My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?

Yep, I did entertain a few guys last summer that didn't do it for me, but both ended up pulling disappearing acts. And both resurfaced about two weeks apart this month. :rolleyes:

As far as changing locations, that's definitely something I know I need to work on. I was going to the same 2 spots, which were frequented by people with an average age of about 50, 55. It finally occurred to me that I wasn't getting anywhere going to the same places and seeing the same people. But I actually haven't been going out much at all, between finally trying to lose this weight and the fact that we're having a BRUTAL winter here. :nono:

Men are out there, gotta find them :lol: Do you go to the gym? Have you gotten online to cast a wider net?
Good news!! Hughes is definitely out of the picture, and I finally responded back to all of the guys that I think I might want to at least meet in person, so my current list has increased to 15 guys in total -- this number excludes Dante and Hughes.

I'm not sure how I'll keep up with this stuff. lol I had to create a spreadsheet, last night. I'll post it on here when I'm finished with it. For now, I just listed their names, and I'm going to add a brief bio of each guy. I think this will make it easier for me to rank them, and delete the ones that I'm definitely not interested in.


I've told Hughes in the past that I go to bed by 10p, but he's been insisting on calling me close to 12a. Even though I've been awake each time, I refused to answer the phone, but that sure did irritate me. So, he called last night and I was trying to think of a way to tell him that I wasn't interested in him. (Ya'll I've NEVER had this conversation with a guy. I usually just avoid them.)

Hughes: What's up for later this week?
Me: (thinking oh heck he's gonna ask me out again!) I'm going out of town..on a little road trip.
Hughes: Where are you going?
Me: (oh hayle no..this fool aint trying to get up in my business. lol I think a few seconds passed by)
Hughes: Oh don't have to answer if you dont want. It's just a natural question to ask when someone says they're going out of town.
Me: (I know this was a little mean, BUT I was tired of him -- got on my nerves with some mean remarks earlier) Well...hmm...I guess it could be looked at like that, but I think if I wanted to say where I was statement would have been -- I'm going to Insert Place for the weekend. :ohwell::lachen:
Hughes: You know what..I'm going to let you go.

lol So, that's about it. I don't think he'll call again, and I sure as heck will not be calling him! On to the next..


I spoke to Nathan last night, and he said that he's trying to plan these different dates for us, so it's not the boring mundane dinner and a movie each time. He asked me out to dinner tonight because according to him, "it's been a couple days since I've seen you, and I need to get my fix". lol We're suppose to be going to the House of Blues tonight. I'll report back, and let you guys know how that works.

Michael -- new guy

Michael is one of the new ones that I emailed last night. We emailed back on forth on Match for a bit until he asked how long until I'd feel comfortable talking on the phone. I gave him my number because I was honestly tired of typing. lol

He called last night, and we had a pretty good conversation. He works at the organization that I've been applying to for the past couple months, and is in the same position that I'm trying to get. lol He sounds like a really cool guy, and he's really attractive too. We actually have a date set up tomorrow evening for dinner.

About half of the new guys that I emailed last night have already responded asking when I'd like to go to dinner, so I need to work on my schedule probably sometime today. I'll let you guys know how dinner with Nate goes. :-)
Good news!! Hughes is definitely out of the picture, and I finally responded back to all of the guys that I think I might want to at least meet in person, so my current list has increased to 15 guys in total -- this number excludes Dante and Hughes.

I'm not sure how I'll keep up with this stuff. lol I had to create a spreadsheet, last night. I'll post it on here when I'm finished with it. For now, I just listed their names, and I'm going to add a brief bio of each guy. I think this will make it easier for me to rank them, and delete the ones that I'm definitely not interested in.


I've told Hughes in the past that I go to bed by 10p, but he's been insisting on calling me close to 12a. Even though I've been awake each time, I refused to answer the phone, but that sure did irritate me. So, he called last night and I was trying to think of a way to tell him that I wasn't interested in him. (Ya'll I've NEVER had this conversation with a guy. I usually just avoid them.)

Hughes: What's up for later this week?
Me: (thinking oh heck he's gonna ask me out again!) I'm going out of town..on a little road trip.
Hughes: Where are you going?
Me: (oh hayle no..this fool aint trying to get up in my business. lol I think a few seconds passed by)
Hughes: Oh don't have to answer if you dont want. It's just a natural question to ask when someone says they're going out of town.
Me: (I know this was a little mean, BUT I was tired of him -- got on my nerves with some mean remarks earlier) Well...hmm...I guess it could be looked at like that, but I think if I wanted to say where I was statement would have been -- I'm going to Insert Place for the weekend. :ohwell::lachen:
Hughes: You know what..I'm going to let you go.

lol So, that's about it. I don't think he'll call again, and I sure as heck will not be calling him! On to the next..


