"You cheated on me with cuter broads"

Wow, I'm so glad that you dropped that dead weight and I'm very glad that you're not letting him get the best of you no matter how desperately he tries. Cuz thats what he is....loco and desperate!!

:kiss: and :bighug: to you
Girl, that's just another form of control. He's still trying to play mind games. Your response shoulda been, "I'll toast to that! But please don't contact anymore. Neither of us would want to disrespect your fiance by continuing further contact." LOSER! Glad you had the strength to rid yourself of him. Hats off to you!

Exactly! Don't even reply to his ignorance if you can help it.
Sorry that this happened to you. You may want to keep the emails that he sends 2 u as evidence in case you need them for the police/court, etc. since he is abusive and has obviously not gotten over you yet. As hard as it may be, dont delete them. This is your proof of harassment.
Wow, I can't believe he would even bother sending you that e-mail. It sounds like he still wants to keep in contact with you even if it means he has to try to make you jealous. Sounds like a loser to me, good riddance!