OCT/Mega-Tek Challenge October '08

does anyone else wonder if putting on the scalp is better? I am loving these progress pics and I see alot of people only apply to the scalp...hmmm what do u think?
Hey girls....

So I got a few requests via PM to take a peeky at my fotki.

The stunt I pulled over the weekend cost me.:lachen:

Here's the deal...
Unscramble the word below and you'll discover my password for my fotki.


*Hint - this word is Megatek related.
:orders: *Do not post answer here!!!

This password will expire at 12:00AM EST.

As always....you snooze you lose!


bump bump bump

Yall really snoozing tonight. lol


You. Ain't. Right!!!

I go to bed to get some lovin, and here you come again, teasing folks!!! :lachen:

I personally do not experience shedding. Well I didn't with MT...but I also don't manipulate my hair allot. I only comb my hair with a comb about twice a week....when I do comb...I don't have shedding. It is just starting to shed a little...but the seasons are also changing.
Does Oct/MT make your hair oily or wet looking? I am currently in a full sewn in weave and I don't like for my weaves to look oily or stringy. Please advise me in this matter because I am so eager to start this challenge. I am currently APL and I want to be BSL by March 09.
I am also in a full sew in weave. I use MT, put it in an applicator bottle and dilute it with liquid leave in condish so the consistency is not as thick. I think apply it to my scalp in between the braids. Diluting it so it is more watery helps to keep the MT only on my scalp on not on the weave. I also wash once a week. Toward the end of the week, I notice that if I haven't been careful about applying the MT only to the scalp, a little bit of product can get on the weave and weigh it down, but it's nothing that a little diluted shampoo can't fix. I'm getting a huge amount of new growth and will have to take down my install in 6 weeks (versus the usual 8-10 weeks). When I went for a wash last week, my stylist commented, "I've never seen you have this much new growth! What you been doing?!" :grin:

Does Oct/MT make your hair oily or wet looking? I am currently in a full sewn in weave and I don't like for my weaves to look oily or stringy. Please advise me in this matter because I am so eager to start this challenge. I am currently APL and I want to be BSL by March 09.
does anyone else wonder if putting on the scalp is better? I am loving these progress pics and I see alot of people only apply to the scalp...hmmm what do u think?

Hey i've only been applying mt to the scalp in its straight form , been following Shimmies advice.

I've seen progress and because thats the only method i have been using i won't be putting on the length of my hair.

Plus i would probably go through bottles like anything!
relaxed heads, how long are you able to stretch? also when stretching, how do you guys lay down your edges. thats what always pushes me to relax way early because my edges look pretty bad.
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i don't mind going through bottles. I love the way MT makes my hair feel.

Btw your hair looks lovely and so full of shine, just been to your fotki!

I've just noticed the thickness more than anything so until i press it out i will see if there is length.

I'm just worried that even with applying just to the scalp that i'm going through it too quickly.:spinning:
I just gave up the ghost and my MT will be here in 5 days!!!! :yep: I tried not to but.... :grin: I just ordered a 32oz bottle of Almond Mint WEN, I got my MT, and I have my Hairveda oils. I'm good to go! :yep:

:lachen:Why could I just picture your body w/cc in hand hovering over your body :lachen:
The FedEx lady just delivered my bottles of rebuilder and cream rinse 30 minutes ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will start using today. I took pictures of my very first flatiron since the BC yesterday so I will have comparison pictures. I need to go through this to see what's the best way to start out.
Hey girls....

So I got a few requests via PM to take a peeky at my fotki.

The stunt I pulled over the weekend cost me.:lachen:

Here's the deal...
Unscramble the word below and you'll discover my password for my fotki.


*Hint - this word is Megatek related.
:orders: *Do not post answer here!!!

This password will expire at 12:00AM EST.

As always....you snooze you lose!


Obviously I am not suppose to ever see your hair. First I have a 3 hour handicap,:wallbash::wallbash: second I can't always get to the board.:wallbash::wallbash: :wallbash:So....by the time I see the post, your fotki is locked. I will trust that it is gorgeous, lush, & growing & hopefully I'll see it in December.

