My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?

Sorry ladies! I'm telling yall I had a book written out, and I lost all of it!! I had to turn off my computer before I ripped my hair out. lol I'll try to type it out again tonight.
Write it out in WORD, save, then copy.

Keeping copying as you type. Every paragragh or so copy the whole thing. Then at at least you won't have to retype, or type in Word first, then copy & paste. Shoot we don't have time for this! Thickhair's thread started out almost exactly like yours and the ending was fantastic. We all want to see lightening strike twice :yep:.
Tear, sniff, sniff.
I wasn't really going to update this after reading about what happened to Bunny. I guess it'll be okay though, but I don't think I'm going to provide too much detail as I planned before.

The first date with Hughes did go well. We met at the theater and after taking down his information and texting it to my sister lol, he drove us to a spot to have dinner. It was really nice. Conversation seemed to flow easily, and I really loved his sense of humor.

After dinner, we went to a sports bar because he wanted to play me in ice hockey. lol I'm really competitive, so he wanted to shut me up. (I had been talking noise to him for days) He won the first game, but I gave him a run for his money on the second one. It was so funny because he was sweating like crazy, and talked about his arm hurting him for days later. Anyway, after we left there, we stopped over at this lounge for drinks. That was nice too.

The night ended with him taking me back to my car, and me giving him a hug good night. He called the next day asking to see me again the next weekend. He seems to be calling every night, and sometimes I answer and other times I don't. lol

The next date we had we went to a comedy club, and that was A LOT of fun. It was especially funny because he said he was really hungry, so he ordered the fish. When he got it, it was a tiny piece of fish and a dollop of mash potatoes. I had a 1/2 angus burger, and trust was delicious and I ate every bite. He was a little sour because he was still hungry throughout the show. lol

The headliner was pretty wack, so he wanted to leave early. I told him that we should give it a little more time, so we did. It didn't get better though. lol After the comedy club, we went to a little cafe and had some beignets. It was my first time trying it, and I quite enjoyed it.

Again, I had a pretty good time. He took me back to my car and it was cold, and raining a bit. I tried to hug him, and get in the car but he didn't want me to leave. I told him that I was tired and sleepy, and really needed to get home. Then he started talking about 'well, we could sit in my car and talk.' Ugh! He got in my passenger seat, and we talked from about 10p to 2a. lol He said if I give him a kiss then he'll have enough energy to drive home safely.

Honestly, I wasn't in the mood and I'm not really that attracted to him. :-( I did give him a quick peck on the lips so that I could leave, but it made my skin crawl. lol He wanted to stay on the phone with me until I got home, so he sang all the way home. When I finally got home and got in bed, he was driving around trying to find something to eat. lol I had to hang up because I was too tired to stay on the phone with him, and his singing started driving me crazy.

He's been calling me, and seems to be really interested. I didn't see him this weekend because I went out with someone else. He sent me a text this morning saying he was thinking about seeing me again since he enjoyed it so much before. I don't know. I think I need to let him know that I'm not attracted to him like that. I don't want to waste his time.
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^^ Awwww man...I was pulling for Hughes. I agree, go ahead and let him know you're not interested.

Also I do the exact same thing, if I get into a guy's car..I'm texting his license plate, full name, height, weight, DOB...everything!! LOL
Aww, that's too bad. It sucks when you meet a guy that's really nice and into you but you're just not feeling him like that.
wow. Hughes sounds like a stalker. you were really patient to talk to him from 10 until 2 am in the car.

best of luck with the next guy!
Ok. I haven't really been doing such a good job at juggling these guys. It's a little harder than I thought. Sometimes I find myself not remembering who I told what to..or just forgetting to call them back. lmbo


I had a date with Matt, and sort of stood him up. I felt really bad about it too. I was just going through some things, and not in the mood to be bothered with anyone. He sent me a text a few days ago. After I apologized, he said that he would give me another chance so we're suppose to be going out soon. We'll see.


He's scratched off my list. lol I found out that he's only 26. He just turned 26 as a matter of fact, AND he acts just like it! He's an idiot. We went back and forth for about 5 minutes with him refusing to tell me his age. We had a date set up before he told me, and I didn't mind keeping it until his age started showing.


We've been playing phone tag. I'm suppose to call him back, but I haven't really had time. :-(

Nate **

Crazy story here. I met Nate on back in 09. We met at a time when I was still going back and forth with my ex. I thought he was cute, and he seemed really nice. After meeting him for the first time, I actually met my ex that night and we broke up once again. Nate and I went on one other date, and that was about it. I remember him bringing me a gift bag with some of my favorite things, and a card that said something like, 'Thanks for seeing me. I can't wait to spend more time with you' or something like that. I saved it because I thought it was so cute.

We stayed in contact for a bit, but lost touch after I went back to my ex. The crazy thing is that back in November when I was leaving my sister's bday party, I saw him. How much of a coincidence is that? It was almost a year since I had seen him, and there he was standing just a few feet away. We looked at each other for what seemed like a long time, but I wasn't sure if he remembered me.

Fast forward to two months later. He sent me a text last week, and we textd back and forth for a bit until he called me. We planned a date for that night, but I decided to reschedule until the next day. Unfortunately, I couldn't go the next day because I felt absolutely horrible, like I was coming down with the flu or something.

