March 2009 - MT/OCT Challenge - The Ending & The Beginning

Oh Gosh... I wish I would have read this thread before I just bought the Megatek and OCT today...Oh well please add me to the challenge would like to see what the hype is all about...
I'm sticking with anything that helps my growth and retention.:yep:

Im gonna stop using MT for a little while because its drying out my hair like crazy, I was applying it directly to my scalp but think I will use it for deep conditioning once every two weeks from now on.

Just had my hair cut, it needed doing because it wasnt in any partcular style. I kept it in place with bobbles and clips etc not so great for my fine hair

I've never tried MT, but with the OCT after I leave it on for at least an hour with a shower cap I apply a deep moisturizing conditoner (AO Camellia Condish), vege glycerin, and a natural oil (castor/jojoba or EVOO) and leave it on for at least another hour and even overnight because I love conditioning my hair. Lastly, I rinse, moisturize and seal with coconut oil. My hair is then soft.
I just got my OCT today and I am so excited.. I used it today... I am trying it for the next 2 months to see if it works.... I want to get BSL by my bday in December.. and MBL by my college graduation in May next year.. I cant wait.. Im so in
Here is my starting pic as of July 09. So excited. I'm just applying the OCT on my scalp daily.


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I'm going to purchase a growth shirt tonight and start tracking...i'll have to hunt somebody down to take the pictures for me. I use MT and OCT, alternating nightly. I leave the treatments on overnight and follow up with a moisturizing DC. i have little to no shedding by doing this (i take garlic pills and a host of other vitamins) and i protective style as much as possible. I know my hair is growing and it's healthier, that i will not deny, but it's not growing at even the average rate (imo) i guess when i get the shirt, i'll start documenting until i'm done with both bottles. if i see nothing significant, then i'll just stop using need in wasting money, and besides, i'm sure that money can go towards other products that i want...
I'm going to purchase a growth shirt tonight and start tracking...i'll have to hunt somebody down to take the pictures for me. I use MT and OCT, alternating nightly. I leave the treatments on overnight and follow up with a moisturizing DC. i have little to no shedding by doing this (i take garlic pills and a host of other vitamins) and i protective style as much as possible. I know my hair is growing and it's healthier, that i will not deny, but it's not growing at even the average rate (imo) i guess when i get the shirt, i'll start documenting until i'm done with both bottles. if i see nothing significant, then i'll just stop using need in wasting money, and besides, i'm sure that money can go towards other products that i want...

You have to remember that neither Megatek or Ovation make your hair grow FASTER per se. What it does is strengthen the hair (new hair & existing strands) to reduce the prossibility of breakage. This allows older hairs to continue to grow and thereby allowing hair to grow longer.

Stick with it. If nothing else, the condition of your hair will improve.

I know. :yep:

I've been using the entire Ovation system for over a year and my hair is has improved a great, great deal. Ovation is a great product and worth every penny.
I have been using mega tek x3 a week for 5 weeks now. As you can tell from the picture I have thin hair in the crown. I have noticed that hair is sprouting in that area and my hair is getting thicker.
Started using Megatek this week. I plan to put it on my scalp every other night, alternating with a moisturizing DC as part of the "DC every other day for the summer" challenge. I'm also going to give some to my mom who has a spot that is thinning. So, we'll see how it goes. I'll take pictures and will post eventually.
I fell off of the MT wagon a while back. I'm not even sure why.:ohwell: I still have almost a full bottle left so I'm going to start using it again. I'm transitioning now so I'm trying to get as much growth as possible before I do my BC. I'm thinking about ordering OCT to see how that works for my hair.
I have been using mega tek x3 a week for 5 weeks now. As you can tell from the picture I have thin hair in the crown. I have noticed that hair is sprouting in that area and my hair is getting thicker.

Castor oil is suppose to be good for hair growth too. I use it straight, mixed with jojoba oil, and sometimes I add it too my creamy conditioners. I know that some ladies here use essentials oils and other natural products too that could be very helpful.:yep:
I too have a natural balding spot in the nape of my hair like all the other women. If you use shea butter, peppermint, and rosemary mixed in that area it will grow in... I'll try to take a picture of it, but it's filled in a lot now so you can barely see it.

I have been using mega tek x3 a week for 5 weeks now. As you can tell from the picture I have thin hair in the crown. I have noticed that hair is sprouting in that area and my hair is getting thicker.
Yesterday I applied MT, deep conditioned with LaClair and EVOO. Thanks for the castor oil tip, I'll add some to my shea butter.
I've started OCT and Mega Tek makes 5 days... I don't have a beginning pic as of yet, but as soon as I get one I'm going to post...I'm neck length...I'll do a progress post in December for my birthday.... I'm anxious already!!!
It's growing and I'm so excited. I can't wait until Friday to show my 1 month photos!!! I am amazed at how fast my hair is growing. WOW I am hoping it's the three days a week MT but it could also be the vitamins. Both combined my hair is growing fast!!!:grin:

Can you share your measurements?
spraying my braids daily with water, aloe vera, megatek and glycerine. loving it!
Checking in. Still using it every other day. Applied directly to scalp on Monday, and will apply again tonight.
Is it just me? but OCT changed my hair texture. Not that i am complaining or anything ( I love it) But it's my new growth seems a different texture than it usually is.
Checking in--almost every other night, applying MT to my scalp. Think I'm going to cancel my relaxer appointment for this Saturday and reschedule a few more weeks out (I'm 16 now)...
If i could last 6 months before i get my next relaxer that would be the best gift ever.. I am currently 7 weeks as of today..And i think i can make it to 4 months.