I spoke to Nathan last night, and he said that he's trying to plan these different dates for us, so it's not the boring mundane dinner and a movie each time. He asked me out to dinner tonight because according to him, "it's been a couple days since I've seen you, and I need to get my fix". lol We're suppose to be going to the House of Blues tonight. I'll report back, and let you guys know how that works.

Michael -- new guy

Michael is one of the new ones that I emailed last night. We emailed back on forth on Match for a bit until he asked how long until I'd feel comfortable talking on the phone. I gave him my number because I was honestly tired of typing. lol

He called last night, and we had a pretty good conversation. He works at the organization that I've been applying to for the past couple months, and is in the same position that I'm trying to get. lol He sounds like a really cool guy, and he's really attractive too. We actually have a date set up tomorrow evening for dinner.

About half of the new guys that I emailed last night have already responded asking when I'd like to go to dinner, so I need to work on my schedule probably sometime today. I'll let you guys know how dinner with Nate goes. :-)

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: spreadsheet??....great idea! Gonna have to keep this one in mind when I get back out into the dating scene
Wow! I wish I was that fortunate with online dating. I've stopped doing it a while ago.

I'm right behind you. I don't know, I've been doing on and off for awhile now and I feel like this time around the pool is way less impressive and the number of kids these guys have has gone up. Way too many with 3+.
The guy calling at midnight gave you an easy out. I don't like inconsiderate guys.

Sent from my HTC Evo using the awesome LHCF Android app!
The guy calling at midnight gave you an easy out. I don't like inconsiderate guys.

Sent from my HTC Evo using the awesome LHCF Android app!

Exactly! Especially after I told him that I go to bed at a certain time, and he didn't seem to care. He hasn't called after that night, and I definitely won't call him. I'm happy. That was pretty easy!

Last night was absolutely AMAZING!!! I think I'm already falling for this guy! :blush: It's interesting how he was under my nose all this time, and I wasn't even interested in him like that. See what happens when you close the opportunity on something that could potentially be good when you're focusing on the guy that's not so good..hmm....:perplexed

Anyway, I met Nate downtown yesterday so that we could go to dinner. He said he had something for me, and reached in his car and pulled out this gorgeous bouquet of flowers. He said, 'there's more where that came from. It's not a one time thing'. :-) According to him, he 'made it'. lol He said he chose the flowers, and had the lady arrange it, so it would be special.

Throughout the night, we had really nice conversation, and I felt something in me changing. I can't really put my finger on it though. One thing that I wanted to mention from our convo is when he said that he's always 'dated for marriage'. I was soooo suprised when I heard that because I've never mentioned that phrase to him. It's definitely nice to know that we're on the same page.

This morning my sister asked me what was wrong with him. I had to think really long and hard, but I couldn't come up with anything. I'm hoping that whatever it's not something major that I can't live with because he's looking really good so far. :-) By the way, we did kiss good night, and it was soooo passionate. I couldn't stop thinking about it on my drive home. lol We're set for another date this weekend, so I can't wait to see him.

I'm about to leave work now to meet Michael. I'll let you guys know how that goes.
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I missed the resume on Nate. Can someone direct me? I searched this thread. The date sounds great with wonderful chemistry and attentiveness by the guy.
Around the time that I met Nate, I had started a blog because I was interested in writing about my dating life. It's funny looking back, and reading the stuff that I posted back then. Anyway, I found these two posts about Nate to provide a little background.

Name: Nate
Age: 32
Race: Black
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 220
Education: Bachelors in Visual Arts Media
Kids: None
Religion: Non-denomination
Occupation: Owns a small web design firm.

I came across his profile on Match, and thought he was cute. I guess he sent me an email after he saw that I viewed his profile. After I responded to his email, he replied letting me know that it was his last day of his subscription. He gave me his phone number, and email address. To those of you that don't know, if someone sends you an email on Match, Match will automatically convert their email address to the Match address. i.e. If his email was [email protected]. Match automatically changes it to [email protected]. They say the reason behind it is for security reasons...yeah right.

Anyway, I couldn't email him on Match because he no longer had permission to check it. I didn't want to call him that soon. With online dating, I usually prefer to email/IM a little bit before I speak to my suitors. Anyway, I decided to slydial him instead. This way I could leave him a message without speaking to him. I was planning to let him know what happened. Unfortunately, that didn't work out. Slydial said that my call couldn't go through. However, it must have because he called me right back. We ended up talking for about 4 hours. This went on for about 2 weeks before we met. We had really great conversations, and he sounded really excited to meet me. I told him that I wasn't interested in getting in a committed relationship with anyone right away (remember I was thinking about ending things with my ex, but we were still sorta together).

