My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?

wow I just read this today and I am intrigue by your "Ediese's Single in the City: Dating Chronicles". You really should create a blog, or a vlog.
What happened to poor Matt? Lol

lol Good question..I have spoken to Matt, so I don't know. He said that he would get with me last week, but I haven't talked to him.

I do have an update on Nate and Michael though. Michael and I had an impromptu date yesterday.
I had such a wonderful weekend. I don't even know where to begin. I decided to chill on Friday because I was dead tired. I feel like I'm becoming a bit over anxious. I'm honestly worried about adding anyone else to my list because I feel like I'm over extending myself. My sister says that I'm moving too fast, and that I should have told them that I wanted to take it really slow. The only problem with that is that both guys have voiced that they're not into playing games. Michael in particular mentioned that once he likes someone, he's not into that whole "well..I'll have to wait a week to call so I don't come off desperate" game. Nathan, on the other hand, wants to be exclusive like yesterday. He says it's up to me.


After hanging out with my family on Saturday, I decided to do some car shopping. Michael sent me a text while I was at a dealership, and I happened to mention that I was in his neighhorhood. He asked if it was okay for him to stop by, and he did.

After we looked at cars for a bit, by the way it was really nice being there with a man that was trying to take charge because that salesman was giving me the runaround lol, we decided to head to a Tex Mex joint for drinks.

The bartender added an extra shot of patron to my margarita to loosen it up, and she filled his glass with whatever vodka he was drinking. I swear we were both buzzing off of just one drink. :lachen: I'm not sure how this came up, but we started talking about The Rite movie with Anthony Hopkins. He suggested that we go to see it since there was a theatre close by. Luckily for us, the movie was starting in 30 minutes.

I rode with him to the movies, and couldn't help notice just how sexy he is...I swear I've never dated a guy prettier than me. lol That's really...different. :lol: When we got there, he was so attentive and affectionate, holding my hands as we walked around. Throughout the movie, he was holding my hand or I'd rest my head on his shoulder, and he'd lay his head on mine. It was the sweetest thing. :-)

Overall, I think we had another great date. He took me back to my car, and we hugged good bye. He asked me for permission to kiss me good night, and I happily obliged. :look: No tongue was involved, but it was a bit passionate. I got in my car to leave. He came to my door, and said he wanted to steal another kiss good bye. :-)
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OH MY GOD!!! I'm with Michael right now. My phone called Nathan!!!!!! Ugh!!! He didn't even hang up. I just realized what happened. I have no idea what to do. We were suppose to meet after I leave, but I don't know if I should call and explain.
OH MY GOD!!! I'm with Michael right now. My phone called Nathan!!!!!! Ugh!!! He didn't even hang up. I just realized what happened. I have no idea what to do. We were suppose to meet after I leave, but I don't know if I should call and explain.

OMG!!! How much did Nate hear??? OMG!!
OH MY GOD!!! I'm with Michael right now. My phone called Nathan!!!!!! Ugh!!! He didn't even hang up. I just realized what happened. I have no idea what to do. We were suppose to meet after I leave, but I don't know if I should call and explain.

I wouldn't worry about it. You are not committed to any of them yet. You don't have to explain yourself and don't bring it up. Meet with him as planned and see what and how he reacts to whatever he heard. That will give you insight into his temperament (jealousy, possesiveness etc). You are not married and you are in your dating prime. He can't expect you to sit at home twiddling your thumbs.
Ooo you got 2 awesome prospects here!!

Don't borrow trouble about Nathan hearing part of a convo...he can just step his game up little more if necessary.
I'm having a hard time detaching and thinking of this in terms of someone thats not committed to eithe man. They both know that I'm seeing other people because we're not committed. I'm not going to bring it up, so we'll see if he says anything.

I'm on my way home now, and he's coming by to do something for me. I'll let y'all know how it goes. Btw..had an awesome time with Michael. Will post about it tomorrow.
This thread is great! I am rooting for YOU E! The only advice I can give you is that we really don't know people right away. This study I read stated that it takes people 2-3 years to truly know someone. The first year is usually a "honeymoon" phase where everything seems pretty perfect. So take your time to ensure you make the right decision.

Its pretty weird that Nate seems keeps coming in second. I wonder why that is? Is he too busy?

All in all they both seem like great guys but all guys seem great in the beginning. I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer. But please just ask God for guidance and be sure to listen to God only because he's the only one that truly knows who is best for you.

Good luck and keep the updates coming!
I enjoyed reading what happened on your dates Seem like i'm reading a Hope all is well hun :)
Just found this thread and I may give net dating another shot this year, after reading the whole thing. Good luck on dating the multiples, I know I couldn't do it for reasons you mentioned i.e mixing ppl up and having to make that choice if you meet two good guys. Tough.
I wonder why she stopped updating? I hope the guy listening to her on the date with another didn't go crazy or something...

She needs to update and say what is going on.... even if she choses to not continue the thread.
Just found this thread and I may give net dating another shot this year, after reading the whole thing. Good luck on dating the multiples, I know I couldn't do it for reasons you mentioned i.e mixing ppl up and having to make that choice if you meet two good guys. Tough.

ThickHair met her now fiance online. You can read about it here. This was the inspiration for Ediese's thread.