Married & Single Ladies! Would you marry a man who is mediocre in the sack?

Would you marry a man who is mediocre in the sack?

  • Yes, I am single and I would.

    Votes: 33 25.4%
  • No, I am single and I would not.

    Votes: 62 47.7%
  • Yes, I am married and I did.

    Votes: 20 15.4%
  • No, I am married and I did not.

    Votes: 15 11.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes. I wouldn't know until after we were married anyway. Sex is something we will talk about as a prerequisite to marriage. So long as he is willing to work at it, I'm all for it :yep:

Will you ask to see the package before marriage (sleeping and awake...:blush:)? I think you should...:yep:
Will you ask to see the package before marriage (sleeping and awake...:blush:)? I think you should...:yep:

No. We will never be in a setting where that will be appropriate. :nono: He can't see my breasts or genitalia beforehand therefore I won't ask to see his.
Yes. I wouldn't know until after we were married anyway. Sex is something we will talk about as a prerequisite to marriage. So long as he is willing to work at it, I'm all for it :yep:

If you have nothing to compare it with I think it's easier to do this.
If you have nothing to compare it with I think it's easier to do this.

I agree. Unfortunately for me I have plenty to compare it to. I've been celibate for 2 years but I still remember all too well. :blush: But so long as he's willing to try, I'm not going to worry about it until we get there.
Sure. I agree with everyone who says that love in a relationship brings about better sex. Plus if the love is REALLY can be honest with them about their skills & they can do whatever they can to please you & vice versa...and with all other areas of the marriage.

and I'm single, by the way
I know of a guy who married a woman who has come back to me and told me that his wife is not all that in the sack (he knew this before he married her) and eventually he plans on cheating because of it.:blush: (He's not necessarily looking to cheat but if an old boo comes back into the picture and throws it at him he would oblige.) I am curious to know how important this is to the ladies when picking a man to marry. If everything about a man is stellar but that is the only department he is lacking, would you still be interested in marrying him?

IMO, is such a RED FLAG to me!

Why is he discussing his wife's performance with u? I don't know the nature of your past relationship but this just sounds like he is trying to just justify cheating (and no offense.....cheating with you).

Why ***** about your sex life to anyone other than your wife/husband.....unless you are looking for someone else to handle the problem. :perplexed
IMO, is such a RED FLAG to me!

Why is he discussing his wife's performance with u? I don't know the nature of your past relationship but this just sounds like he is trying to just justify cheating (and no offense.....cheating with you).

Why ***** about your sex life to anyone other than your wife/husband.....unless you are looking for someone else to handle the problem. :perplexed

He's always been open about discussing all kinds of things with me but I agree. He was trying to get on but :nono:. He might have just been saying that as "game" about his wife too but that got him nowhere. It just makes me think how sneaky married men can be/are.
I agree with this...

I wouldn't marry a person with bad sex. It's important BUT--BUT........

I think good sex is good when you're totally in love with that person, b/c you both give it your all. I could be wrong but I don't think dh's sex was this good when I first met him :scratchch, I mean the basics were there:look: but yeah it sounds corny but our love, our relationship, etc has made it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good:yep:

And this...
Sex isn't all that crucial to me, but when I want it, I want it to be good.

And I would also like to add this...

IMO sex is what YOU make it... If you just lay there like a rug and expect to have a little fun it's not always going to happen and you will constantly be disappointed... Even if you're coloring with your favorite crayon:lick:
Depends on what you mean by mediocre- mediocre as in average? or does pre-mature ejacualtion or wham-bam-thank (rough) also included? If you just mean average then I would. If it is someone who has premature ejacualtion then no. If it is someone who does not know how to make love and thinks that rough intercourse is making love and cannot change then no. My DH was average when I met him but I would not have rated myself up there either. However it is now amazing for both of us.
during the pre-marrige stage--if he was mediocre we would have practiced alot!!!
so he could get it right and i would nicely communicate to him what works fo rme and vice versa
if he still couldnt quite put it down--then--ixne on the marriage
I guess mediocre is relative to different people. If I wasn't satisfied sexually - then no I wouldn't marry that man. Every person is different and I think you have to be clear about what's important to you before you get married.
Before I got saved, definitely not! Now, I guess that'll be a big unknown but I believe when you guys really love and appreciate each other, sex is more like 'making love' with each party giving their all to please and feel and as long as there're no medical issue's everything else can be worked around.
Not a chance I would date, talk less of marry someone who wasn't satisfying me.

Amen! As spiritual as any relationship might be, we all need some good coloring once in a while! I'm talking about that good good :lick: :drunk:
Why live without it if you don't have to?
No I wouldn't and I know to some this may sound superficial but I have been in this situation. First, I made sure it was not me that imparied his performance. Then I broached the topic with him to see if there was anything we could do together to assist him - and I also suggested he get some medical assistance. I tried my best to be as supportive as possible but he never sought medical help and it never got better - so I did not marry him :sad:

I felt and still feel that the man I marry will be compatible with me. I also understand that once I am married things may happen that affect our sex life and I plan to be a supportive wife. However, if there r issues before I marry him I know I must be realistic and be true to what makes me happy.
I say no.

My cousin married someone that isn't good in bed and she is miserable! She wants out so bad. I say she should have never married him if the bedroom business was not to her standard.....and it is still bad after almost 2 years! :ohwell:
Most of my criteria for mediocre involve things that could be changed. As long as he worked to improve his technique, I could marry him. If he would rather sulk and be set in his ways than have an honest, constructive dialogue on sex, he's not the man for me.
Interesting question.

If a woman is going to be celibate until the wedding night, she can't answer that question until it's too late. :blush:
I would marry him if he is willing to learn how to please me. I would want to learn how to please him if I wasnt getting it right. If all other aspects of the relationship are on point then here comes the bride!
Er um, ain't most of 'em :huh: (I didn't say "all"; but most)

LOL Exactly. Mediocre is different from bad, and it sounds like some of ya'll were just dating men who were just plain ole' bad. :lachen:

I would date someone who was bad in bed, but mediocre probably. He can always improve.
it's not a dealbreaker because he can be taught and love takes it to another level. but i have to be honest, size would probably be a dealbreaker for me.

That's hard to say....Some people dont dont subscribe to the "it's the motion in the ocean" theory. It's a personal choice what some people may think is mediocre.

I think small package + mediocre love making = wack!

for me small package = wack. i don't even need the medicore love making.

i feel sorry for women who have to deal with medicore and wack.
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