, in their minds, are women who already look like them.

They can be the trashiest of trashy and they still have a sense of superiority over a refined BW. It's pathetic!
Hi everyone!
Im from the U.K. and Im just like "really?"
It seems like she created this generalised theory based on an her own personal experiences. Maybe the guy she liked picked her friend over her, and she is just sour about it. Iv never been to the U.S so I cant talk firsthand about interracial relationships over there but unless I went to every single place in America I wouldn't try to either, or make blanket statements like 'all African American men prefer women who are not black" just because I went to a couple of bars and saw these relationships. Im sorry did she not see white couples or white men step to white women, or is it that she was so astounded by the fact that her AA friends could get just as much as attention as she that she had to make it her mission to bring this supposed theory to the masses. There are black women/white men relationships everywhere and if she opened her eyes before opening her mouth she would realise its happening anyway. If I could, I would totally tell her to get over herself and focus on more important things like her studying or the future of the economy or something worthwhile.
It's still a valid premise. WW are notoriously uncomfortable with any woman of any other race usurping their perceived position as the standard of beauty....and ESPECIALLY BW.....maybe it is ingrained from the days of slavery when all those slave women were birthing their DH's mullatto babies.

I think it genuinely troubles them to the nth degree when a BW is a total package...brains, beauty, personality....I believe they lose sleep over it. :yep: :lol:

That WW's letter, though old or urban legend, rings true in terms of their attitudes about the pecking order of dating in America. They DO expect to be handled as the most desirable thing in the room in comparison to other races of women....their only competition, in their minds, are women who already look like them.

They can be the trashiest of trashy and they still have a sense of superiority over a refined BW. It's pathetic!

Not all white women are like this, but this is definitely true for some. I know women would talk about it on the forum and I would kinda just take their word for it, but once you experience it first hand :look:

I was just not ready.

I was just like how on earth could someone be such a sneaky, conniving, and petty little snitch!