So, at work, its like pulling teeth to get things replaced or repaired. We were moved and went from central air to wall ac's
Fine. Whatever. So the one above me and one to right were not really good. Mine was blowing out hot hair and the other one was a life-lung hazard.
Saturday, I was at work and was talking to the IT guy (who insisted I was in charge) and was nice and giggly with him. The other guy installing the wall mount for a new TV was nice, so of course I was nice and using my little girl voice
Tuesday, I was out of the office, so the girl next to me complained about our AC. She said to give us a new one.
Ok. So yesterday, the same guy came for the AC's. He took the one to the right out of the wall (they are above our heads) and replaced it with a refurbished one
Then, he came over to my desk. Yall know the girl voice was in full effect
and he said "yours is the one blowing out hot air?" I replied yes. He said "Im going to find you a new AC". I figured I was getting a refurbished one too, because he already did that. . Nope, got a brand new model fresh off the lot. He left for a good minute too. Everyone was upset.
So, one guy said it was because I was "giggling" and he was impressed with it
The guy he complained too was mum because he was directly affect by the old AC and the hot air. The girl who sits next to me told him straight up "Go get some boobs"
I left them to sit under my new AC, which is pretty, sleek and hums. Oh. And I acted like one of the models from the Price is Right showing off the LED display on the remote for the AC