So I was chatting with my aunt yesterday. It is looking like my mother needs to go into a nursing home. She is only 58 years old. But she has multiple health issues that have severely impacted her mental state, she has early onset dementia at this point and can't handle basic things. We have had such a complicated relationship, especially over the past 5-7 years as her health deteriorated and she basically fought tooth and nail to NOT address any of the issues. It's like she really stopped having any desire to live with any quality of life. Once a person doesn't care if they live or die and refuses to be compliant with medications and things that could have prevented a lot of issues, what can you do? I got tired of talking about it. I live on the west coast, they're in the south. I had been heavily considering moving back. But, man my family is just too much of an emotional and financial burden. I feel bad because my aunt is having to deal with this plus my grandmother. In my mom's case it didn't have to be like this ya know? I just get so tired even thinking about it. I will do what I can from here, as far as putting in applications and things. I wasn't planning on going back for a visit until August but may have to go sooner, since I am her only child I usually have to deal with signing documents and getting POA. If not thing else, it really inspires me to get as healthy as possible, because as bad as this sounds, my mom has been very burdensome and lots of times deliberately. I would hate to be like that with DS, especially before even turning 60! I want to prevent what I can.