Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek Challenge Sept. '08

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Ladies I finally got to experience the 'OCT' hype....it feels very silky to the touch and felt very smooth when I applied it to my scalp. Whomever described the smell as 'coconutty' was correct :yep: I generally don't like coconuts but this smell isn't too bad. :look: I will be going back and forth between OCT and MT so as to stretch the OCT out....oh and I'm using it straight no chaser. :drunk:
Starting picture 9/11/08
Oh my goodness Melodies! Yes I see a big difference. So is it better to use it as a conditioning treatment instead of applying to the scalp?

Hey there. I am not sure which is better. I tried applying it to my scalp every day for two days. LOL Too much work with all I have going on in the rest of my life. I just could not do it.

Honestly, I stopped using it for about 5 days of the 3 weeks because I could not find a regimen I trusted that I could actually maintain. Then, I read Shimmie's regimen, which for me was lower maintenance. I wash or co-wash 2 times a week and try to make sure I am not doing too much protein.

I only did the MegaTek on weekends.

So... I guess the last 2 weeks, I only used it twice, but it was a heavy duty treatment because the instructions say to leave it in 5 minutes and then rinse. I left it in for an hour or so.

My answer to your question: I am not sure what is better because many women are having success using varied methods; using it as a protein deep condition works well for me. If you want to PM me, you can, and I will give you my email address since I don't come on here every day...

(I think Lady Aggie does the same thing. Probably others as well, so please forgive me if I have left out any other names. I am still learning the "roll call" here... :grin:)

Sorry for "talking" too much. Working on that...:wallbash:

Honestly, though, I do think if you eat well, rest well, and pay attention to the moisture/protein balance of your hair, MT will work remarkably well for you. This particular product is so good for intended use that if you just counteract the protein with extreme moisture - no matter how often you use it - you WILL see better growth and strength.

Christi J.
(8 months and counting 'til we're back in the US!!!! Yaaaayyyyy!!!!)
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Girl, your hair is off the chain!!!

Yep, I notice growth in 1-2 weeks. It's amazing!

YAAAAYYYY!!!! You are so sweet. I used to have a nice rate of growth, but I can't tell you what it was because I never paid attention. What I know is that I was very foolish with my hair, though it did grow quickly. I blew it out 2-3 times per week and hot curled every other day.

This is the first time I can see why my growth was stunted.


Now, I am going to do updos and twists until...well...until I can feel my hair somewhere other than on my neck when I lean forward. lol

*doing a happy dance under my desk in the office*

Again, thank you so much!!! MT is the BOMB!!!

Christi J.
(8 months and counting until we are back in the US!!!!! YAAAAY!!)
OMG, Great Growth! :yep: I see a lot of growth! :creaturesCongrats, it seems crazy but it does work.

My hair is stronger and more elastic now that I have been using MT. That was my first goal, stronger difficult to break hair. I did an experiment several years ago, I found a naturally straight hair strand and pulled it. I was curious as to what the difference was between our hair besides the obvious. The naturally straight hair was difficult to break it resisted, stretched then broke. Whereas, my hair snapped on the first pull. I wanted my hair to resist, stretch then break. I finally accomplished that. Even with the Cathy Howse moisiturizers/protein conditioner and Aphogee 2-step protein treatment, although healthier I still did not have hair strands that resisted pulling and continued to see breakage from the ends. I didn't have stronger difficult to break hair until MT! I now have whole strands instead of just the ends. It feels unusal and frightening to see whole strands with the white bulb but that is healthy sheeding not breakage.

Even if I never see more growth I will continue to use it to maintain the strength. I thinks its from using it on the length of my hair. :yep:

My new game when bored in the office (well, not now that I have twists...but last week) was finding hairs and trying really hard to break then. That sounds dorky, but the strength from MT is simply fascinating to me. I looked at the pictures again yesterday and wondered if I was making it up. It seems so odd!

The lady who twisted my hair asked me why I wait so long after relaxing to get my twists. I told her it had only been about 5 weeks, and she said it looks more like 8-9. I know she thought I was lying, so I told her about MT and she is about to order it as well...

