Ladies!!! would you ask HIM to marry YOU??!!

Ladies!!! would you ask HIM to marry YOU??!!

  • Yes why not? times have definitely changed....

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • Hell to the no! he better get down on that knee and quit playin!!! shoo...

    Votes: 96 93.2%
  • hmmm.....i dunno....maybe....

    Votes: 2 1.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Marriage is a topic that should be mutually discussed and agreed upon between a couple, but the proposal should come from the man.
If he is ready for marriage and wants to marry YOU, he'll ask. Reeks of desperation to ask IMO
No, I wouldn't.
Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I'm certainly not ashamed of it...
I think there's just something :blush3:about men showing Chivalry, and nowadays there's already a serious lack more than ever before:pullhair:..
So for a man to be ok with ME taking initiative and asking if he will please marry me, how in the WORLD is he supposed to be the head of our future family?:huh:
Even the quietest, more-laid-back-than-wallpaper type guys get a boldness:bud: when it comes to deciding to spend the rest of their life with a woman.
And on the flip side, the most bold, alpha male type guys get a certain gentleness:love3: and sincerity when it comes to their lady...

I know for me, I want to be taken care of :yep:
And for me to ask, makes it seem like I'm compromising, wearing the pants in the relationship, & therefore taking care of him.
If me and my guy are on the same page then I would know that if I ask it would be a yes; so for me, I'd ask because I'm sure if he asked it would be because we are on the same page when it comes to marriage. I mean seriously, is this why some women sit in a 10 year relationship waiting for him to ask?

Why do women feel that men don't have and wrestle with rejection issues just like us?
If he is ready for marriage and wants to marry YOU, he'll ask. Reeks of desperation to ask IMO

How is it desperate? Isn't this your man that you are in a committed relationship with?

I'm lost here; don't you ask for sex from him? isn't that being desperate?

Are we saying that if we ask our man that we are in a relationship with we are being desperate?
I mean seriously, is this why some women sit in a 10 year relationship waiting for him to ask?

Thats true.
Even though I'd never ask, I wouldn't sit in a relationship for years waiting for him to...I feel like you should evaluate where you want the relationship to go (as early as the first year) and take it from there.

I just happen to feel/think that there are still SOME things that should be left to the man. My SO and I talk extensively about where the relationship is going and what we envision for our futures and if that includes being married to one another. We talk about values, how we would raise children, timelines---I can go on. The point is we talk... While it will not be out of the clear blue sky.. the proposal will come from him..period. I may not know the how or when…but it will come from him (it won’t be years from now…we’ve discussed when we both see this happening and years from now did not match our timeline)

I won't go as far to say that all women who propose marriage are desperate; I don't know their individual situations. What I will say for me and mine, that would not go over well. Do I think it better that they sit and wait 10 years for a proposal IF they wanted marriage??? N, but they might want to rethink that whole relationship…cause it really (in most cases) doesn’t take that long to know if marriage is the next step in the relationship.

I can't even believe this is a real a question..
:lachen:Exactly lol. Hayle no is my response. There are certain things I leave to men and this is one of them. I don't believe in surprise proposals so we'll have a discussion beforehand but the proposal itself will come from him.
I would never ask a man to marry me. If he's not asking I would assume he is not interested, too weak or scared, or not a forward moving person, either way I would not want that type of man for a husband.

NO...NO..and HELL NO!!!

There's one lesson in life I will never ever dispute. Men go after what they truly want, and if marraige is that goal they make it happen. If he's not bringing it up or asking, you are NOT the one...Point..Blank..Period

Completely agree!
How is it desperate? Isn't this your man that you are in a committed relationship with?

I'm lost here; don't you ask for sex from him? isn't that being desperate?

Are we saying that if we ask our man that we are in a relationship with we are being desperate?

We all want to be in committed relationships with men who are equally as committed. I don't want to marry a man who is not ready. If he was ready, he'd ask. People need to stop coaxing men into marriage. When a man wants to marry you, there is no coaxing required.
I wouldn't ask. However, I would ask him when he plans on getting married (only if we've already discussed the possibility of getting married). This is just to let him know that I don't plan on waiting around...
I wouldn't ask him. But I would gently :look: let him know if he's taking too long.

It really depends on the relationship though. Different strokes.... You know the rest.:look:
What's your take on women asking men to marry them???
would you do it?
i know i wouldn't.....:look:

i personally think it takes away from the traditionality (yeah i made a word up....SO!) of the engagement process....

i did however ask a boy to be my bf once....and the bastid said no!:blush: i was soooo embarrassed.....but then he asked me to be his gf a few weeks later....:yep:

anyways....would you or would you not ask your honey-dip to thee wed?:grin:

HECK NO! :nono2: :hand:
It depends. I started dating my now dh when I was in middle school. We are middle school sweethearts. We would often speak on...when we grow up and get married, blah blah. I recall asking him, do you want to get married. By this time, we were in high school. He said yes and we started planning for our wedding. We married when I was 20 and he 22. We married at the justice of peace. I guess it can be debated that I asked him. Now, on the flip side. I would never ask a man to marry me if I was on the dating scene here and now as a grown woman.