Lordt, Felipe Done Cheated On Whitney (naptural 85)!

Wow. I followed Whitney briefly when she first started vlogging. I saw a video of her talking about her interracial marriage and I thought she and her husband were cute. I recently started following her again since I'm getting ready to ditch my braids in light of the pandemic, and I noticed that her husband was absent from her social media but didn't think anything of it. I was curious about her hair cut, now it makes sense.

She admitted to being overwhelmed, but that she was running two businesses, three youtube channels, children and a husband she "couldn't fully trust." She said she always tried to keep communication open and was "always met with a wall." Sounds like they had long-standing problems. She said she didn't resent his career and always encouraged and supported him and his goals. She mentioned her mental state, saying she wasn't depressed, but anxious and that caused depression. From my own experience, I know what that's like. Anyway, since October 2019 she says she's been better.

An emotional affair is devastating, even more than physically cheating.

I'm glad she's moving on and I hope their divorce remains as amicable as possible for their children's sake.
^^^ In other words- If the man isn’t a total loser completely sucking off the woman‘s existence as his life force. Got it. :lol:

Lol!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Basically. Even w/o SM, the odds of their rlsp surviving based on their starting point was slim.

Young love can be great, but people need time to grow as individuals. Doesn’t Modern science say something to the effect of our hormones and brains not fully stabilizing until around age 25? I think in these modern times, that should be the minimum age for 90% of people getting married/cohabitating and/or having kids.
I feel so sad for both of them and the kids!! Hopefully this is a bump in the road that they will both learn from, and can come back stronger.

I'm glad that Felipe spoke out. I know that girl code dictates that the woman is always blameless when a relationship falls apart, but I don't agree. People are commenting that Felipe was a bum, but I watched their family vlogs for years and he always seemed like a hard worker. He went to nursing school while Whitney was making Youtube videos. . .about hair. Felipe was always hands on with Olivia and seemed like such a loving dad.

From their vlogs, Whitney seems like a low energy, aloof, introvert-type and Felipe seems high energy, expressive and extroverted. People try to make the opposites attract thing work, but both people cannot end up getting the love that they need. I remember seeing how Felipe irked Whitney years ago.

I don't condone cheating, but I think that all cheating is not on the same level. As an outsider looking in, I can see how he wandered.
The only thing that I was surprised about was when Whitney decided to have a second child with him, because in my opinion the rockiness and tension of their relationship came through at times in their vlogs - especially after Olivia was born. I wonder if they decided to have another kid just to give Olivia a sibling.
People are commenting that Felipe was a bum, but I watched their family vlogs for years and he always seemed like a hard worker. He went to nursing school while Whitney was making Youtube videos. . .about hair.
Um I'm pretty sure Whitney was grinding yearrrrrrs before he went to nursing school. She was making YouTube videos (for fun) but she was already in her career when she started on YouTube. I'm not sure about anyone else but I don't know what Felipe was doing then. I don't think he went to nursing school until much later. Like I said before some of her earlier videos were always about her working more and harder so they could buy nice things, buy a nice house, etc. Never a mention of what they were going to do together or what he was going to do, even if he was sitting right next to her in the video. I'm not trying to take away from his current accomplishments but if the statement I quoted is supposed to imply that he was grinding while she was playing on the internet then that would be false.
I’m not as concerned because I feel that both of them are equally involved and made a joint decision to use their popularity to further their individual and couple goals.

Another point.... Cameron is the breadwinner (he also formed his own company) and I’ve seen him do separate things media-wise involving his field after the show.

