Lordt, Felipe Done Cheated On Whitney (naptural 85)!

Im not shocked whatsover. Folks like to romanticize “I married my highschool sweetheart” but from my observations 99% of those situations are tumultuous and toxic AF. Add that with being a family vlogger, not wanting another child, and an unmotivated bum? Ticking time bomb. She didn’t deserve this but guru or not with that type of set up and history it was bound to happen. Im glad she left. And she knew what she was doing...”Please don’t say anything mean spirited towards him as he is their child’s father” girl ok you know exactly what’s going to happen now :lol: if she truly desired that she would have kept all those juicy details to herself.
Did one of them want another child and the other didn't?

Also, how do you say it? Fileep or Filleepay?
Amen! Well said. When I get married (and I have a feeling it’s gonna happen sooner rather than later :yep:) I’m not gonna post my relationship all over social media. I don’t care if family and friends post our pics. That’s them. Maybe for our 25 year anniversary I’ll change my profile pic to include him. :look: Dassit.
My husband complains, pokes and then complains why I don’t put him on my Instagram :lachen:he even drop a little response to my posts if his hand shows up on a pic :look:
I can’t imagine being content with the person I had been with since I was fifteen. But I have hoe tendencies.
I used to wonder this same thing about them. One of her old videos told the story of how they got together. They talked about how he was always after her in school and she was not checking for him at all. One day she quite literally couldn't get away from him because she was catching her breath after some track meet or whatever and that's when she gave him some play. I wonder how they worked when he chased her for so long when he was just a kid and she's never been with anyone else and didn't even want to give him the time of day at first anyway. I say all of that to say that video was why they were always so fascinating to me. I thought they were kind of cute and was genuinely impressed that they made it last.
She seems very hurt and rightfully so but maybe it is a good time to step away and go handle your business and mental state privately.

They been smiling and two steeping for the audience and letting everyone one have access to your whole freaking existence ....and now shes talking about 15 toxic years that whole situation is toxic how can anyone really live in front of a camera for years like that.

And as for the subscriber thing does that part even matter subscribers are not your friends family relative or even your acquaintances ..
.for all she knows ole girl could have subscribed after the affair just to stay in the loop or she could have been subscribed for him.

I hope she logs off and focus on her next steps
I am not at all surprised. Years ago every now and then I'd see comments on YT to the effect of how she doesn't seem to be into him, their interactions seem more friend like than romantic,etc. To me, their body language and general demeanor around each other was just off. Not to mention he gave me bum vibes. This just confirms what I thought.

As a divorcee myself from a man I was with from 19 to 31, I know how difficult it is to pick yourself up after being in a long term toxic relationship. I wish her peace and the best of luck.
Amen! Well said. When I get married (and I have a feeling it’s gonna happen sooner rather than later :yep:) I’m not gonna post my relationship all over social media. I don’t care if family and friends post our pics. That’s them. Maybe for our 25 year anniversary I’ll change my profile pic to include him. :look: Dassit.

My SO posted a really sweet post on our 10 year anniversary about us with pics and how grateful he was and :blah:. My page was crickets about it and some other random mess :look:
Honestly, I see divorce differently these days. I used to think it was a failure, but now I just see it as life. It didn’t work out you move on. She got a beautiful little girl out of it, not sure if they have any more kids but I’m sure there were some good times. I know breaking up and divorcing hurts but all you can do is collect the life experience and move forward. I don’t see divorce as something that defines people anymore. There is happiness, joy and love after divorce and who knows maybe she will find someone else healthier for her or maybe not, life is unpredictable in that way. The point is once the pain subsides she will find herself in a better place and that’s the journey of life. You have your ups and your downs but the good news is the pain does not last forever. I wish her the best, she seems like a lovely person.
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So true. I used to be one of those that were like awwwwwww. Look at Maryam and Hunter, the Nigerian woman and her Southern redneck husband. Six years ago on Youtube it was look at us and our lives. Now, they are in the middle of a nasty divorce and she has to look for a place to live. Jamie and Nicky last year and their epic breakup. I just think, don't monetize your relationships or put them out there on social media, not everyone watching wishes you well and will actively plot your downfall.

