"men Dont Love Women Like You"

Naw gurl. Most women are too busy twisting themselves into pretzels trying to appeal to as many men as possible. I'm guilty of that in the past too. If I look a certain way, act a certain way, **** him a certain way then he'll like me. Big mistake.
Oh no, that's a bad plan, for purely logistical reasons, I mean. It's damn near impossible. You gotta find your niche and rock the heck out of it.

For me, my style and overall flow always attracts a certain type. Out of black men, it's always bm who don't often 'claim' women, like 'You're special, I'll make an exception for you'. :rolleyes: They're usually really smart (read: arrogant). These can be thugs, professionals, whatever. Then, different races/ ethnicities. For wm, it's usually the type that likes bw, but not the crunchy ones, 'bad bihs', video girls but with more class, etc. Usually older for some reason(?), foreign or domestic. Indians usu want to 'sidepiece' me (this fluctuates based on class, tho. recently a fine Indian lawyer damn near threw himself at me), but other 'brown' men want to court me. (It helps if they come from a country with a population of bp.) Etc. All types I mention but the low-class Indians would be willing to put a ring on it. I think that's a colorism thing.

My mind apparently sorts and classifies this info easily. :lol: I'm lazily strategic. I like to find the most receptive area for my efforts. :look:
Seems like we are so busy trying to figure out what men want when we should be trying to find out what we want.
I constantly feel like I am misdirecting energy. Putting too much energy out when it should be directed inward.

Feels like I have read this before. I agree with the ego about women.
But the same is true for men. Men are nothing special. They are just men.
They know this, they are all alike. They tell us this, we don't listen and we don't ask questions.

It's like there are 3 type of men, Batman, Robin and The Joker.
Batman is chasing The Joker, Robin wants to be Batman.
And The Joker is wreaking havoc and having all the fun.

I am really at a point in my life where I don't care what men want.
My concerns are what do I want? Who do I want? What kind of man suits MY needs?
Thinking from the inside out, not looking from the outside in.

Right now I am open to books that teach women how to channel feminine energy and how to discover who we are and recognizing what kind of guy meets our needs.

I wonder if it's really that simple. Focus on what makes me happy and the universe will send it.

I completely agree and this is why I have my girlfriends reading Calling in the One.
I'm confused.

I'm more than halfway through the book and I feel uncomfortable with certain actions that Cali takes. My brand is not sex kitten yet these are the Spartan case studies that the author provides. I'm not going to call a man I've been on 1-2 dates on "baby" or "daddy" that's not me AT ALL. I'm not afraid of sex, I quite enjoy it, but I have had only a few partners in my life and don't feel comfortable opening up sexually to someone that I don't know isn't vested. I definitely don't feel comfortable with the idea of graphic phone sex.

Not really sure how to apply the lessons to my brand.

I have a date tomorrow from improving my flirting skills, but I feel uncomfortable with the idea of calling a dude baby and randomly blurting out what was the nastiest sex act he's ever performed.
I'm confused.

I'm more than halfway through the book and I feel uncomfortable with certain actions that Cali takes. My brand is not sex kitten yet these are the Spartan case studies that the author provides. I'm not going to call a man I've been on 1-2 dates on "baby" or "daddy" that's not me AT ALL. I'm not afraid of sex, I quite enjoy it, but I have had only a few partners in my life and don't feel comfortable opening up sexually to someone that I don't know isn't vested. I definitely don't feel comfortable with the idea of graphic phone sex.

Not really sure how to apply the lessons to my brand.

I have a date tomorrow from improving my flirting skills, but I feel uncomfortable with the idea of calling a dude baby and randomly blurting out what was the nastiest sex act he's ever performed.
Do what is natural. I call men "lover." It just more flirty to me and has less hang ups. I would not date my daddy or a baby. Like with LL Cool J "hey, lover," Which was my jam. It flows more naturally than "daddy" or "baby" for me. Too many repetitive consonants can get me hung up. Just find a term of endearment that makes it SEEM he is special. In all actuality, I call all my dates after awhile "lover." I even answer, " hey lover," and if they are hip, they subconsciously associate it to "this is more than a crush."

As for the sex talk, I associate it with food or a straw (the more convenient option)... like, " so, where would you put it" and gesture towards the phallic object, sip the straw, or hold the length of breadstick before eying him and taking a bite. They may ask again, restate and play with it. Then once he fumbles to find an answer laugh and change the subject. No more sex talk. You completed the sexy quota. You are frisky, dear...he will always go back to that...in the shower, drinking coffee. In his car. "Where would you put it?" It has enough inuenndos without being overt.

Another randomly inuenndo:
"I know what to do with it." While touching his knee or arm. I normally do this when I receive instructions from a dude. Alot of times, video games, using a corkscrew. I get spanked and I express so, because 9 times out of ten, I don't know what I am doing lol
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But do that on the first date?!? That feels like such a force. This person I'm going out with is new to my area, but will inevitably be in my extended circle due to professional associations. I'm just not sure how to talk sexually with a stranger. We didn't talk that much when we met Sunday and I haven't spoken to him yet.
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But do that on the first date?!? That feels like such a force. This person I'm going out with is new to my area, but will inevitably be in my extended circle due to professional associations. I'm just not sure how to talk sexually with a stranger. We didn't talk that much when we met Sunday and I haven't spoken to him yet.

No, lol. On date two or three. By that time we already had a couple of conversations and have insight on personality. I wouldn't be too concerned with professional circles unless it is a business outing. That is an excuse not to be intimate

"You know why I'm here" lol
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Getting and starting ho tactics ret now.

Lol I love that the fist couple of I guess self help books I ever read are gold minds.
So listen up y'all. I was bar hopping with a group of people and I met this guy.I felt like this guy I was talking to was attracted to me but he seemed really nervous.

I was trying to flirt but I guess I'm not that good or I wasn't giving him the right signals. It seems like when I was leaving he was trying to get himself alone with me to maybe ask my number. He offered to wait at the bus stop with me before after everyone left but it came too fast so I ran to catch it. I was thinking about letting it go and catching the next one. I finally gave up and said if he was gonna ask he would have asked already and just ran to catch it.

I feel like homeboy's flirting suggestions in the book are too aggressive for me.I need baby steps.
So listen up y'all. I was bar hopping with a group of people and I met this guy.I felt like this guy I was talking to was attracted to me but he seemed really nervous.

I was trying to flirt but I guess I'm not that good or I wasn't giving him the right signals. It seems like when I was leaving he was trying to get himself alone with me to maybe ask my number. He offered to wait at the bus stop with me before after everyone left but it came too fast so I ran to catch it. I was thinking about letting it go and catching the next one. I finally gave up and said if he was gonna ask he would have asked already and just ran to catch it.

I feel like homeboy's flirting suggestions in the book are too aggressive for me.I need baby steps.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a Spartan just asked him for his number? I think GL Lambert actually uses the excuse of "if he wanted my number he would've asked for it," as being a non Spartan response.

Dont beat yourself up about it, just know next time if you are interested get those digits!
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I read Ho Tactics and MDLWLY. Interestingly, there were some things that I saw that I was doing right and other things that explained a situation that went wrong SO well. I realized that I tend to be more passive when it comes to men (let them approach me, etc) and I gotten a lot of duds. Now I'll be more proactive and target men worthy.

I feel like I have to re-read the books to make some things stick.
I read this book and love, love, love it. I highly recommended this book to some friends and family and I really think some of them are afraid to read it...especially the ones that need to read it. Has anyone else experienced this?
I read this book and love, love, love it. I highly recommended this book to some friends and family and I really think some of them are afraid to read it...especially the ones that need to read it. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have a friend that needs to read this book but I know she's too far in denial to make any changes
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