She Back Ya'll...She Went IN!!! NSFW!!!

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From what I saw she wasn't actually driving while taping. Looked like she was just sitting in the car.

:lol::lol::lol: @ eating sugar makes your legs look like powdered donuts.

I wonder why she gave up on natural living.
THAT line had me :rofl3:
her mouth makes her look like a loser and i can't take someone like that serious, she is a joke. OP, i really wish you would have put her name in the title, i thought it was going to be Bonnet Girl, now she is entertainment!

another thing, she wears her hair straight now and still is having problems? she needs to go live in a cave! Really!
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While mildly entertaining:lachen:I do wonder where the source of all that vitrol-

true or no :perplexed
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and to be honest the whole natural thing isn't just about chemicals, it's about accepting something that was God-given and learning that there are other options besides relaxing. please let's not go the juices and berries route....
You're right. Apples & oranges. Hair is dead... and your internal organs are very much alive.

If I was anti-chemical, I could retort back that the skin (and by extension, the scalp) is an organ too, the largest in the body at that, and that's where I'd like to start. But I'm not.
Announcement: It's just jokes people! lol. I don't understand why some are getting so offended. It's not that serious. I mean... did we watch the same video?!?! Don't take it personal :look: LOL
If I was anti-chemical, I could retort back that the skin (and by extension, the scalp) is an organ too, the largest in the body at that, and that's where I'd like to start. But I'm not.

I haven't heard of people dying of scalp attacks, needing scalp transplants, or getting their scalp removed for health reasons :look:
Exactly, apples and oranges.

How is saying someone moved over to the other side judgmental?

That sounds like something I would say jokingly (I'm not natural but I could see me saying that, faux snooty face and all to be silly, if I feel awkward and don't know what else to say to a yoga associate I haven't seen in a while) and have no idea she took offense to it until I logged onto my trusty LHCF and watched this video like errbody else! lol

Speaking of which, I would love to see that lady's reaction. lol

I mean, not to insult her intelligence because I'm sure you can tell if someone is being nasty or not, but....I really don't see how she could have been being THAT nasty with it and I'm relaxed, so I would be a candidate to hear that type of comment.
Announcement: It's just jokes people! lol. I don't understand why some are getting so offended. It's not that serious. I mean... did we watch the same video?!?! Don't take it personal :look: LOL

it is that serious! i can take cursing and foul language in small doses, but i can't take her raunchy, tacky delivery of her so-called jokes. you obviously have a different sense of humor than me. if you like it, that's all that matters. NOTLOL!
That sounds like something I would say jokingly (I'm not natural but I could see me saying that, faux snooty face and all to be silly, if I feel awkward and don't know what else to say to a yoga associate I haven't seen in a while) and have no idea she took offense to it until I logged onto my trusty LHCF and watched this video like errbody else! lol

Speaking of which, I would love to see that lady's reaction. lol

I mean, not to insult her intelligence because I'm sure you can tell if someone is being nasty or not, but....I really don't see how she could have been being THAT nasty with it and I'm relaxed, so I would be a candidate to hear that type of comment.

i guess so lady, so watch your back, before some angry, foul, gutter mouth chick comes at you!
she is so classy....

There's always a few that has to come and ruin a thread. You don't like it? Don't post! There's alot of threads I don't like. I just don't post in them! And I don't wanna her nuttin about paying no $6.fiddy.

Sweety, please stop. I never said skin wasn't an organ. How old are you? The biggest health problem when it comes to black women is heart disease, not perm. Get mad about that.

Some people really know how to kill a fun thread... :look:

1. you stated you had never heard of people having skin removed for health reasons. you haven't heard of skin cancer? how old are YOU?

2. i know that heart disease is a major killer. but since when does 'avoiding chemicals' have to be either or? hypocrites would be on either side in that case.

i find this woman tacky and kinda sad. a fun thread is the breast milk thread. not this display of angry black woman 'tude.
Exactly, apples and oranges.

How is saying someone moved over to the other side judgmental?

It wasn't what she said but how she said it. "I preferred your twists...I'm disappointed that you went to the other side" is judgemental. Given that they know each other from yoga class that she said that with a swine sandwich in her hand makes the rant entertaining to me.

The entire comment was out of line anyway because between the cuss words I'm pretty sure she said she straightened her hair (implying that she is still natural)

i find this woman tacky and kinda sad. a fun thread is the breast milk thread. not this display of angry black woman 'tude.

No offense, then let us have our fun and you go back in the breast milk thread. I'm not really trying to sound like an a$$ but I don't know how else to word it. Everyone has different humor. Why derail a thread that everyone was :lol:ing in.
like who is better

a person who avoids topical potential poisons and ingests crap on the daily


a person who only applies topical potential poisons but eats from the freshest most organic bounty of the earth?

it's a dumb argument. both of them could end up regretting their decision in the long run.

if you like it, i love it. why are people so concerned? you are saying that no matter how healthy i eat, work out, drink water, make sure my vitamins are up, i have a predetermined endocrine system and my skin is going to be however it was determined to be?

uh. what?

:yep::yep: That's exactly what I'm saying and I think it's really sad that you're fooling yourself with all this other mess. Vitamins? Girl, please.

Naw, I'm just playing. I was making a joke based off another thread, but I deleted it cause I don't want the jokey nature of the joke to get misconstrued or to derail this thread. I'm sillaaaaay.ol:yep:
1. you stated you had never heard of people having skin removed for health reasons. you haven't heard of skin cancer? how old are YOU?

2. i know that heart disease is a major killer. but since when does 'avoiding chemicals' have to be either or? hypocrites would be on either side in that case.

i find this woman tacky and kinda sad. a fun thread is the breast milk thread. not this display of angry black woman 'tude.

1. I didn't state that. Get your facts straight. I said scalp. I have never heard of someone getting their scalp removed. Does that make you mad? Not saying it never happened in life... just saying it's not a realistic problem that results from getting a perm.... got it? :look: Mkay... good.

2. WTH?

3. You are entitled to have your opinion about her, but don't come in a thread, attacking people and trying to insult their intelligence... just because you didn't like a silly little video.

4. Meditate. It'll be alright :yep:

1. I didn't state that. Get your facts straight. I said scalp. I have never heard of someone getting their scalp removed. Does that make you mad? Not saying it never happened in life... just saying it's not a realistic problem that results from getting a perm.... got it? :look: Mkay... good.

2. WTH?

3. You are entitled to have your opinion about her, but don't come in a thread, attacking people and trying to insult their intelligence... just because you didn't like a silly little video.

4. Meditate. It'll be alright :yep:

who have i attacked? you said "i've never heard of a scalp transplant, or getting scalps removed for health" when both of those things happen all of the time due to injury and skin diseases cause by whatever. you didn't seem like you knew that skin was an organ. so i sent you a link. i don't know you, so clearly i do not know what you know.
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