"men Dont Love Women Like You"

No the ones that want anything serious lol. The only people I know that entertainthe cuffing season nonsense are immature people.

Grown ass adults absolutely do this....women included. I can show you text history with:

last text : June 2015
next test: Yesterday, 10:50 am "hey stranger" :lol:
I have such a hard time meeting guys. All I do is go to the gym (I don't really want to meet anyone here, because if we don't work out I don't want to constantly see him), go to work, go to my book club (few men there), go to community service (few men there), and flag football (most guys bring their gfs). I go to bars and parties sometimes too but guys don't really approach. If they do, it's not what I like or it's like they are too nervous to ask for your number. Tips?
Look at him in his eyes like he's the only one in the room. His right eye, then left eye, then look at his lips. Back to his eyes. Smirk at the same time. You'll catch on.
So just look neck up, specifically in the eye. Not up and down, lol.
So, how do you eye **** a guy? :look:
It's unique to you but gl gives the advice to stare dude directly in the eye for 3 seconds then give a slight smile and look away but smile again to yourself. While making eye connect make sure your eyes convey longing or sexiness vs crazed or goofy.
He also suggests licking or biting your lip before smiling

Personally my seductive style is natural and coquette so what feels comfortable for me is eye contact for 2-3 seconds. Smile then ask what? As if I wasn't the one staring them down. Purse my lips then slightly rI'll my eyes and look away while smiling. Thus obviously only works if dude is close.
If dude is far I would probably use the standard method lol

Tldr; intense eye contact(3-4 seconds), lip bite, smile, then look away
I have such a hard time meeting guys. All I do is go to the gym (I don't really want to meet anyone here, because if we don't work out I don't want to constantly see him), go to work, go to my book club (few men there), go to community service (few men there), and flag football (most guys bring their gfs). I go to bars and parties sometimes too but guys don't really approach. If they do, it's not what I like or it's like they are too nervous to ask for your number. Tips?
You need to read the book.
I did! I don't see myself approaching random men. Sorry. Not good at small talk or flirting. I feel like if he wanted to get to know you, he would.
There is so much more to that book than approaching a guy to get him. Did any aspect of the book speak to your soul? If you learned to true essense of spartanhood as per G. L. Lambert's meaning, you might discover that you have another way to pull in that attention without actually saying something to the guy first.. I think spartaning up is very individual and exclusive to that woman and her personality. We are not going to all do the same exact things...the same exact way..but the Spartan will still get results.

If I were single and going by this book to find a man. I STILL wouldnt approach any guy either. Hell I never did and have had ZERO problems getting men. But you can open yourself in such a way as to get them to approach you. Maybe I got it wrong...but it's how I see it.
There is so much more to that book than approaching a guy to get him. Did any aspect of the book speak to your soul? If you learned to true essense of spartanhood as per G. L. Lambert's meaning, you might discover that you have another way to pull in that attention without actually saying something to the guy first.. I think spartaning up is very individual and exclusive to that woman and her personality. We are not going to all do the same exact things...the same exact way..but the Spartan will still get results.

If I were single and going by this book to find a man. I STILL wouldnt approach any guy either. Hell I never did and have had ZERO problems getting men. But you can open yourself in such a way as to get them to approach you. Maybe I got it wrong...but it's how I see it.

I read it cover to cover but I don't see how I can apply it. I get that he wants you to build a sense of self and have more confidence, but I don't really know how. I feel like I'm already my true self. I don't have any gimmicks to try to get men and that still didn't work. So who I truly am is apparently sucky and boring.
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I read it cover to cover but I don't see how I can apply it. I get that he wants you to build a sense of self and have more confidence, but I don't really know how. I feel like I'm already my true self. I don't have any gimmicks to try to get men and that still didn't work. So who I truly am is apparently sucky and boring.
Noooooo, dont say that. It's not true. Please dont own that. Scratch that statement from your psyche. You will figure this out. Stay open. The answers will come.
I don't even know what that means but okay.

Obviously what I'm doing isn't working so I need to do something else. Putting down the book isn't action based. I need something action based.
It sounds like you haven't Spartaned up at all. You're not ready for this book. Put it down and come back to it when you are.

Maybe she should start again and progress through the book once she's comfortable with the particular subject matter

The fact that she thinks the tactics doesn't apply to her and that she's boring is evidence that she didnt accept/understand the ideas presented in the first few chapters.

Those are the hardest chapters too because they make you accept your Basica reality lol.

@GraceJones I think you need to just simmer on the hardest parts of the book like i did - the parts not dealing with men but with yourself
@GraceJones, Doesnt sound like you are walking in your new Sparta persona... I am reading a lot of self doubt and excuses, which shouldnt exist at this point...

True Story: I am walking in my persona and getting all types of looks and stares, men are speaking more than ever... just giving off this aura that I am wanted... I havent gotten any numbers, because I am not at that stage yet... But soon will venture into that goal...

Everyday are you looking in mirror, brushing teeth like yes girl you look fierce wit that toothpaste running on lip, LMAO. My twistout all over the place but darn I look f'able... That will draw people to you... Are you putting into universe I want to meet, get this amount of numbers in a week/2 weeks/ month? No seriously?!

I wish you tremendous luck as you really have to remove all the negative thinking... I dont have men around, where and how, leave that to the wind and just visualize what you want, the universe will align and you wil attract those things...

I mean I aint even finish book yet and can already feel a change in spirit... :grin:
I don't even know what that means but okay.

Obviously what I'm doing isn't working so I need to do something else. Putting down the book isn't action based. I need something action based.

