Men-free Zone ~ The Non-romantic Relationship Thread

@Ayesha81, some men are weird like that. A friend was at a guy friend place. He was trying to get her to stay over until she slipped and hit her head on his couch. Immediately he changed his tone, he wanted her to go home right away even though now she wanted to stay in case it's serious so she would have someone there. He didn't let her stay. She felt so hurt.

Too many articles about men abandoning their wives when the wives needed them the most. Especially sick wives.
Insecure women will project on you and most of the women in my family are this way, I'm now free from them.
So true. I would get snide remarks about my looks, body, relationship status when I went to family events. It felt like they had a need to humble me... smh.
Then when I responded in kind I was wrong because they were elders *eyeroll*. I stopped dealing with them, its been good.
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When you've been friends for a while you realize there are season of closeness and seasons when you may drift a bit. I sense me and a friend are in the drifting season... it's OK.

They live a bit away. I offered to visit and they were vague with pinpointing day/time. Things they'd usually share they are tight lipped about, even when asked. I dont take it personally. They seem fine, I'm not worried about them.
Maybe because it seems like when a woman gives a compliment, it's usually more genuine, and she's not necessarily just flattering you to get in them jeans lol :giggle:
Exactly! Women and little kid's complements hit completely different.
Even if the woman is trying to holla it isn't a generic mention of your body/face.
Kids have no filter, so if you are ugly they will let you know. If you are cute they will also.
I am feeling so proud of myself. I beat myself up privately so much. I am an over achiever who is also broken and flawed. Yet strong and proud. So it’s a constant battle trying to feel good about myself. Because being an overachiever struggling with mental illness and several diagnoses and their sidepieces… Not easy on one’s self esteem. Especially when those around you see you faltering, are not used to it and cannot give you the grace to be forgiving.

I applied to be director of nursing. I then got shortlisted for an interview and decided to not accept the interview and chickened out because I do not perform well in interviews (impostor syndrome) and thought it was not worth it. But so many people kept telling me to apply. So eventually I did. This time I really prepared. Read all the legislations, policies, research etc. watched videos on the day in the life of a director of nursing etc. I think I did well 80/100. I was able to answer all the questions. But my anxiety caused me to answer really fast. My social anxiety causes me to speak really fast at times.

I dont think I will get it. A director of nursing from another place twice as large as mine with decades of experience also applied for the same role. But I am so thankful for the experience of the interview. The experience will go a long way in alleviating my anxiety in regards to interviews.

I hate questions where they ask you to list good qualities about yourself. I got one. So I used something one of my sisters said to me very recently. That I was kind. Why did one of the panellists say that she agreed with my sister then started reading from a list of the reasons why she thought I was a kind nurse? This person is part of the management team. I did not realize she was observing me. I was trying hard not to start leaking water from my eyes…

So def. I will not take it personally if I’m not hired as the next Director of Nursing…
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I am a part of different women based social groups that I joined recently, yet haven't made any close connections with anyone. I can see the other ladies clicking, but I haven't clicked with anyone in a way that we hang out outside of group events.

I think it's because deep down I am not interested in making any more friends. I want love right now.

There is this white coworker that I could not stand. She is not a morning person and growls at you or totally ignores you if you say good morning. Part of her job is monitoring staff to ensure they are adhering to certain guidelines. So she is no one’s favourite lol. Her job is basically telling people off for not following certain policies. Why did my dislike change to warm and kind regards after I found out she is a single mother of 4 adopted children? Especially after I was told one was black :look: One, Indian, one Chinese, the other white. Two now in university. One is moderate-severely mentally disabled and takes up most of her home time, one just decided they are transgendered and she is a bit stressed on how to handle that. My dislike turned to compassion. I even offered her support at work as she is stretched thin sometimes.

Reminded me of the time I disliked this white girl at work because I considered her an airhead and lazy but as soon as she told me her grandmother was black I started being less judgemental:look:
You ever have someone who sends you things on various platforms and wish they just stick to texts? I have a friend who will send me a FB message about something, an IG dm, and will also text. Different things, at different times. Like girl pick one mode of communication. 2/3 of those I don't check regularly.