From what I’ve observed, when the men in these “popular SM couples” have their own things (career, business, etc) and they either just guest star in their SO’s social media streams once in a while and/or increase their SM presence to compliment what they are already involved in (Bryan &Rachel, Ciara&Russel) then whatever good or bad happens in the rlsp isn’t really an issue of SM.
Hmmm... you make a good point.
I'm just shocked they both described their relationship as toxic for the majority of their years together. Sure wouldn't get that from the vlogs. I stopped watching them a long time ago not for any reason besides I'm not that into couple/family vlog content. I commend her for being candid with her fans about the reason they split. He can't control what folks out here want to ask him and how long they're going to keep asking him. You spent all these years in our face making your relationship public. So...now the public is in your relationship or lack of
Um I'm pretty sure Whitney was grinding yearrrrrrs before he went to nursing school. She was making YouTube videos (for fun) but she was already in her career when she started on YouTube. I'm not sure about anyone else but I don't know what Felipe was doing then. I don't think he went to nursing school until much later. Like I said before some of her earlier videos were always about her working more and harder so they could buy nice things, buy a nice house, etc. Never a mention of what they were going to do together or what he was going to do, even if he was sitting right next to her in the video. I'm not trying to take away from his current accomplishments but if the statement I quoted is supposed to imply that he was grinding while she was playing on the internet then that would be false.
I remember her old videos. Seemed like she had her money together - both from her job & videos-and he was flailing about, finding himself.
*I don’t watch any couple vlogs/videos. Doesn’t feel right when the man piggybacks like that.
Um I'm pretty sure Whitney was grinding yearrrrrrs before he went to nursing school. She was making YouTube videos (for fun) but she was already in her career when she started on YouTube. I'm not sure about anyone else but I don't know what Felipe was doing then. I don't think he went to nursing school until much later. Like I said before some of her earlier videos were always about her working more and harder so they could buy nice things, buy a nice house, etc. Never a mention of what they were going to do together or what he was going to do, even if he was sitting right next to her in the video. I'm not trying to take away from his current accomplishments but if the statement I quoted is supposed to imply that he was grinding while she was playing on the internet then that would be false.
I can't remember what job Felipe had before he became a nurse, but I remember Whitney being a graphic designer. I'm just making the point that people try to make being a lifestyle Youtuber equivalent to a job that is actually demanding (like being a doctor or nurse in a hospital), when they're not.
I can't remember what job Felipe had before he became a nurse, but I remember Whitney being a graphic designer. I'm just making the point that people try to make being a lifestyle Youtuber equivalent to a job that is actually demanding (like being a doctor or nurse in a hospital), when they're not.
But no one is doing that. Even if they were, she was a Youtuber and had an actual demanding job so maybe I'm missing your point? Either way, she currently has 2 businesses along with her youtube channels that generate hefty income for her. Once you get to her status being a youtuber can be quite demanding. It's not just recording for 5 minutes on camera and simply hitting upload at her stage. I remember her complaining years back (when she was starting to make real money) about the amount of time editing her videos was taking (among other things) in addition to working full time. It was another video of her talking about being a workaholic. Anyway, I think we've gotten off topic.
Who said that being a YouTuber is more demanding than being a nurse? Who said it? :rolleyes:

What people are pointing out is that she carried them financially for a looong time before he decided to become a nurse, which she likely paid for him to become. And then he decides to cheat. Cheating is always trifling, but it’s even moreso when you haven’t even been carrying your full weight in the relationship.

They both say that the relationship was toxic for a long time. She obviously stayed because he was all she knew. He obviously stayed because he was being supported financially. He was given the gift of an extended amount of time to sit around and figure out what he wanted to do with his life, while his wife juggled multiple gigs to provide.
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One of the many reasons I don't look at any couple as #goals. There is no way to get the full story on a relationship through YouTube videos no matter how long the videos are and how often new videos are uploaded. People show and tell what they want people to see and know. I wish them both the best.
So he responded on his insta stories...

“This is the last time I’m going to address this ... In regards to what Whitney posted, I did not cheat on her... Now that is a discussion between me, her and our lawyers. Our relationship was toxic... this was a long time coming. All I want to do is be a better person, grow from this, and be the best dad I can be... I want my personal space, I want people to respect my space .... please stop asking me questions ... stop commenting. Leave me alone .... period! Leave me alone. I don’t owe anybody anything ... no explanations... just leave me alone.”

I hope their divorce is not messy for the sake of the kids.

Yikes, but telling people to leave you alone when you're the one who invited them into your business in the first place by putting your life on YouTube. They will never shut up about it, unfortunately.
Yikes, but telling people to leave you alone when you're the one who invited them into your business in the first place by putting your life on YouTube. They will never shut up about it, unfortunately.
This is the nonsense I don’t understand. You wanted to show the world your relationship but you don’t want the world to comment on it. I don’t watch vlogs about couples because I don’t care. It never occurred to me to be interested in their marriage. I watched Naptural85 for her hair videos. She should have stuck with that and kept her personal life personal. Has no one learned from the mistakes of reality show stars? Very few manage to stay married once they put their lives of front street. At least The Real Housewives pull in big checks for destroying their lives.
Just a note on "girl code". To me, it's not all about women being blameless but showing support for a sis who has been wronged and is in pain because if I don't, who else will? It ain't like you go find threads on men's boards showing support for women who have been cheated. There is no two sides to every story when somebody cheated. People cheat because they want to cheat any reasons they give are to justify doing what they wanted to do anyway.

Also as far as Felipe McFatty's statement, of course he ain't go admit to cheating. That's what lying cheating :moon: :censored: 's do.

