Hang in there. May I suggest that Cell Therapy and Mega-Tek prefer to work on their own to get the best results. Don't use it in conjunction with the Hairveda Asha Omega for a while to see if you get better results. It could be block the absorption of the Cell Therapy. The product works better when the scalp is fresh and clean. And you may be manipulating your hair more. Are you relaxed or natural?
More importantly, remember that this time of year when the heat is on, our home and work environments are more drying to our hair and skin. Improve your environment at home using a humidifier or steam up your bathroom and sit in it or enjoy a steamy shower. Also drink more water.
I'm sure your hair is growing. It's like a watched pot. It will never "boil" as long as you watch.
You won't see much improvement until at least 3-4 months of consistent use.