*I do allow this from my mom. She has special privileges, well... Cause she's my momma. lol.

Speaking of my momma, I had a sudden home repair I needed done and my mom offered to help. Thankfully I have nice emergency fund so didn't need any assistance but I appreciated her offering.
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You ever have someone who sends you things on various platforms and wish they just stick to texts? I have a friend who will send me a FB message about something, an IG dm, and will also text. Different things, at different times. Like girl pick one mode of communication. 2/3 of those I don't check regularly.

*I do allow this from my mom. She has special privileges, well... Cause she's my momma. lol.

Speaking of my momma, I had a sudden home repair I needed done and my mom offered to help. Thankfully I have nice emergency fund so didn't need any assistance but I appreciated her offering.
Hate when people do that. If someone sends something via IG, they will have to wait a least a week minimum to get a response whenever I finally look at IG. I am not on SM like that. #notsorry
I've been in my condo almost a decade and I can count on one hand how many times visitors have parked in the spot directly in front of my place. There's no sidewalk. It's my door, the steps and the parking spot.

Because of how few times randos park there I know it's common sense / common courtesy that if you don't live at the condo, you probably parking in the spot.

Why the old man across the street, who's been in his place for probably 4 or 5 years, park in front of my house yesterday?

Mind you he has a garage but the door is broken and he gambles his money away and hasn't gotten it fixed (his words, not mine). There's also traditional street parking on his side of the street.

He's the only person in the history of me living here who lives across the street but decided to park in front of my house. Naturally I had a friend stop by yesterday and guess where they couldn't park :confused:

Yeah. This ain't becoming a habit. And sir, get your garage fixed.
I've been in my condo almost a decade and I can count on one hand how many times visitors have parked in the spot directly in front of my place. There's no sidewalk. It's my door, the steps and the parking spot.

Because of how few times randos park there I know it's common sense / common courtesy that if you don't live at the condo, you probably parking in the spot.

Why the old man across the street, who's been in his place for probably 4 or 5 years, park in front of my house yesterday?

Mind you he has a garage but the door is broken and he gambles his money away and hasn't gotten it fixed (his words, not mine). There's also traditional street parking on his side of the street.

He's the only person in the history of me living here who lives across the street but decided to park in front of my house. Naturally I had a friend stop by yesterday and guess where they couldn't park :confused:

Yeah. This ain't becoming a habit. And sir, get your garage fixed.
Time to call the HOA and get him towed. Ridiculous
My youngest sister is getting on my nerves. :mad: She makes horrible decisions, drags everyone into her mess yet wants to be treated like an adult. She's 24 but acts very childish at times. My tolerance for it is rapidly diminishing: I've got things going on in my own life, I'm also trying to be there for our father. He's dealing with heart issues and will likely have a transplant in the next 18-24 months. My mom does a lot for him but when there's an opportunity when I can help I want to alleviate the burden on her.
So family emerges trying to get in contact with me after 15 years, I hung up the phone on 'em. They treated me terribly when my mom died in 2008 just because they thought I wouldn't make it and depend on them. They heard I sold the house and bought a bigger one. And now they calling talking Hey, I say Bye!
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So I told him he would have to pay for the adoption out of his own pocket. Then after that we are willing to be responsible for her. Health and well-being, education etc. I sent him the link to my local agency and the international adoption agency. He said he will send for her himself lol. The cost to get her to me could be in the tens of thousands. I told him I’m doing him a favour so he will have to foot the bill to get her to my country. I thought that was more than fair. I’m curious to see how this turns out. I guess if the dna test state the kid is not his a can adopt.
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A friend asked if I wanted to go an event with her. I wasn't really interested. I had this habit of saying yes to everything she'd invite me to but been a lot better of saying no thank you if I don't want to do things in general, not just with her.

Anywho I said no thank you to that thing but said if she wanted to hang out, grab food, happy hour, etc I was free.

No response. Left on read as they say. Not even a no thank you lol. I'm totally fine not hanging out. We only see each other maybe once every other month or so but I don't know , felt kinda rude to say nothing.