OCT/Mega-Tek Challenge October '08

im really ashamed. im not even making it up to 6 weeks. i dont want it to bite me in the a$$ later but i, going to try to do 6 weeks by God's grace. And i will buy a wig cap tomorrow. lol

Girl, how often are you relaxing? And how much growth are you getting? :look: If you have an inch at relaxer-time and aren't overlapping, then I think you're OK. Then again, I'm not the most hair savvy person either, so take that with a grain of salt as well. :look:

I will admit... by the time I got to six weeks - both times - my head was crying out for a relaxer. I caved in the first time, but this last time, I almost had to literally sit on my hands for another two weeks. I REALLY didn't like how it looked when I wore it out without using heat (and I've been trying to cut down) so I was literally rocking a bun/ponytail for two weeks. :nono:

And when I wanted to be cute and go out, I slapped a wig on my head. :look:
I got the megatek itches again :yay:

My head is sore but for me, that is a sign that it is working. My soreness goes away in a couple of days so I am not worried.
Hi Ladies, Happy Friday :grin:!!

Well I've been using OCT and MegaTek for 19 days and so far I love it. The first week I got great growth and the second week no growth and I was about to get upset until I took some pics today. What I have noticed is that my hair is a lot thicker. My twists are starting to get really plump and less of my scalp is showing and I'm really happy about that.

What I'm not so happy about is the front sides of my hair which were almost bald thanks to my years of constant relaxers. I have a spot in the back of my head where I basically had a chemical burn from a relaxer a beautician put in about 3 years ago and my hair has never grown back there, but it's starting to now.

In the first pic, the top row is taken 16 days ago and the bottom row is taken today. The top and bottom left pics are the back of my head. The other two are both sides in the front.


Here's the thickness comparison:

MT user here. I'm not noticing any itching . . .. yet. How long does it normally take for it to occur? I've been MTing at least every other day, leave on overnight, wash away with the a.m. co-wash. It's only been about a week though.

Just trying to stay on top of things.
Hi Ladies, Happy Friday :grin:!!

Well I've been using OCT and MegaTek for 19 days and so far I love it. The first week I got great growth and the second week no growth and I was about to get upset until I took some pics today. What I have noticed is that my hair is a lot thicker. My twists are starting to get really plump and less of my scalp is showing and I'm really happy about that.

What I'm not so happy about is the front sides of my hair which were almost bald thanks to my years of constant relaxers. I have a spot in the back of my head where I basically had a chemical burn from a relaxer a beautician put in about 3 years ago and my hair has never grown back there, but it's starting to now.

In the first pic, the top row is taken 16 days ago and the bottom row is taken today. The top and bottom left pics are the back of my head. The other two are both sides in the front.


Here's the thickness comparison:


Dang girl, grow head girl!
Its almost November.

When is the November Challenge starting? I got my Mega-tek and ready to learn if this is a protein treatment, leave-in or conditioner and what is the best way to use it for maximum growth and thickness.

thank you and back to your regularly schedule program. :grin:
MT user here. I'm not noticing any itching . . .. yet. How long does it normally take for it to occur? I've been MTing at least every other day, leave on overnight, wash away with the a.m. co-wash. It's only been about a week though.

Just trying to stay on top of things.

I don't itch at all, LL. Not everyone does.
MT user here. I'm not noticing any itching . . .. yet. How long does it normally take for it to occur? I've been MTing at least every other day, leave on overnight, wash away with the a.m. co-wash. It's only been about a week though.

Just trying to stay on top of things.

Not everyone itches - so it might not show up at all, for you.

I already have thick hair and i don't really want it to get thicker. Should i stay away from MegaTeck?

MegaTek does seem to give thickness before length, so if you are totally happy with your thickness, I'd suggest going straight for the Ovation....
Has anyone had micro's while megateking??? If so how often are you washing and conditioning your scalp?
I want to get micro's but I'm afraid that I won't condition enough!
Hi Ladies, Happy Friday :grin:!!

Well I've been using OCT and MegaTek for 19 days and so far I love it. The first week I got great growth and the second week no growth and I was about to get upset until I took some pics today. What I have noticed is that my hair is a lot thicker. My twists are starting to get really plump and less of my scalp is showing and I'm really happy about that.

What I'm not so happy about is the front sides of my hair which were almost bald thanks to my years of constant relaxers. I have a spot in the back of my head where I basically had a chemical burn from a relaxer a beautician put in about 3 years ago and my hair has never grown back there, but it's starting to now.

