Would you marry a person if you knew they were infertile?

Would you marry someone if you knew they were infertile?

  • Yes - There's always adoption.

    Votes: 91 26.7%
  • Yes - I don't want kids anyway.

    Votes: 53 15.5%
  • Yes - Love conquers all.

    Votes: 32 9.4%
  • Some combination of 1, 2, or 3.

    Votes: 80 23.5%
  • No - I am determined to have biological kids with my huzzbin

    Votes: 63 18.5%
  • Don't have an opinion.

    Votes: 22 6.5%

  • Total voters
Heck yeah!! If/when my boyfriend asks me to marry him and I knew he were infertile I would still marry him because I truely love him. I love kids but I know that I dont have to be the biological mother in order to be a mother. I want to adopt anyway so infertility would not be a big problem for me.
If I were infertile (which is a possibility at this point) I would be really weary of who I chose to marry. Several people say they are OK with not having kids, especially women. Then the maternal instinct kicks in, the biological clock, the envy of other women with kids, the desire....

It really is a big decision that supercedes the idea/notion of being in love. Everyone has to slowly and seriously consider the idea of never having their own kids before they commit.

There are several people who've known for years that they don't want kids or feel they are okay either way, so I'd go for people like that.
Love conquers all... I would hope to find a solution.

But in all honesty, I always wanted to implant a clone of myself and deliver that... a baby princessnad! :lachen::lachen:

Strangly enough, I have shared this bizzare desire with my SO.
I voted yes cause my SO is infertile (he had a vasectomy) and I love him and if we decided to have children there is adoption and other means to have children in our lives. I was bothered by this at first, especially after I found out his reasoning, but now I'm okay and it doesn't matter.
I would because that person is me. I dedicated my uterus to the Fibroid gods last summer because they were having more fun with it than I was. My hubby has been with me since my 2nd procedure in '98 so he knew the deal from the gate. I did ask him is that an issue and he always responded that he wants me healthy more than anything :love:.
Yes because I'm not too particular on having kids. That window is fast closing for me anyway, getting too old.
I picked yes because I don't want children because I already have two and know that I do not want more. So that would not be a big deal for me. If I wanted children and this is who God sent to me then either we would find away to have children, God willing or live without them (other than the ones I already have).
I would marry him.I don't mind adopting and using a sperm-bank.With the sperm bank you can actually choose how your kids will look,and how intelligent they will be. The good thing is The child would be biologically mine.:grin:
Yes. There are a lot of things you can do now to have a biological child together, even if the husband is infertile. Most men, even ones that have had a vasectomy, have something in there that can be used for an IVF or IUI cycle.

Infertility can mean a 100 different things. Its not so cut & dry.

I KNOW. My daughter is proof :)
Absolutely! I would just take it as a sign that my life REALLY is all about me. :grin:( just kidding , I think )
Then I would just persue an alternative fabulous life....Use $$ and time I would have spent raising a kid & travel the world with my hubby!

Life can be beautiful with having or without having kids.
Since I already have a child, I say yes I would. I would prefer to have another child, but if I don't I'm ok. If I didn't have a child, I would look into different options. I have always wanted at least one child so it would be hard.
I'm torn between marrying because love conquers all & not being able to marry because I really do want to be able to have my husbands children. This is tough. The stress of not being able to have a family would have a huge impact on my happiness & therefore his, but if we cared for each other enough I hope we'd be able to overcome it
At this point, I not only want to become a mother, I also want to bear children. On the other hand, it doesn't sound logical for me to hear myself say that I'd walk away from a man who was EVERYTHING I wanted in a spouse because he couldn't conceive (not didn't want) children. I honestly don't know how I'd handle the situation without being in it.
Yes, I would marry a man if I knew he couldn't have children. There is always adoption. I can be someone's mother without making a child.
love conquers all :p

My DH and I thought i could not have kids naturally as I have fallopian tube problems, We were awaiting IVF treatment.
low and behold we are expecting our first miracle now!:grin: and have cancelled that IVF treatment ;)

Awww :hug2: that's so t'weet. Congrats!

DH wasn't fertile when I married him. He is now... I think?? :look:
True love is rare. If its real, you can always adopt or do to a sperm donor. Who knows maybe God will bless your union and give you an unexpected bun in the oven. Love truly does conquer all.