2nd posting

About Our 1st Date

I was so nervous on my drive over to Starbucks. I don't know why I always get so anxious. I had on a really cute black blouse, and cream slacks that I wore to work. I decided to switch it up for the date. I pushed the blouse off my shoulders, and changed into jeans in the parking lot at my job. :-) I freshened up my makeup, took out my studs and put on these really cute black hoop earrings with rhinestones that I got from Express. Thank goodness my hair was pulled back into a sleek bun, so I didn't have to mess with it. I'm usually always late for things, but I showed up exactly at 7p.

I was on the phone with my sister when I pulled up. I saw his car in the parking lot, so I knew he was waiting on me. I was able to peep him through the glass, and I wasn't repelled by what I saw. lol He wasn't as tall or 'big' as I'm attracted to, but I thought he could have other great things going for him. I stayed in my car for a few minutes, and noticed him come sit outside waiting patiently for me to arrive. I took one last look at myself, and got out to meet him. We shared a quick hug, and headed into Starbucks. I think the date went really well. We stayed there for about 2.5 hours. I remembered that I had to meet my soon to be ex for dinner, so I made up an excuse to leave. It was so sweet because he wanted us to hang out some more. :-)

We've still kept in touch. It's kinda crazy because it seems like he likes me way more than I do him. I think he's a great guy, but I'm still a little hesitant...I hadn't heard from him in a few days, but he sent this message on Saturday.

Upset? Um, no! Are u kidding? I like u more than u know, just that I am ready 2 move forward, but otherwise I'm crazy about you!

Isn't that so sweet??? There will be another date.

I'm so confused now. Yesterday I had a date with Michael at the Black Walnut, this quaint little cafe in the Village. I sent him a text to let him know that I was running a little behind because I totally lost track of time. I called him when I got there and he said that he was listening to the radio, and would be right out.

So, I was standing by the door trying my hardest not to look too excited or anxious. Tough job by the way. Walking up to me was one of the FINEST men I've EVER seen. When I say fine, I mean FINE. He was seriously like GQ fine. :blush::grin: I'm talking like model fine, and he was wearing this really nice tailored suit. Mmm...mmm...mmmm :lick:

We gave each other a brief hug, and I could feel a little bit of what was hiding under that jacket. He felt really fit. When he got inside, we both ordered the same thing -- lol messy burgers. I was sure he was a health nut based on a prior convo, so I was pleased to see that he believes in balance. He made me feel so bad before for eating some chicken at Timmy Chans. :lachen:

I had a really good time. I swear we were both laughing, and sharing the entire night. He has such a cute smile. :-) It's funny that after he mentioned that he loves my smile, I got so self conscious. lol You couldn't mistake the chemistry either. :look: It was definitely there! The date started at about 515, and ended at 1030p. We didn't even realize that it had gotten that late. That says a lot right there. He asked me to go on another date, and I'm definitely interested. lol It's so funny, but as I write this I notice that he just sent me a couple sweet.


On the way home from my date, I noticed that Nathan had sent me a text message just saying that he was thinking about me. I decided to call him, and we spoke for a couple hours. I was dog tired by the time I got off the phone. I can tell that he's really interested. He's already made a remark about us becoming exclusive, but I told him that I wanted to take things slow. We'll see..

Now that Valentines Day is coming up I'm not quite sure how to handle that. Who gets the date? What excuse can I possibly come up with?
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Don't be confused yet. It's great that you two had a good time and the chemistry was there, but it's still early in the game.

I think whoever puts their bid in first should, as long it's one of the guys you do want to go out with.

As for an excuse, here's the great thing about dating- you don't need one. You don't owe anyone anything, say sorry, you already have plans and leave it at that.
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Sounds like you're having a blast on these dates! I look forward to the updates :yep:. Could you give some quick stats on Michael if you don't mind sharing?
This is getting exciting! I'm still team Nate ... but let's see what Michael brings to the table next. Go, Ediese. :)
Sounds like you're having a blast on these dates! I look forward to the updates :yep:. Could you give some quick stats on Michael if you don't mind sharing?

Sure! :-)


32-year-old man
Relationships:Never Married Have kids:No Want kids:Someday Ethnicity:
  • Black / African descent
  • Other
Body type:Athletic and toned Height:6'1" (185cms) Religion:Christian / Other Smoke:No Way Drink:Social Drinker
He works as a PM in IT at one of the hospitals in the med center. His bachelors is in computer science I believe.
Thanks for the stats, it sounds like your city has an abundance of eligable bachelors and I need to move there :lol:. I'm glad you're getting all these dates :).
this is fun! i'm rooting for mike and nate, maybe mike first. that description of him looking like a model got me. he sounds delicious!

i might try online dating if i don't meet someone at grad school
So far Team Michael.
I think Nate is coming on a little too strong. It's great that he's excited about you but when someone puts so much out on the table, it makes me cautious. That's just me though.

Great thread and hope you find the one. 2011 is your year Ediese.