My Dating Quest in 2011. Is He the One?

What is creepy is that she just stopped updating right after she ran into a lil' snafu w/ one guy listening to her on a date with another guy. I wish she would just post to say all is well.
I'm hoping she's ok... it may be something as simple as maybe her subscription ran out and she's not had the time to renew. Mine did a couple of days back.
I do hope she is OK. It is very suspect how she stopped posting when the accidental phone call happened. Maybe she just decided that she no longer wants to update her thread....
Hi Ladies!

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a bit. I've been super busy at work, and with some personal things that's happening in my life now (not to mention a crazy gf of an ex of mine that I had to get a harassment order on).

Everything has been going great dating-wise though. I'll try to update you all in a little bit.
Let me see if I can take you guys back to the night of the erroneous phone call. lol


That night, I had planned to meet Michael over at his place. He said he wanted to cook something special for me, so I was down with it. I spoke to Nathan on my way over to Michaels, and told him that I was going to be working late, but could meet him at my place at 930. (He was suppose to pack up this huge cocktail table that I needed to return, and put it in my car for me since it was too heavy)

I got to Michaels, and was sitting on the couch waiting for him to finish cooking. All this time, we're talking and laughing, just having a really nice time. It was probably about 30-45 minutes into the date that I happened to look down at my phone, and notice that Nathan was on the line. I think my heart skipped a beat. I immediately hung up the phone, and kept trying to replay the different things that was said since I got there. lol

After eating a lovely meal, we sat on the couch and talked a bit. Michael is really big into dancing bachata, salsa, hip hop, etc. He gave me an impromptu lesson, and we danced from about 8 to 9. lol I hadn't had that much fun in a long time. It was crazy because I'm usually a bit shy, but all my inhibitions went away. Our movements felt as if we were one, so fluid and sensual. lol I could feel him getting excited, and me a little excited too.

I looked at the clock and couldn't believe that an hour had already gone by. I told him that I had to go, but he pleaded with me for another dance, and then another. I didn't end up leaving there until 930. :blush: We kissed good night, and I definitely felt something stirring inside me. As soon as I got in my car, I couldn't help thinking about the situation with Nathan, and wondering how I was going to handle it.
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Welcome back, Ediese! Sorry to hear about the excess work, personal life issues and the crazy chick you had to handle (that's not fun). But at least your dating life is still going great. Looking forward to the updates! :grin:
Welcome back Ediese. Thanks for updating even though you did not have to.

You need to get a non butt/purse dialing phone. What kind of phone do you have?
Ediese!! You should SO write a book! You'd make a killing! You always leave me on the edge of my seat. lol

Thanks! I've always wanted to write one, but I could never sit still long enough. lol This might help me though.

Welcome back Ediese. Thanks for updating even though you did not have to.

You need to get a non butt/purse dialing phone. What kind of phone do you have?

Thanks! I have an iphone, and it does have a lock so I'm not sure how that happened. I changed the timing for the lock though, so this should never happen again. Talk about awkward. :lachen:

Thanks again for showing so much concern ladies, especially to those of you that sent me message. I really appreciate it! :-)
Iphones are the worst ...When you were explaining it, I was like, that sounds like an Iphone. That has happened to me so many times.
so glad you are doing well....had us all worried!! thanks so much for the updates and hope work/personal issues get better!
New Bios

Luke – 32, white male, no kids, never married, degree in Finance. Works as a VP at JP Morgan. He’s 6’1, has gorgeous eyes, a very cute country accent lol, very athletic built, loves his family to death. Was raised on a cattle ranch in Texas. Lol Reminds me very much of Ivan Drago in Rocky.

Dee – 32, Nigerian, no kids, never married. Beginning last year of his residency program. He’s about 5’10/5’11, medium built, very well dressed. He’s hoping he’ll be chosen as the chief resident. Lived in Atlanta prior to moving to Texas. Has two sisters in Atlanta, one is a cardiologist and the other is in nursing school. His parents are back home in Nigeria.
New Bios

Luke – 32, white male, no kids, never married, degree in Finance. Works as a VP at JP Morgan. He’s 6’1, has gorgeous eyes, a very cute country accent lol, very athletic built, loves his family to death. Was raised on a cattle ranch in Texas. Lol Reminds me very much of Ivan Drago in Rocky.

Haha. You have very good taste. I remember having a crush on that character/actor when I was a kid. So much so that I unpatriotaclty wanted him to win. hahaha I think he was still cute in Replacables.