I mean really, what was Felipe supposed to say, " Yeah I ****** all up in Whitney's YouTube subscriber with no condom, want some more details?" He go take that lie to the grave unless there's a benefit like a paid interview or tell all pamphlet to him and since nobody cares that much, he keeping his cheating lips sealed.
Never really followed these closely two but I was always surprised that they had another child when she said that she(or perhaps they?) never wanted any more. Even more surprised now after she has admitted that their relationship was toxic for 15 years.

Let's see. Which IR Youtube couples have hit the skids:

The Nive Nulls
Jamie and Nikki
Maryam Shumate and her husband
Valencia and Jim
Bailey Living
Whitney and Felipe
Travis and Judith(anyone remember them?)
Toni and the Boy
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Never really followed these closely two but I was always surprised that they had another child when she said that she(or perhaps they?) never wanted any more. Even more surprised now after she has admitted that their relationship was toxic for 15 years.

Let's see. Which IR Youtube couples have hit the skids:

The Nive Nulls
Jamie and Nikki
Maryam Shumate and her husband
Valencia and Jim
Bailey Living
Whitney and Felipe
Travis and Judith(anyone remember them?)
What ethnicity is Felipe?
Just a note on "girl code". To me, it's not all about women being blameless but showing support for a sis who has been wronged and is in pain because if I don't, who else will? It ain't like you go find threads on men's boards showing support for women who have been cheated. There is no two sides to every story when somebody cheated. People cheat because they want to cheat any reasons they give are to justify doing what they wanted to do anyway.

You’re right. Very rarely do I see “girl code” when relationships turn south. Typically, the responses from other women are about the woman knowing what they got into, at least the man got xyz, at least man does/doesn’t xyz, the woman probably did/didn’t xyz, and/or if she likes I love it type comments. I’ve never read or heard a group of men discussing relationships in a way that does not benefit men. Why? Because it would undermine how they want to be treated by women.

It’s fascinating hearing and reading women support responses, especially in public settings, when a male treats a woman or girl like garage. A group of men will never be caught telling each other in response to a woman cheating, “well at least she keeps the house clean” or other equivalent responses women say to other women.
You’re right. Very rarely do I see “girl code” when relationships turn south. Typically, the responses from other women are about the woman knowing what they got into, at least the man got xyz, at least man does/doesn’t xyz, the woman probably did/didn’t xyz, and/or if she likes I love it type comments. I’ve never read or heard a group of men discussing relationships in a way that does not benefit men. Why? Because it would undermine how they want to be treated by women.

It’s fascinating hearing and reading women support responses, especially in public settings, when a male treats a woman or girl like garage. A group of men will never be caught telling each other in response to a woman cheating, “well at least she keeps the house clean” or other equivalent responses women say to other women.

I have never ever heard a man say, about another man who was cheated on by his wife: well, he seemed so aloof, and his wife is an outgoing girl, so...

When a woman cheats, men can’t come up with any explanation besides, she’s a hoe and she belongs to the streets. When a man cheats, everyone wants to bring out the scales of justice and start weighing his cheating against how many hot meals he didn’t get, how many times she wore a bonnet to bed, how many times she didn’t laugh at one of his jokes, etc. As @Crackers Phinn stated above, “girl code”, is to offer additional balance and support in the face of this.
Just a note on "girl code". To me, it's not all about women being blameless but showing support for a sis who has been wronged and is in pain because if I don't, who else will? It ain't like you go find threads on men's boards showing support for women who have been cheated. There is no two sides to every story when somebody cheated. People cheat because they want to cheat any reasons they give are to justify doing what they wanted to do anyway.

Also as far as Felipe McFatty's statement, of course he ain't go admit to cheating. That's what lying cheating :moon: :censored: 's do.

I mean really, what was Felipe supposed to say, " Yeah I ****** all up in Whitney's YouTube subscriber with no condom, want some more details?" He go take that lie to the grave unless there's a benefit like a paid interview or tell all pamphlet to him and since nobody cares that much, he keeping his cheating lips sealed.
I have never ever heard a man say, about another man who was cheated on by his wife: well, he seemed so aloof, and his wife is an outgoing girl, so...

When a woman cheats, men can’t come up with any explanation besides, she’s a hoe and she belongs to the streets. When a man cheats, everyone wants to bring out the scales of justice and start weighing his cheating against how many hot meals he didn’t get, how many times she wore a bonnet to bed, how many times she didn’t laugh at one of his jokes, etc. As @Crackers Phinn stated above, “girl code”, is to offer additional balance and support in the face of this.

And both of these posts is why all I needed to hear was Whitney's side and I'm not sorry about that. I have done this before with friends and have had other friends tell me "but you only know one side of the story" and almost every time I've said in reply "he cheated, I don't need to hear nothing else."