This is where I give him 10 points. He said that he would love to come by and bring me soup and medicine. This is the kicker. He works two full time jobs. He has to commute for 2 hours to get to his day job, and then he drives 2 hours to the night job. He doesn't get off until 3a. (I can definitely appreciate a hard working man) Even with all of that, he had the other manager cover for him so that he could come by. He even boiled the water and gave me the theraflu. :-) By the way...when he walked in, I couldn't stop thinking that he was looking pretty fine, and his cologne had me feeling frisky even though I was sick like a dog. lol

I told my sister the next day that I'd need to see him during the day when I wasn't sick to be sure that what I felt was real. Also, when she asked why I didn't give him a chance back then, I didn't even remember. It just really came to me the other day. I wasn't ready. I was still in love with my ex, and not ready or willing to open myself up to anyone. A friend of mine told me that we probably weren't at the same place at the same time. I agree. It seems that we are now though.

We've been chatting daily. We actually spent all day yesterday together. He finished work at 3a, and still made it to my place for us to go to church at 845a. From there, we went over to Le Peep for breakfast, and on to the movies to see Black Swan. Great movie btw.

After we left the theater, we went back to my place and played the Wii for a few hours. Fun times. I was actually a little sad when he left. lol We kissed goodbye and it felt really good. I'm actually surprised. I guess I'm really getting over my ex. I didn't think I would live to see that day. I'm looking forward to see what happens with Nate. I'm going to take it slow, and still keep my options open.
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I just added a couple more pics to my match profile, and was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of emails I received. lol It seems like there may be some fresh meat to add although I can't even keep with these guys. I'll come back with the bios of the new guys.
*High five*

I burst out laughing at the fact of Hughes singing to you while you drove home, too funny!

Sounds like something may be going on with Nate! Yet and still, I love the fact that you're not fixating on one man, love love love it!

Keep us posted!
Thanks you guys!

I feel a little bad, and I'm not quite sure how to let down Hughes. He's a really cool guy. I sold my car a couple weeks ago, and haven't been able to find one I like yet. I had to give my sister back her loaner car, and he actually offered to take me to and from work until I found a car. He doesn't even live near me. Uggh! The attraction just isn't there.
So far, I'm team Nate. Something to be said for a guy who works 2 FT jobs with a hella commute and STILL finds a way to take care of you even though you're not in a relationship.

But, I'm with deediamante....keep your options open. But Team Nate!
Thanks you guys!

I feel a little bad, and I'm not quite sure how to let down Hughes. He's a really cool guy. I sold my car a couple weeks ago, and haven't been able to find one I like yet. I had to give my sister back her loaner car, and he actually offered to take me to and from work until I found a car. He doesn't even live near me. Uggh! The attraction just isn't there.

Don't let this go any further. Keep phone calls light, no more dates and no favors. It sounds like he is falling, and you don't want him to get in too deep and really not be able to shake him.

In some way, mention to him that he is in the "friend zone". It sounds like you would be okay with keeping him as a friend and nothing more. He may go for that or not, but at least the ball would be in his court. HTH.
Good luck! I really like the Multiple men dating thing. I keep telling people to try this but so far no one does. I hope it works out for you.
Good luck! I really like the Multiple men dating thing. I keep telling people to try this but so far no one does. I hope it works out for you.

I agree! But it's hard for me to get multiple mens's. I mean, that are date-able.

Girl, you beat me to it! If I could find more that one dateable guy at a time, I definitely would! Hell, it's hard enough just finding the first one! :look:
I just added a couple more pics to my match profile, and was a bit overwhelmed by the amount of emails I received. lol It seems like there may be some fresh meat to add although I can't even keep with these guys. I'll come back with the bios of the new guys.
Cuz you are gorgeous girly.

Good luck. I am going to give you the "side eye" about letting ole boy come over to your place for some "healing", but it seems like he stayed in bounds. ;)
Cuz you are gorgeous girly.

Good luck. I am going to give you the "side eye" about letting ole boy come over to your place for some "healing", but it seems like he stayed in bounds. ;)

Thank you! :-)

You're so right about that. Even when we briefly dated before he had never visited. I think I went along with it because I was so sick, and I really wanted to see him. I don't know..I guess I felt that I 'knew' him, so it'd be safe. You're right though. :yep:
Thanks you guys!

I feel a little bad, and I'm not quite sure how to let down Hughes. He's a really cool guy. I sold my car a couple weeks ago, and haven't been able to find one I like yet. I had to give my sister back her loaner car, and he actually offered to take me to and from work until I found a car. He doesn't even live near me. Uggh! The attraction just isn't there.
Let this fellow go. You might be the one for him, but he's not the one for you. I was in this exact situation until just a few days ago when I broke up with the guy. He treated me excellently, wanted to see and talk to me all the time, but the attraction just wasn't there. We deserve men who make us feel the way we make them feel. You deserve that fuzzy feeling of excitement, not annoyance that the fellow is calling yet again (which is what I felt with the guy I just broke things off with). :yep:
Girl, you beat me to it! If I could find more that one dateable guy at a time, I definitely would! Hell, it's hard enough just finding the first one! :look:

Are you kinda just being open, casual? Trying anything? Changing your locations? Even if it's some guy that's totally not your "type" just hang out with?
Are you kinda just being open, casual? Trying anything? Changing your locations? Even if it's some guy that's totally not your "type" just hang out with?

Yep, I did entertain a few guys last summer that didn't do it for me, but both ended up pulling disappearing acts. And both resurfaced about two weeks apart this month. :rolleyes:

As far as changing locations, that's definitely something I know I need to work on. I was going to the same 2 spots, which were frequented by people with an average age of about 50, 55. It finally occurred to me that I wasn't getting anywhere going to the same places and seeing the same people. But I actually haven't been going out much at all, between finally trying to lose this weight and the fact that we're having a BRUTAL winter here. :nono: