Men-free Zone ~ The Non-romantic Relationship Thread


Well-Known Member
I know this is the relationship forum but I thought it would be fun to have a thread where we talked about everything else BUT men. Discuss our non-romantic relationships. Talk about fun things we do with our children, parents, girlfriends, co-workers, classmates, etc. This thread is all about us and the other people we love and care about, and who in turn love and care about us as well.

What are you doing this weekend? Non-romantically related. Tonight I'm planning to go to the movies. Maybe alone or with a girlfriend. And tomorrow night going into the city to see a ballet with my daughter.

I find I have so much fun with my daughters and girlfriends. I also love going alone to get a pedicure. It's so fun just sitting back and relaxing and being pampered.
Tomorrow I'm attending a basketball game as a plus one with a good girlfriend of mine. Her guy friends have tickets and she asked if I wanted to attend with her. I don't care too much for sports :look: but who says no to free tickets and a chance to go out and have fun outside of school.

That sounds fun. I love basketball. It will be nice to be out and about on a Saturday, and hanging out with your girlfriend.
I don't know what I'm doing this weekend. :cry3:. My mom just left this morning...she spent almost 3 weeks with me. It was nice having her here and spending quality time with her. She really enjoyed herself and is already making plans to return for another visit. I thought she would get under my skin constantly but I'm happy to say that happened only a couple of times.
I'm going to try and convince my little brother to go see "I am not your negro" with me, it's playing at a little artsy fartsy theater which is right up my alley but he might give me the side eye :laugh:

I'm trying to solidify his social awareness ...if nothing else I know I can get him to see "Get Out" with me.
Watched it last weekend. You will be angry, sad, bitter, hurt plus a whole range of other emotions once you are done watching it. It is a must see movie for all black people 16 and above.

I'm going to try and convince my little brother to go see "I am not your negro" with me, it's playing at a little artsy fartsy theater which is right up my alley but he might give me the side eye :laugh:

I'm trying to solidify his social awareness ...if nothing else I know I can get him to see "Get Out" with me.
I'm going to try and convince my little brother to go see "I am not your negro" with me, it's playing at a little artsy fartsy theater which is right up my alley but he might give me the side eye :laugh:

I'm trying to solidify his social awareness ...if nothing else I know I can get him to see "Get Out" with me.
I didn't know "Get Out" was out! I might have to get a babysitter and go see that tonight or tomorrow.
Watched it last weekend. You will be angry, sad, bitter, hurt plus a whole range of other emotions once you are done watching it. It is a must see movie for all black people 16 and above.

I usually put off watching movies that I know will upset me... I just watched 12 years a slave for the first time a month or so ago, but I keep hearing that this film is a must see so I'm going to suck it up.

I didn't know "Get Out" was out! I might have to get a babysitter and go see that tonight or tomorrow.

Yes Ma'am! It just came out today!
I'm actually "dating myself" at the moment. I recognized that I was in a vicious pattern of "dating the same guy in a different colored shirt" and decided to take some time to love on ME!!! Every month I do it up. Last month it was a movie, drinks and a REALLY nice dinner, and this weekend I'm taking myself to a concert. I get cute and have a ball. No sitting at the bar, either! I get a table for one. It's been liberating.
I don't know what I'm doing this weekend. :cry3:. My mom just left this morning...she spent almost 3 weeks with me. It was nice having her here and spending quality time with her. She really enjoyed herself and is already making plans to return for another visit. I thought she would get under my skin constantly but I'm happy to say that happened only a couple of times.

Aww this sounds like some great quality time. I'm glad she really enjoyed herself.
Le sigh. My friend of 17 years and roommate of one told me in December that she would be moving out. Fast forward to last week, she asks me if she can stay and extra month and I say sure and alert all my potential roommates that the date is pushed back.

Monday she sends me an email asking for her deposit. I'm, you're not getting that until it get it from the person who moves on or 30 days after you move out, whatever happens sooner.

She then tells me that she is moving out March 1st and she needs the money. I am so shocked I'm am shaking. Why the hell didn't she tell me she was staying if she was still leaving?

And get this. She's pissed at me for not being able to give her the money now. I just tell her that is seems like we both have things to figure out.

How the hell am I gonna pay the entire rent myself annnnd give you your money fool!

She is an attorney so she types out an agreement saying that I will pay her by march 31st. I agreed to pay her but refused to sign because the time to sign was when she asked to stay an extra month. And signing was not in my best interest.

She has a temper tantrum and makes all sorts of treats and I tell her that I'm not worried.

She packs up all her pots and dishware so I can't use them. At this point I am done with her and am amused with her antics.

I don't see how she is mad at me when this was all caused by her.

Someone please tell me I'm not crazy.
Movie date with DS and SO tonight. He hasn't been getting as much attention as he's used to since his baby sister got here. Poor baby.
Sometimes, he just gives super long hugs and nestles his lil face into my neck. I feel so bad for him! I know that he will be fine though.
We've had his movie date planned for a week now. His Dr. also brought it up as a way to spend time with him when we saw her today.
I feel joy all the way down in my tummy when my son is happy! Can't wait to see his lil face tonight!
I'm actually "dating myself" at the moment. I recognized that I was in a vicious pattern of "dating the same guy in a different colored shirt" and decided to take some time to love on ME!!! Every month I do it up. Last month it was a movie, drinks and a REALLY nice dinner, and this weekend I'm taking myself to a concert. I get cute and have a ball. No sitting at the bar, either! I get a table for one. It's been liberating.

I love your entire post!:2inlove:
I have a small role on a new project. Originally I was worried, for lack of a better word about the person I had to work with. I couldn't feel her out and I wasn't looking forward to spending time with her. Long story short she's cool as heck and just taught me how to make the best roasted brussels sprouts ever. Think I'll be a vegetarian this weekend...
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I scheduled a pole party for my friends just to be goofy and feel like myself without being in mommy mode. Hopefully we can go sometime in march. I'm really looking forward to it. Ima do a split in the pole lol! We went first for my bachelorette party. It was sooo much fun.
Yes!!! I love girl's time. I go to the movies by myself all the time and sneak my own snacks in.

Last weekend, my mother and I had brunch and went shopping. We live a few hours apart so it was nice seeing her. She bought me so much stuff. I love her lol

This weekend my bestie and I are going e-shopping together lol I might also go to the movies after I get some work done tomorrow. Tonight, it's just this bordeaux rosé and I!