I will say congratulations, site unseen.:lachen:
I am also in a full sew in weave. I use MT, put it in an applicator bottle and dilute it with liquid leave in condish so the consistency is not as thick. I think apply it to my scalp in between the braids. Diluting it so it is more watery helps to keep the MT only on my scalp on not on the weave. I also wash once a week. Toward the end of the week, I notice that if I haven't been careful about applying the MT only to the scalp, a little bit of product can get on the weave and weigh it down, but it's nothing that a little diluted shampoo can't fix. I'm getting a huge amount of new growth and will have to take down my install in 6 weeks (versus the usual 8-10 weeks). When I went for a wash last week, my stylist commented, "I've never seen you have this much new growth! What you been doing?!" :grin:

Same here, my stylist is a little concerned about this product since I'm growing this fast. She asks over and over..."Are you sure this is causing growth? Is it safe?" I'm like...yep!:yep:
relaxed heads, how long are you able to stretch? also when stretching, how do you guys lay down your edges. thats what always pushes me to relax way early because my edges look pretty bad.

Well, I'm not into stretching, so take with a grain of salt.... :look:

First time I made it to 6 weeks.

This last go around I made it to 8 weeks. I think I'll stick with that. My edges be looking a mess by then, but I don't care. LOL. I always end up gelling them down and tying a scarf over to make it lay down and wear in a bun the last few weeks.
relaxed heads, how long are you able to stretch? also when stretching, how do you guys lay down your edges. thats what always pushes me to relax way early because my edges look pretty bad.

I stretch to at least 11 weeks. It's so funny because since using MT at the 6-7th week, all heck breaks loose in my scalp and I find it such a struggle :lachen:. I just practice less manipulation until I decide to relax!! Tying down your edges or wearing a wig cap before bed really helps to keep the edges flat.
Well, I'm not into stretching, so take with a grain of salt.... :look:

First time I made it to 6 weeks.

This last go around I made it to 8 weeks. I think I'll stick with that. My edges be looking a mess by then, but I don't care. LOL. I always end up gelling them down and tying a scarf over to make it lay down and wear in a bun the last few weeks.
im really ashamed. im not even making it up to 6 weeks. i dont want it to bite me in the a$$ later but i, going to try to do 6 weeks by God's grace. And i will buy a wig cap tomorrow. lol
I am also in a full sew in weave. I use MT, put it in an applicator bottle and dilute it with liquid leave in condish so the consistency is not as thick. I think apply it to my scalp in between the braids. Diluting it so it is more watery helps to keep the MT only on my scalp on not on the weave. I also wash once a week. Toward the end of the week, I notice that if I haven't been careful about applying the MT only to the scalp, a little bit of product can get on the weave and weigh it down, but it's nothing that a little diluted shampoo can't fix. I'm getting a huge amount of new growth and will have to take down my install in 6 weeks (versus the usual 8-10 weeks). When I went for a wash last week, my stylist commented, "I've never seen you have this much new growth! What you been doing?!" :grin:

Thank you so much.
OK...so I am on OCT....and only for a week.
I stretched my hair this morning...just for the hell of it.
I HAVE to be tripping...but it seems like my hair has grown already.
I am not certain...but it seems like it. I am going to take a picture for sure now...I am second guessing myself. If it DID grow...this OCT is a keeper and no joke.
MT never really did much for me...my hair is thick already.
Okay ladies using MT w/sew-ins, I have some questions 4 u. I have a full sew-in w/a net. Every other day I put the MT on my scalp 2 the best of my ability considering the net. B it the protective style, b it the MT, I know my hair is growing b/c it's only been 3 weeks & 2 days & I can lift all of my cornrows straight up. I also moisturize my hair & scalp w/the IC liquid hair & scalp moisturizer every other day.

Anyhoo...I wash my own hair & scalp by lifting each track up & spraying diluted shampoo on my hair & scalp. I do this once a week. I alternate between Nexxus clarifying shampoo & GroAut herbal shampoos. However, I do not go back n & conditioner my own hair. :blush: Other than the trickle down from when I condition the weave, I'm not conditioning my own hair @ all. (Except 4 the perimeter that was left out - I DC it each time I wash.)

My question is: has any1 gone w/o DC-ing their own hair while n a weave? I figure since my hair isn't being manipulated & it is getting some moisture, could I b making a fatal error? Ur advice/comments r greatly appreciated. TIA...
Hi ladies . Im new to this MT thing. I just got my bottle last week. I did conditon with it after I washed last Sunday and it left my hair feeling not so good but my hair has been acting really wierd lately so I wont blame it on the MT.

I plan to apply it to my scalp a few times a week and heres the mix I put together

4 oz Mega tek
2 oz castor oil
1 oz infused grapeseed oil ( moegro recipe)
I shook it up really , really good in an applicator bottle. My son shook it up for me too for like a half hour ( I forgot I had asked him to shake it and didnt tell him to stop lol) so it really well blended.

Does this sound ok?

Do i need to add or take anything away?

Im doing my touch up tonight so i'll post pictures and officially join the challenge after that. I just want to have a clear starting point.