Thank you for the kind words. It's such a confidence builder to know I have not lost my mind in this hair journey...

Christi J.
(Ret to git back to the US!!! 8 more months!!!!):clap:
I was taking my sweet time about ordering but I'm going to order today. I just looked at my left temple. omg, it's so much worse! I've been taking biotin, I NEVER wear tight styles, I've been rubbing jojoba mixed with rosemary, lavendar, and cedarwood into my temples every other night and it's totally worse! I even periodically used the shampoo prescribed to me by the derm. I want to cry! :( Getting old sucks! I've actually decided to go with the megatek since it's so much cheaper, even the shipping. Wish my luck.

Hey there. I think your hair is BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL!!! I wish I could go right back to being natural with the blink of an eye. If it's any consolation, I can see no thin areas at your temples from your pics. Mine are really thin as well (hereditary from mom and maternal grandmother), but I found that leaving it completely alone helps the most. No massaging. No rubbing. No tight doos. Nothing outside of washing. Also, the MT is making it grow back in...it's fuzzy where it was starting to thin out uncomfortably so. I hated wearing my hair away from my face.


Don't hesitate buying. If you have not already ordered, go ahead. Just use it on your trouble spots (scalp only) and forget about it until the next wash. I dab the tiniest amt on my temple area 2-3 times a week when I remember. Even with sporadic usage, it is working for me.

I am sorry it's stressing you out and I pray that MT works for you like it has for so many others.

Christi J. - US bound
(Only about 8 more months until I can have a hamburger with chilli, lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese, ketchup, dill relish, and light parmesan cheese!!! Yaaayyyy for Red Robin hamburgers!!!!):woot:
Hey there. I think your hair is BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL!!! I wish I could go right back to being natural with the blink of an eye. If it's any consolation, I can see no thin areas at your temples from your pics. Mine are really thin as well (hereditary from mom and maternal grandmother), but I found that leaving it completely alone helps the most. No massaging. No rubbing. No tight doos. Nothing outside of washing. Also, the MT is making it grow back in...it's fuzzy where it was starting to thin out uncomfortably so. I hated wearing my hair away from my face.


Don't hesitate buying. If you have not already ordered, go ahead. Just use it on your trouble spots (scalp only) and forget about it until the next wash. I dab the tiniest amt on my temple area 2-3 times a week when I remember. Even with sporadic usage, it is working for me.

I am sorry it's stressing you out and I pray that MT works for you like it has for so many others.

Christi J. - US bound
(Only about 8 more months until I can have a hamburger with chilli, lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese, ketchup, dill relish, and light parmesan cheese!!! Yaaayyyy for Red Robin hamburgers!!!!):woot:

Thanks, Christie. I've already ordered and am anxiously waiting. I think I am going to cut out the massages with the oil. Do you rinse out the MT you dab on? Are you doing extra "moisturizing" treatments on your edges I still don't really know what people mean when they say "moisturizing". If they mean actual moisture in the form of water or humectants or if they mean any kind of softening agent.
I'm not into growth aides but after all the rave reviews and especially after seeing that the bottle says it's non-toxic and safe for human use, I broke down and bought some. I've used every other day for a few days so far and all I have to say is forget about growth, this stuff makes the hair feel so strong. Followed up by a good moisturizer, my hair has never felt so good. Of course I'll be keeping an eye on the growth but as for a strengthener this stuff does the job. If it doesn't speed growth, I'll still keep it for monthly protein treatments. Not to mention that the pina colada smell is an added plus!
I guess my hair's having a delayed reaction. This is the first time since I started using MT that I'm seeinf some shedding. I thought it may have been stress related but it's not breaking off. I check each strand and they all have the white bulb on the end.:ohwell: I guess it's time for me to break out the Garlic shampoo.
I've taken a break all week - between camping and work, and not having my hair in twists - meh, I've left it alone. :lol:

I plan on putting twists back in tonight, though, so I'll be MT'ing nightly again.

I'm just so - pleased - with my hair - even though it's still not long enough (I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that it might never be 'long enough' Hi, I'm Kiya, and I'm a hairorexic) it's so thick. THICK. I've always wanted insanely thick hair because my hair condenses SO much - it's wonderful. And STRONG! I love combing my hair, and having NOTHING but these amazingly long shed strands come out - no little short unhappy ends (unless I've done something silly like DC once over 2 weeks :nono: my hair DOES have a limit).

There were a couple of questions about what will happen once/if we stop using MT - I can't speak on my hair, but I HAVE noticed that my nails seem to return to their 'original' state if I stop using MT on them for a while. Of course, I'm not using the MT on them long enough for the nail coming from the bed to have been fully affected, but that might be an indication - we might lose the strong hair once we stop using the MT.


I really need to get a gallon. :lol:
i just ordered mines early today!!! this stuff is for horses :lachen:lol and i'm putting it in my hair:perplexed. how am i suppose to explain this to my husband?:spinning:

also i'm looking to take garlic tabs with this and maybe garlic conditioner if i can find it on this island. which i doubt?:nono:
Hi, Ladies, just checking in. Been teaching a couple of courses, etc., so been extra busy. I see we have a lot of new challengers on board. Welcome all.

I love playing with my hair. It is so soft & I am finally understanding the "DNA" of my hair and learning to love it more and more everyday. It has been 30 years since I wore it out and natural. It was either in braids, weaves, or chemically treated. I had no idea what my natural texture looked or felt like. So it is truly a growing experience both literally & figuratively.

With all the DCing & MT/OCTing (I'm using both now), my hair is strong, moisturized, and soft. Everyday I swear I am going to keep my hands out of my head but I just love to wash & condition it. I make the time no matter what time of day or night - I mean even in the wee hours of the morning. I know this isn't necessarily good because I need to not be manipulating my hair so much.

Anyway, my update: My edges are getting fuller. I think it is faster with the OCT added, but don't quote me on that. It could be just in my head.:lachen: I find I have to look carefully because the new growth is very thick & bushy but still much shorter than the adjacent hairs so sometimes my heart skips a beat because I think there is breakage & then realize that was an empty spot that now has this little thick fuzz ball, cottony, chia pet stubble there. My greatest frustration is that I cannot control the spottiness in how the new growth comes in. Since ALL of my edges were gone, it is like these dots & in parts, zebra looking stripes, are growing in. I am trying not to complain (of course, I am sure that is what I am doing) because there is actually hair and I don't have any more totally empty spots. Just some areas with tiny little cuck-a-bugs (not sure of the spelling on that but it was one of my mom's favorite words for our naps). Also, when I did my big chop, I could not see the back so the bottom half of my hair is much longer than the crown & front. I want to go get it shaped & evened out, but I am afraid my stylist will cut too much off no matter what I say. So I am trying to be patient & no cutting until the edges are in & the crown & front are longer. Boy, that's hard. Every day I look at it & think I'd feel better if I did it & then would regret it. How do you guys cut the back of your hair when you do it yourself? I am thinking of not applying the MT/OCT to the bottom half to give the crown & front a chance to cath up. - Dunno:perplexed

Oh, I am gaining length (& why I don't won't the stylist near it) but it definitely doesn't show with shrinkage. I am just trying to get back to my original focus - which was my edges - and stop obsessing about length. Healthy hair is my goal & I have it. Edges filling in - it is happening.

So to all the ladies with thin/balding areas, try not to look at it so much. You know a watched pot & all that.... You'll look up one day & realize you have hair where there was none.

Can't do braids or twists yet mainly because I cannot figure out how to hide the edges, plus, at my present length, I do not have the patience to try to catch those short little hairs & make plaits.:wallbash: I am hoping with a little more length, I can grab it easier. & thick - OMG, my hair has always been thick - but now. When those edges finally do come all the way in - look out - you guys won't be able to stand me.

N&W you told me in a year I would be amazed. I know that is true & I am holding on to that. Thanks for the encouragement.

Sorry I "talked" your eyes off. That's what happens when a verbose woman such as myself is away from the board for awhile.:lachen:

Thanks for "listening"
i just ordered mines early today!!! this stuff is for horses :lachen:lol and i'm putting it in my hair:perplexed. how am i suppose to explain this to my husband?:spinning:

also i'm looking to take garlic tabs with this and maybe garlic conditioner if i can find it on this island. which i doubt?:nono:

:look: Girl, don't! Get the box, take your MT and dump it into another container. :lol: Always keep em guessin'! :lachen: :lachen:

Rhapsdy, you are speaking SO much truth about edges - I realized this morning, as I was parting my hair, how much my edges have filled out (without me even noticing) because when I made my part - I HAD to actually PART MY TEMPLE! :thud: :weird: :weird: I was just grinning and cheesing at myself in the mirror! I haven't had enough hair to blow on, much less PART there in - ages. AGES.

And, I have to admit, even when I don't MT my scalp, I DO make the effort to dab a bit on my hairline, since I don't have to disturb my hair to do that.
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OK, so you guys broke me down. I ordered 2 bottles of mega-tek today. I am expecting great things but I have one question....how long did 1 bottle last you (I need to know if I can be in this thing for the long term :)
OK, so you guys broke me down. I ordered 2 bottles of mega-tek today. I am expecting great things but I have one question....how long did 1 bottle last you (I need to know if I can be in this thing for the long term :)

One bottle lasted me for almost 6 months, with at least 4 months of consistent use in there. But, I use less than 1/2 teaspoon to do my whole scalp at a time, and I mix it with (a little bit of) oils, too. I think 3 months is about average.
How do you do that? If it has the consistency of conditioner, do you just squirt half a teaspoon on your fingers and massage your scalp.

I'm asking because I was invisioning parting my hair in like 10 sections and applying between each part with would require more than a teaspoon.

How do you do that? If it has the consistency of conditioner, do you just squirt half a teaspoon on your fingers and massage your scalp.

I'm asking because I was invisioning parting my hair in like 10 sections and applying between each part with would require more than a teaspoon.


Heh, actually I never really 'tried' to do it, it's just how much I ended up using.
I think what helps me the most is that my MT is in a tub - so when I use it, I just dab the tip of my finger in, and rub that along my part until it's gone - so I'm using the ABSOLUTE minimum.
My hair is usually parted fro two strand twists, since that's how I normally wear my hair, and I just MT between the parts.

Lemme go and dig up my pics, again. BRB. :lol:


I started out with a level half tablespoon:


And when I was done (and I actually tried to use A LOT - my head was throbbing when I was done, and I haven't felt that throb/rush since I first started using it) I had this much left:


1/2 tablespoon = 1.5 teaspoons, and based on that - I'd guess I used about 1/2 a teaspoon, maybe. And yes, I have a big head. :lol:
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Heh, actually I never really 'tried' to do it, it's just how much I ended up using.
I think what helps me the most is that my MT is in a tub - so when I use it, I just dab the tip of my finger in, and rub that along my part until it's gone - so I'm using the ABSOLUTE minimum.
My hair is usually parted fro two strand twists, since that's how I normally wear my hair, and I just MT between the parts.

Lemme go and dig up my pics, again. BRB. :lol:


I started out with a level half tablespoon:


And when I was done (and I actually tried to use A LOT - my head was throbbing when I was done, and I haven't felt that throb/rush since I first started using it) I had this much left:


1/2 tablespoon = 1.5 teaspoons, and based on that - I'd guess I used about 1/2 a teaspoon, maybe. And yes, I have a big head. :lol:

sweetie I never thought to use a measuring spoon :wallbash: I am going to use that tonight b/c it makes more sense than using the back of my hand.:yep:
:look: Girl, don't! Get the box, take your MT and dump it into another container. :lol: Always keep em guessin'! :lachen: :lachen:

Rhapsdy, you are speaking SO much truth about edges - I realized this morning, as I was parting my hair, how much my edges have filled out (without me even noticing) because when I made my part - I HAD to actually PART MY TEMPLE! :thud: :weird: :weird: I was just grinning and cheesing at myself in the mirror! I haven't had enough hair to blow on, much less PART there in - ages. AGES.