In the first pic, the top row is taken 16 days ago and the bottom row is taken today. The top and bottom left pics are the back of my head. The other two are both sides in the front.


Here's the thickness comparison:


Looking good, lady. I know the feeling. My baldness around the hairline is less & less. For me, the biggest frustration is that I cannot control the spotiness in which my hair is growing in. Let us know if you find that is true also or is yours more even. I'd be curious to know.

Congratulation. You're going to be amazed in a few months.
While reading through all the threads and going to the different web sites I noticed that
Ovations and EQ yss (Mega-Tek) has the same address. fax #. Perhaps this is truly the same product / company selling the same thing with different labels, a name change and more money??? Did any one else notice this as well.

Contact Info for Ovations and Mega Tek:

DC Labs, Inc.
Box 130008
Carlsbad, CA 92013

Tel. (888) 411-DCLABS (3252)
Tel. (760) 597-5936
Fax. (760) 599-0808
Information Requests -
Email: [email protected]

EQ yss (Mega-Tek)
P.O Box 130-008
Carlsbad, CA 92013

Tel. 1(800) 526-7469
Fax. (760) 599-0808
Email: [email protected]

I talked to the EQ yss representative and said when you order Mega Tek order the horse line (BLUE) not the pet line (PINK). They are IDENTICAL products but the horseline is cheaper. Leads me to believe is this the same for OVATIONS?????

Yeah it's been mentioned in one of the other threads. They are the same company. Ovation is a result of the human demand 4 their products - it's not a secret.
Has anyone had micro's while megateking??? If so how often are you washing and conditioning your scalp?
I want to get micro's but I'm afraid that I won't condition enough!
same way i guess.i have micros and i wash e.o.d then apply megatek mixture with one of the many oils in the applicator bottle and oct mixed in too.leave on overnight with hair pulled into a loose pony on top of head.do not pull pony too tight but dont let wet braids hang either!!!they may start coming out from the roots of your real hair!!!!you may need a towel to combat the messy water on the pillow.when you wake up in the morning rinse out and apply regular conditioner.rinse or leave it in.then blow dry the ends.dont want to have dripping braids.put up into pony again .it will airdry throughtout the day.this is what im doing.
ChocolateGirl: I'm doing it now. But, I think I may recommend you to keep in sep bottles and just alternate days for use. The month I mixed in the same bottle, it was fine. The second month, my hair doesn't seem to be growing as much as when I was just using MT. I could be wrong though. I guess I'll see the effect when I take down my weave. Oh, and the hair is itching like crazy where I did not have itchies when I used MT alone. Maybe it's a good thing - I dunno.

I'm sure there are other girls using a mixture in the same bottle who's hair is doing fine.
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Been using MT & Ovation about 3 weeks now...I do see some thickness and length, but not too sure about the length. So I finally took a few pictures of my hair today, so that I can do a comparison @ the end of next month (Dec).


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Child, I didn't know this stuff was for animals. I just purchased from EasyPetStore.com for $31.40. Well, sister said, what the heck I just checked my man, so I might as well get back to my love, Hair. :)

I received my Mega-Tex in the mail today. Thanks for the very detailed instructions. I will keep you posted and btw, please add my name. Towana Thanks... :)
FYI I mix my MegaTek and OCT together. within 30 minutes my scalp is itching like crazy. For some reason it itches like crazy the next morning again and then periodically through the week. I'm 20 wks post relaxer. I'm assuming from what i read on here and other threads that this is both normal and positive. means the hair is growing right?
ChocolateGirl: I'm doing it now. But, I think I may recommend you to keep in sep bottles and just alternate days for use. The month I mixed in the same bottle, it was fine. The second month, my hair doesn't seem to be growing as much as when I was just using MT. I could be wrong though. I guess I'll see the effect when I take down my weave. Oh, and the hair is itching like crazy where I did not have itchies when I used MT alone. Maybe it's a good thing - I dunno.

I'm sure there are other girls using a mixture in the same bottle who's hair is doing fine.

I noticed this too.
I used MT for about a week before I started using OCT, and I didn't get itchies until after I began using OCT. :perplexed
FYI I mix my MegaTek and OCT together. within 30 minutes my scalp is itching like crazy. For some reason it itches like crazy the next morning again and then periodically through the week. I'm 20 wks post relaxer. I'm assuming from what i read on here and other threads that this is both normal and positive. means the hair is growing right?

My scalp has been itching like crazy and I was confused because my scalp is super clean...must be my oct/mt mix...duh for me! :grin: