Lordt, Felipe Done Cheated On Whitney (naptural 85)!

Just a note on "girl code". To me, it's not all about women being blameless but showing support for a sis who has been wronged and is in pain because if I don't, who else will? It ain't like you go find threads on men's boards showing support for women who have been cheated. There is no two sides to every story when somebody cheated. People cheat because they want to cheat any reasons they give are to justify doing what they wanted to do anyway.

Also as far as Felipe McFatty's statement, of course he ain't go admit to cheating. That's what lying cheating :moon: :censored: 's do.

I mean really, what was Felipe supposed to say, " Yeah I ****** all up in Whitney's YouTube subscriber with no condom, want some more details?" He go take that lie to the grave unless there's a benefit like a paid interview or tell all pamphlet to him and since nobody cares that much, he keeping his cheating lips sealed.
Mandatory positive. At least she paid for an education that was actually useful and pays decent :look: in the grand scheme of things that shortened his term of being a house husband. Imagine if he accomplished nothing! She might have had to pay him more ugh. Which may or may not help with divorce proceedings.

Also I know people don’t want to give him credit for her family vlog but a lot of people tuned in just to watch him interact with the kids. You know some women’s panty gets wet at the actual thought of a father seemingly doing more than the bare minimum :look: So as much we hate to see him get anything he definitely is entitled to the earnings from that family vlog. It is what it is.

I’m just looking at this from a legal standpoint that I’m totally ignorant about and how the courts may or may or may not proceed :lol:
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So true. I used to be one of those that were like awwwwwww. Look at Maryam and Hunter, the Nigerian woman and her Southern redneck husband. Six years ago on Youtube it was look at us and our lives. Now, they are in the middle of a nasty divorce and she has to look for a place to live. Jamie and Nicky last year and their epic breakup. I just think, don't monetize your relationships or put them out there on social media, not everyone watching wishes you well and will actively plot your downfall.

Almond Eyes


Currently eyeing this book that's been written by a YouTuber. That's basically what it boils down to at the end of the day. Our job actually encourages us to decline friendship requests from co-workers, that's how bad it's gotten. I only post my successes AFTER they have materialized. I also take one day off from social media every week and only log in after praying.

Same thing with this publicly announcing your pregnancy on social media and having everyone follow blow by blow :nono:. One lady lost her baby and had to share it on YouTube. In the comments, I wrote to her that in my country, things like that are always kept private, for this very reason. She paid me no mind.
Never really followed these closely two but I was always surprised that they had another child when she said that she(or perhaps they?) never wanted any more. Even more surprised now after she has admitted that their relationship was toxic for 15 years.

Let's see. Which IR Youtube couples have hit the skids:

The Nive Nulls
Jamie and Nikki
Maryam Shumate and her husband
Valencia and Jim
Bailey Living
Whitney and Felipe
Travis and Judith(anyone remember them?)

Thank you for this list. I always knew that it was some form of propaganda, to promote IR relationships. Many are falling prey to this.

I made it a conscious point to only follow Black couples. Some of them have even become my friends on FB.
I think people outside of the U.S. are more direct, which I don't have a problem with generally. Americans like to act sensitive.

What you called direct can also be called toxic.

What purpose does it serve to tell someone that after such a loss? It's cold and tone deaf. Surely, either she learned the lesson or it wasn't having to share the loss that hurt but the loss itself.
What you called direct can also be called toxic.

What purpose does it serve to tell someone that after such a loss? It's cold and tone deaf. Surely, either she learned the lesson or it wasn't having to share the loss that hurt but the loss itself.

This is the last post I'm going to make about this, because (1) I'm not invested in this either way and (2) I don't want to derail the thread. Call it toxic if you want, but one of the things I love about the way our elders in Africa educate us, is that we are less naive when it comes to such matters. To the point that till this day, Africa remains the most fertile continent on earth. African women simply do not play about this. I've noticed that it's not this way in the US, especially now with social media. I understand our cultures are different, but I just wanted to reiterate a point that has already been made multiple times above: being private is important. Do you know when Arab and Turkish ladies call us to announce their pregnancy to us as a social security company? Once they've reached the last month of 3rd trimester. Not a day sooner, because they know what time it is.

To someone like myself, who has many friends from other cultures, some of the realities and truths that the Black American women post here, can come across as harsh. In my naivety. But nonetheless: they are the truth and nothing but the truth. Our generation hates truth and we are paying a price for it. We like everything to be sugarcoated and cotton candy. The ladies at my church are very blunt with me and I am glad they are. Thanks to their harshness and prayers, I now actually don't have to worry about where my next paycheck or meal is coming from. They didn't mince it, but they helped me. To each their own of course, as we hail from two completely different cultures.
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Currently eyeing this book that's been written by a YouTuber. That's basically what it boils down to at the end of the day. Our job actually encourages us to decline friendship requests from co-workers, that's how bad it's gotten. I only post my successes AFTER they have materialized. I also take one day off from social media every week and only log in after praying.

Same thing with this publicly announcing your pregnancy on social media and having everyone follow blow by blow :nono:. One lady lost her baby and had to share it on YouTube. In the comments, I wrote to her that in my country, things like that are always kept private, for this very reason. She paid me no mind.

I am AA. It is pretty normal not to announce your pregnancy before you are visibly pregnant and not to friend your coworkers on social media here too. Also pretty common to have different social media accounts for work and friends/family. A lot people have jobs where a social media presence is necessary. A carefully curated social media presence is better than none at all.

And yes, to only sharing your successes after they have materialized. I think that a lot of people don't realize how many people they know will try to work against them achieving their goals even if it is just hoping that they fail. Failing is a normal part of life, but public failure with "friends" and family snickering makes trying again harder.

I wouldn't have told the woman who lost a baby that she shouldn't have shared. Not because it isn't true, but because if she has any sense at all she figured that out already. If she didn't learn from her experience telling her won't help.
@Maracujá most ppl try not to announce a pregnancy before 3 months. I'm AA and that's the norm for the ppl know.

I wasn't attacking you. I just wanted to point out something someone else said. That's why I didn't reply to your particular post.

I noticed people like to say ”direct” when the word they should be using is toxic.

I've seen the folks say ugly and unnecessary things and then acting surprised when it isn't received well. ”I was just being honest!” ”oh, I'm direct!” No, they are crude and unkind. So used to gaslighting folks that the think it's normal.
What you called direct can also be called toxic.

What purpose does it serve to tell someone that after such a loss? It's cold and tone deaf. Surely, either she learned the lesson or it wasn't having to share the loss that hurt but the loss itself.
I stand by what I said. What one culture calls cold and tone deaf, another culture calls direct. We're not going to see it the same way and that's okay.
I am AA. It is pretty normal not to announce your pregnancy before you are visibly pregnant and not to friend your coworkers on social media here too. Also pretty common to have different social media accounts for work and friends/family. A lot people have jobs where a social media presence is necessary. A carefully curated social media presence is better than none at all.

And yes, to only sharing your successes after they have materialized. I think that a lot of people don't realize how many people they know will try to work against them achieving their goals even if it is just hoping that they fail. Failing is a normal part of life, but public failure with "friends" and family snickering makes trying again harder.

I wouldn't have told the woman who lost a baby that she shouldn't have shared. Not because it isn't true, but because if she has any sense at all she figured that out already. If she didn't learn from her experience telling her won't help.

I agree with all of this. I'm AA (and also INTJ since that was mentioned) and I don't tell anyone my business, don't have social media but when I did none of my coworkers were friends, even the ones I occasionally saw outside of work. I was born and raised in America and was always told to keep your business to yourself because more often than not the ones smiling in your face are just waiting for you to fall on your face. Still, I would never tell someone what essentially amounts to an "I told you so" while they are experiencing and grieving the loss of an unborn child.

On the flip side, YouTubers put all their business out there and they have "fans." They are entertainers so naturally, they are sharing things that other people would normally keep private. And because of this the people watching them have opinions about what's going on. I totally get that but pointing out the obvious during an already particularly sensitive time (and not just to us "sensitive Americans" :rolleyes:) can seem cruel although I realize that probably wasn't the poster's intentions.
I don't understand why it can't be different strokes for different folks though... some people are just naturally more open... which is why we have stars, celebs and reality TV.

People get paid to put their business out there, and some people do it for free.
Some people (journalists and reporters) make it their mission to find out other ppls business... and the world keeps on turning.

Why the outrage?

Let the quiet people keep to themselves, and let those who like to entertain, or express their stories do so... it all balances out
I don't understand why it can't be different strokes for different folks though... some people are just naturally more open... which is why we have stars, celebs and reality TV.

People get paid to put their business out there, and some people do it for free.
Some people (journalists and reporters) make it their mission to find out other ppls business... and the world keeps on turning.

Why the outrage?

Let the quiet people keep to themselves, and let those who like to entertain, or express their stories do so... it all balances out
I agree. I think some people don’t give it much thought and don’t understand the consequences of over sharing. It’s an art that few have mastered. Especially these young youtubers who literally are having babies just for content. It’s obvious and needs to be pointed out. I enjoy the dialect of both sides. This is just a lesson of some people who need to stay in their lane and niche and not trying to monetize every aspect of their lives. Everybody ain’t able.
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Currently eyeing this book that's been written by a YouTuber. That's basically what it boils down to at the end of the day. Our job actually encourages us to decline friendship requests from co-workers, that's how bad it's gotten. I only post my successes AFTER they have materialized. I also take one day off from social media every week and only log in after praying.

Same thing with this publicly announcing your pregnancy on social media and having everyone follow blow by blow :nono:. One lady lost her baby and had to share it on YouTube. In the comments, I wrote to her that in my country, things like that are always kept private, for this very reason. She paid me no mind.

Thanks for recommending this book. I will get it.

Almond Eyes
I have never ever heard a man say, about another man who was cheated on by his wife: well, he seemed so aloof, and his wife is an outgoing girl, so...

When a woman cheats, men can’t come up with any explanation besides, she’s a hoe and she belongs to the streets. When a man cheats, everyone wants to bring out the scales of justice and start weighing his cheating against how many hot meals he didn’t get, how many times she wore a bonnet to bed, how many times she didn’t laugh at one of his jokes, etc. As @Crackers Phinn stated above, “girl code”, is to offer additional balance and support in the face of this.

Dead @ scales of justice lolol
Lord have mercy!

The main topic with my eldest sister as of late, has been mostly about privacy. My eldest sister is not a woman of many words, but she's been harping on this. My other sister had the same thing happen to her: posted a bunch of pics on FB of her and her BF. They even went to Vietnam to celebrate her 35th birthday. Now they are no longer together and it has left a bitter after taste of an age that is memorable to most people.
The main topic with my eldest sister as of late, has been mostly about privacy. My eldest sister is not a woman of many words, but she's been harping on this. My other sister had the same thing happen to her: posted a bunch of pics on FB of her and her BF. They even went to Vietnam to celebrate her 35th birthday. Now they are no longer together and it has left a bitter after taste of an age that is memorable to most people.
What bothers me is the same people who complain about the government or Google knowing too much about them are the same people posting all their business on social media.