Good job Paramoni.. as of monday i added Biotin creme to my scalp (since i hate the pill) I alternate between OCT and Biotin creme every night. i am going to order 3 more bottles of OCT to last me the rest of the year
Have a few questions...

Okay I'm still learning about MT and I have a few questions;

1.) I am going to use MT to start with. (Not sure I am ready to use the OCT yet). Is it a leave in or do I eventually have to rinse it out like a conditioner? I've read that people leave it on overnight and then wake up and go about their day. While others have left only left it on for x amount of minutes, wash it out and then deep condition.

2.) Do I need to mix it with some type of oil or some kind? I've noticed that various people have mixed varying oils with the MT and others have just applied the 100% MT to their hair. Is it because it is drying to the hair or is it because it's a 2 for 1 process. ie since you are applying something to the scalp, you might as well apply some oil with the MT?

3.) If they are the same ingredients, why does one product produce thicker hair while the other produces growth?

4.) What does it mean to have protein overload? Is that why some people are shedding hair, because it's supposed to work from the hair follicles up rather than on the hair, which is of course technically, dead once it's sprouted?

Here are my beginning photos for June 2009. I started OCT 6/26/09 and I should receive my MT today.

OMG I used the Alter Ego Garlic conditioner for the first time this morning and it is the BOMB it left my hair so soft and manageable. :yep:

I know this is a funny question. How does it smell? Glad to hear it worked for you. I looked it up and noticed there were a few brands on line. (This forum is starting to dig deep into my wallet!) LOL
I'm alternating between OCT and MT daily and I think I'm gonna give myself at least two months before I make a final assestment. I started in July and I haven't seen as drastic as increase as others but we will see.

I just got my hair conrowed on Monday so that I could keep the scalp exposed and be able to better guage my progress.
Checking in -- Last night, I applied MT to my scalp, then a little jojoba on top and massaged in. Bunning today.

So, I decided to postpone the relaxer and just continue to do things to keep the new growth soft for an undetermined amount of time -- right now I'm thinking 4 more weeks, making it 20...but have a feeling that when I get there, I may say 4 more, making 24. Who knows. In the meantime, I can spend the money I would have spent on getting my relaxer buying new products constructively. Also, I think I like my hair after it's completely dry when I airdry, as opposed to when it's damp, so maybe one day I can start doing night washes only (would be annoying) so by morning it will be the texture I prefer to style.

Bestblackgirl, you just reminded me that I should buy another bottle well before my current one runs out. I'd hate to run out before my new one arrived.

Mum2L, You may have to try out different methods of using the Megatek before you figure out how it works best for you. I highly recommend reading all of the previous MT/OCT threads for suggestions. I put the MT in an applicator bottle with a pointed tip, and part my scalp and apply and massage in. Sometimes, I'll also put some jojoba oil on the scalp as well. I leave it on my scalp until I wash the next time, whenever it is (since I'm in the DC every other day challenge, it's pretty frequently now, but I've gone a week or so).

Also, in regards to shedding, I recommend you read threads specific to that. Shedding is not a bad thing, unless you start to see bald spots. We're supposed to shed some hair daily. Also recommend reading the protein/moisture balance threads re: protein overload. For some people, especially if you're relaxed, protein is your friend.

The Alter Ego Garlic condish smells great. It does not smell like garlic. Hair smells nice and clean afterward. It's one of the conditioners that I use regularly, along with the Alter Ego Cren.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Panamoni for the reply. I was supposed to get my relaxer today but woke up feeling just dreadful. I have a wicked sore throat. So I had to postpone. (Perhaps it's a sign). :spinning: Anyway, I's still waiting for my MT to come in the mail. I really want to try the Alter Ego garlic shampoo and conditioner. Sounds like a great product. My hair is super dry and the moment, too, so I need to extra conditioning. :yep:
Just wanted to check in and say I am still using MT after a 30 day hiatus. LUVZ IT!

I deep condition with MT and on other days I appy to scalp. I do not mix my MT with anything however every now and them I will apply castor oil or almond oil on my scalp after I apply MT. MT absorbs very well into my scalp like the oils. I find that with the oil my hair close to my scalp stays soft and moistuized whereas only applying MT makes it a little dry.
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