Almond Eyes

Social media just amplifies the dysfunction that is already present. And the type of person that is willing to give anonymous people access to their home life in exchange for coin is a different breed of animal altogether.
So he responded on his insta stories...

“This is the last time I’m going to address this ... In regards to what Whitney posted, I did not cheat on her... Now that is a discussion between me, her and our lawyers. Our relationship was toxic... this was a long time coming. All I want to do is be a better person, grow from this, and be the best dad I can be... I want my personal space, I want people to respect my space .... please stop asking me questions ... stop commenting. Leave me alone .... period! Leave me alone. I don’t owe anybody anything ... no explanations... just leave me alone.”

I hope their divorce is not messy for the sake of the kids.
So he responded on his insta stories...

“This is the last time I’m going to address this ... In regards to what Whitney posted, I did not cheat on her... Now that is a discussion between me, her and our lawyers. Our relationship was toxic... this was a long time coming. All I want to do is be a better person, grow from this, and be the best dad I can be... I want my personal space, I want people to respect my space .... please stop asking me questions ... stop commenting. Leave me alone .... period! Leave me alone. I don’t owe anybody anything ... no explanations... just leave me alone.”

I hope their divorce is not messy for the sake of the kids.
I was done w him after he said she looked like a donkey o_O

So he responded on his insta stories...

“This is the last time I’m going to address this ... In regards to what Whitney posted, I did not cheat on her... Now that is a discussion between me, her and our lawyers. Our relationship was toxic... this was a long time coming. All I want to do is be a better person, grow from this, and be the best dad I can be... I want my personal space, I want people to respect my space .... please stop asking me questions ... stop commenting. Leave me alone .... period! Leave me alone. I don’t owe anybody anything ... no explanations... just leave me alone.”

I hope their divorce is not messy for the sake of the kids.
Yeah he might have been the problem. And if he wasn't, he's not doing himself any favors with the way he's coming off. After being happy to be cheesing on camera with her for years now it's leave me alone? I understand wanting privacy but look how gracefully she addressed things versus the way he coming out? I wish her the best and hope their kids aren't too affected by this because it seems like the divorce might could get nasty if his attitude is showing us anything.

Yeah he might have been the problem. And if he wasn't, he's not doing himself any favors with the way he's coming off. After being happy to be cheesing on camera with her for years now it's leave me alone? I understand wanting privacy but look how gracefully she addressed things versus the way he coming out? I wish her the best and hope their kids aren't too affected by this because it seems like the divorce might could get nasty if his attitude is showing us anything.

well he is talking to the people blowing up his messages and comments not her ... given that he’s likely getting dragged, it’s normal to be upset regardless of what’s happening in his marriage...
I think it’s funny how people want to share their whole lives on the internet for money (or even for free), but then get indignant with people once they finally decide that they want some privacy. This goes for both of them. You can tell people that you wont be answering anymore questions, or addressing anything further, but you can’t tell people not to ask you anything else, or to leave you alone, stay outcho business, etc. lmao... All those ships have set sail long ago.
^^^ Which is why I’m concerned for Lauren and Cameron (Love is Blind). I know they met due to a reality TV show but they should have happily disappeared into the sunset of anonymity after the finale. I wish the the best.

I’m not as concerned because I feel that both of them are equally involved and made a joint decision to use their popularity to further their individual and couple goals.

Another point.... Cameron is the breadwinner (he also formed his own company) and I’ve seen him do separate things media-wise involving his field after the show.

From what I’ve observed, when the men in these “popular SM couples” have their own things (career, business, etc) and they either just guest star in their SO’s social media streams once in a while and/or increase their SM presence to compliment what they are already involved in (Bryan &Rachel, Ciara&Russel) then whatever good or bad happens in the rlsp isn’t really an issue of SM.