Maybe read another self esteem book and come back to this one? Or keep reading the chapter about spartaning up and ignore the rest of the boom until it becomes second nature. I do kinda know what you mean. I was feeling like you in the beginning too- like this isn't gonna work. But you have to let what he's saying sink in more before you go to the other parts of the book. I think becoming a spartan is not really about approaching guys- it's about going for what you want in life in general. And not bringing yourself down with negativity.
Maybe she should start again and progress through the book once she's comfortable with the particular subject matter

The fact that she thinks the tactics doesn't apply to her and that she's boring is evidence that she didnt accept/understand the ideas presented in the first few chapters.

Those are the hardest chapters too because they make you accept your Basica reality lol.

@GraceJones I think you need to just simmer on the hardest parts of the book like i did - the parts not dealing with men but with yourself
That's true. I think there's a lot of pain, fear, and self-doubt in @GraceJones 's mind and heart. That's fine because we were all there before. That was our starting point. The difference is we refused to be victims and make excuses about our situation and our love lives any longer! "Men don't approach me, I only meet jerks, the men I want never want me, are gay or are always taken, blah blah blah..." Those are all basica excuses. Like GL would say: "grow the **** up and get over it!" Your future is in your hands. If you think you're boring and not worth it then the world will agree with you (and think you're boring and not worth it either). How will you ever snatch souls with that attitude?! You're reading this book right now for a reason. It's time to stop playing the victim and fix it once and for all. Keep reading the first part of the book until you 100% love and accept yourself.
Sorry that was Ho Tactics. You are not ready to be a Ho lol...This is From the Spartan side:

An entire world for her taking, and for the first time, she isn’t afraid of what these men think or hung up on possible rejection. Who should she talk to? Should she wait for one of these men to make the first move or just start up random conversations on her own? What’s the protocol? Phoenix doesn’t waste her brain cells with such basic thoughts. When the time comes she will know what to do. She told the universe what she wanted, now opportunity will be presented. There are no counter thoughts holding her back.
But I will give you Ho Knowledge anyway...maybe the Ho side appeals to you more.

Tricks may still approach you, but that’s not the point. I need you to accept that finding the right man to hustle will often require you to make the first move.

There are women who men consider “next level”beautiful, and they will walk up to them in public…if the setting is right. So yes, Mr. Heir to a coffee company can chase you down if you’re what he’s looking for that night, but why leave it up to his discretion.

Why let this trick choose you when you can choose him and from the jump have him thinking you’re infatuated?
A man of means has a million excuses not to go after a woman, but the main thing at work is that the male ego doesn’t want to be curved.

To spark the conversation begins the process because guys get over eager with thoughts of, “She spoke first, that must mean she wants to f*.”
Let him wag his tail, you’re going to lead that dog by the leash and drain his pockets way before you drain his nut sack. Do not fear conversation!

Understand that in order for this to work you have to check your ego at the door. You can’t operate under the rules of, wait for a sign or lure a man in with eye contact. Given that these men won’t risk approaching you out of pride, you have to do what Hos do, go to that mine in order to dig for gold."

Spartan/ Ho/ Glow Up! Like he says, "why leave it up to HIS discretion?" This is what sets you apart. The approach is fundamental to Sparta/ Ho/ Glow up. Men are just as insecure as us. But it is "expected" that they approach us. It puts too much control in their hands. If you initiate, you set the pace.

You want to know the hows...depends on what you seek.
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Saw this and thought of thread and current commentary!

Very well said and so happy to see the universe speaking to you...

This book is a mental mind shift
She read this cover to cover but didn't really process it and absorb the mental shift

Almost as if she read a magazine or newspaper
You have to go in a blank canvas and come out a Spartan...

In order to do that you have to be willing....
Her current mind state did not allow for that...

The reason why she is not meeting the men she prefers is she has already decided she is boring and etc

You've just blocked your mr forever/ future husband with that mind set

Oddly enough years ago when I woke up each day I would just say out loud " im going to meet my husband today " I met so many men just having that mind set in my universe

All these women with all these pseudo negative defeatest thoughts
How do you even orchestrate life with that mind set

Change comes from within...

@GraceJones, Doesnt sound like you are walking in your new Sparta persona... I am reading a lot of self doubt and excuses, which shouldnt exist at this point...

True Story: I am walking in my persona and getting all types of looks and stares, men are speaking more than ever... just giving off this aura that I am wanted... I havent gotten any numbers, because I am not at that stage yet... But soon will venture into that goal...

Everyday are you looking in mirror, brushing teeth like yes girl you look fierce wit that toothpaste running on lip, LMAO. My twistout all over the place but darn I look f'able... That will draw people to you... Are you putting into universe I want to meet, get this amount of numbers in a week/2 weeks/ month? No seriously?!

I wish you tremendous luck as you really have to remove all the negative thinking... I dont have men around, where and how, leave that to the wind and just visualize what you want, the universe will align and you wil attract those things...

I mean I aint even finish book yet and can already feel a change in spirit... :grin:
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I think I probably do have a problem because I rarely find men attractive. Like INCREDIBLY rarely. I've never really shown true interest in a man. I think maybe my trust issues start to manifest and I talk myself out of it mentally.

I think I just don't trust men at all. Like AT ALL. It sucks because you want to have physical relationships with men, but at the same time I'm completely repulsed by them.
@nlamr2013, Whaaaa happpened?!
lol Nothing but I feel like yall always baby grace when she gets like this lol Im from the school of tough love

No way you can claim to have read the book cover to cover and be asking the questions shes asking. She asks the same sort of q over and over and continues to be babied. lol Its a bit exhausting tbh

She always asks for advice but comes up with excuse after excuse on why it wont work for her. Like what do you want to hear gyal?