And, I have to admit, even when I don't MT my scalp, I DO make the effort to dab a bit on my hairline, since I don't have to disturb my hair to do that.

lol..great idea!!! i wonder will this feel in my bald nape area? :rolleyes:
Hey does anyone know the effect of using MT/OCT on hennaed hair?

I'm henna'd, and I use it. My only - concern - was that henna acts like protein on my hair, so I've spread out my henna applications to about 3/4 times a year instead of every six weeks like I used to. Otherwise - it's been no biggie overlapping the two. :yep:
Well I guess I'm backwards... I was on OCTfirst... Now I just bought MT... I got a trim.. :/ Saturday...

I cowash about 3 days a week and then bun. When I bun; I also put it in at night. I hope MT doesn't start me to shedding... I'll just have to pay the cash for OCT.
:look: Girl, don't! Get the box, take your MT and dump it into another container. :lol: Always keep em guessin'! :lachen: :lachen:

Rhapsdy, you are speaking SO much truth about edges - I realized this morning, as I was parting my hair, how much my edges have filled out (without me even noticing) because when I made my part - I HAD to actually PART MY TEMPLE! :thud: :weird: :weird: I was just grinning and cheesing at myself in the mirror! I haven't had enough hair to blow on, much less PART there in - ages. AGES.

And, I have to admit, even when I don't MT my scalp, I DO make the effort to dab a bit on my hairline, since I don't have to disturb my hair to do that.

This is definitely what I'm hoping for! I'm new to the boards, I've already become a PJ and jumped on the MT, OCT, WEN, and Hairveda bandwagons:rolleyes:, but if so many of you have seen your edges filling in as a result of using MT, I guess I don't regret it so much. :grin:

How have you been using your MT to get results? Do you apply it daily? To wet or dry hair? Do you mix it with anything? Any advice would be appreciated!
This is definitely what I'm hoping for! I'm new to the boards, I've already become a PJ and jumped on the MT, OCT, WEN, and Hairveda bandwagons:rolleyes:, but if so many of you have seen your edges filling in as a result of using MT, I guess I don't regret it so much. :grin:

How have you been using your MT to get results? Do you apply it daily? To wet or dry hair? Do you mix it with anything? Any advice would be appreciated!

Daily, dry hair, mixed with castor and vit. E oil and SAA and Honeyquat. Once I use up this current tubful, I think I'm going to go to a new mix, though - I definitely think that mixing less is more - so my new mix will just be MT, castor oil and emu oil. :lick: I'm hoping those oils will nicely compliment the growth and thickening properties of MT.
Daily, dry hair, mixed with castor and vit. E oil and SAA and Honeyquat. Once I use up this current tubful, I think I'm going to go to a new mix, though - I definitely think that mixing less is more - so my new mix will just be MT, castor oil and emu oil. :lick: I'm hoping those oils will nicely compliment the growth and thickening properties of MT.

Hmmm sounds like fun lol. I might try mixing mine with my Hairveda Cocasta Oil whenever it gets here. I'm getting a relaxer done on Wednesday so I'm holding off to apply my MT until after that, I get nervous having anything other than moisturizers in my hair before I get a relaxer. :look:

What's SAA?
Hmmm sounds like fun lol. I might try mixing mine with my Hairveda Cocasta Oil whenever it gets here. I'm getting a relaxer done on Wednesday so I'm holding off to apply my MT until after that, I get nervous having anything other than moisturizers in my hair before I get a relaxer. :look:

What's SAA?

SAA = Silk Amino Acids, a moisturizing protein. I know, it sounds loopy, but some proteins act mainly to help your hair hold onto moisture, and SAA is one of them. :lick: It's lovely stuff, I use it all the time. :lol: You can get it pure from lotioncrafter.com, and there are several commercial products (usually stuff with 'silk' in the name) that have a good bit of SAA in it, as well.
Hi All

Well Mega is really working I getting patches of thick hair in the middle of my head, My edges coming in slowly but noticeable. I am still waiting on my ovation I think it should be on the 1sth. Well see you later
I did shampoo/condition and dc today. After which, I applied my megatek. I see growth, yeah. I was hoping that these tree braids would last 7-9 more weeks. I am only on week 2, ya'll pray for me.
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