Would you marry a person if you knew they were infertile?

Would you marry someone if you knew they were infertile?

  • Yes - There's always adoption.

    Votes: 91 26.7%
  • Yes - I don't want kids anyway.

    Votes: 53 15.5%
  • Yes - Love conquers all.

    Votes: 32 9.4%
  • Some combination of 1, 2, or 3.

    Votes: 80 23.5%
  • No - I am determined to have biological kids with my huzzbin

    Votes: 63 18.5%
  • Don't have an opinion.

    Votes: 22 6.5%

  • Total voters
I've never been pregnant. Never aborted. Never miscarried. There's nothing wrong with me. I've been checked, poked, inseminated, flipped upside down and inside out and I've never conceived. It used to bother me, but now it doesn't. I realize that God could be saving my life, and maybe that's not my purpose. I used to have a very difficult time around Mother's Day, I never went to baby showers, etc. Now, I just accept it and move on. My husband has a daughter, and she's just as much my child, as she is his. He has gone thru all the testing and crap with me, only because I wanted to, but he supports me, and wanted to be with me - whether I could give him a child or not.
I sure would marry him. If God took the time to bring this man into my life, then I know that he would use the situation as a blessing in some way shape or form. I've thought about this a lot because there are some hereditary medical problems in my family, that make me question if I should have children. If God allows me to have children/successful pregnancies then I'll thank Him. On the other hand, if that does't happen, then I will thank him as well, and just be a blessing in a child's life via adoption.
I wouldn't leave him or not want to marry someone because they are infertile. I have PCOS and endometrosis and inferility is a possibility with both of these diseases but there is adoption if I cant or if he can't help with the conception. But, truly only God knows what the turn out will be.
Love is love...I would just look at other options including adoption, fostering, surrogate...No matter what I feel...God has blessed me with someone who I love despite his imperfections and he loves me despite mine...
In all honesty I don't think I could, being a typical cancerian i can't wait to be pregnant, my whole life has geared up for it.....Or, it depends whether i had some kids from a previous relationship before we married...then adoption would be fine with me.

But OP, my opinion has been in the minority, there is definitely a man for you!