It's the 5th day of the year how many dates have you had?

Every man is not going to be your man, every man is not going to be your husband, every man is not going to be the one so why not embrace that and learn more about the species
I don't know what kind of magic yall are using. I've only went a total on 2 dates with same guy in 2011. After I had a couple of potential dates but shut them down during the first phone conversation because they were men my father's age and I knew I wasn't attracted to them. Just gave them my number because I feel bad rejecting them in their faces. I don't get out much work school grocery restaurant usually by myself. Men don't usually approach me. A few much older men. Pedophiles. I tend not to smile or encourage flirts because I'm mostly see ones I don't find attractive or if I do see one that I find attractive he is usually taken or not even looking my way. Other than that I tend not to look at strangers so I hardly notice if anyone is checking. I feel that if anyone is really attracted to me they should be more aggressive about it without me having to give all these signals and cues. I carry myself decent sometimes a cute outfit and nice earrings. I look years younger than my 26 years, I have a tall thin curvy figure, clean smooth complexion, a nice set of straight white teeth, some people say I am pretty and should model I don't believe them because no men my age who I am attracted to seem interested. I really don't understand how all these other women are getting so many dates in a year. I could count on both hands the number of real dates I've ever been on. Never dated anyone I've been really attracted to neither. I rather stay single than to date someone I know I don't really like just to say I'm dating someone. Been there done that. Hated it!
I'm going Chanel Cooper Sykes on yall I need some paypal info on ya'll I need to charge for this!

softblackcotton maybe you are an intimidatingly beautiful unicorn. Where are you hanging out? Better yet where is your type of man hanging out and are you going there? Are you friendly? You should be experiencing a smorgasbord!
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Every man is not going to be your man, every man is not going to be your husband, every man is not going to be the one so why not embrace that and learn more about the species

What percentage of the men that you go out with would you say you are interested in? Are you dating just to date or for a relationship? If the latter, have you ever dated someone recently that could have turned into a long term relationship/marrirage?

I don't know what kind of magic yall are using. I tend not to look at strangers so I hardly notice if anyone is checking. yet no men my age who I am attracted to seem interested. I really don't understand how all these other women are getting so many dates in a year. I could count on both hands the number of real dates I've been on. Never dated anyone I've been really attracted to neither.

Did you not read this thread missy? :lol:

You must be happy and make eye contact and date men you are not interested in to get your dating numbers up. And only going to the grocery store, work, restaurant, school by yourself, is not an excuse for low dating numbers.

Now go get your green tea and strut around the deli section one evening this week. :lol:
I don't know what kind of magic yall are using. I've only been on a total on 2 dates with same guy since last May 2011. I had a couple of potential dates but shut them down during the first phone conversation because they were men my father's age and I knew I wasn't attracted to them. Just gave them my number because I feel bad rejected them in their faces. I don't get out much work school grocery restaurant usually by myself.

Men don't usually approach me. I tend not to look at strangers so I hardly notice if anyone is checking. I carry myself decent sometimes a cute outfit and nice earrings. I look years younger than my 26 years, I have a tall thin curvy figure, clean smooth complexion, a set of white teeth, some people say I am pretty and should model yet no men my age who I am attracted to seem interested. I really don't understand how all these other women are getting so many dates in a year. I could count on both hands the number of real dates I've been on. Never dated anyone I've been really attracted to neither.

What is it that you like to do for fun? Could you join some meetups or go to those locations?

Or if you don't have any specific hobby, what have you been thinking about doing or learning?

I also think re: the bolded... you should really start paying attention to your surroundings at the very minimum and smile/attempt to be approachable. If someone asks you what is funny, why you are smiling, you could always tell them that you had just thought of something that made you laugh.

Sometimes when I smile, a stranger also smiles at me.

You can do this! You just gotta change your approach/strategy. Go to places where the type of guys you are attracted to convene and begin there.
What percentage of the men that you go out with would you say you are interested in? Are you dating just to date or for a relationship? If the latter, have you ever dated someone recently that could have turned into a long term relationship/marrirage?

Now go get your green tea and strut around the deli section one evening this week. :lol:

3 of my dates this year are people I'm interested in. 2 are immediate I think I could be your lady but I need to know you better types.

I am dating to find a relationship but I like having guy friends. I like having somewhere to go for cook outs, craw fish boils, super bowl sunday, boxing matches on tv etc. I have only been in Houston for a year so I'm building my network.

Iron Man aka Scoop asked me if it would be a waste of time to pursue me and I told him pursue away. About him: 37, 5'10, on the heavy side but still solid,dark, handsome,no kids, never married, steady employment, home owner, car paid off, only negative he rides a motorcycle :( This WILL sound petty but his house has two bedrooms. Who does that? I man who actually builds a 2br house how do you sell that? If it was a condo I wouldn't think twice but something struck me about that. Maybe I watch too many real estate shows :giggle: He asked me on the 1st date if I liked where I lived and I quickly told him NO that I wanted a house.

Date#2 w/ NOGE (Nigerian Oil & Gas Engineer) He claims he can dance so we are going to find out tonight. About him 32, single, claims never married no wives in Nigeria :look: yeah I asked! 5'10 slim build, making $130k+ :look: Seems very interested in if I will have kids :look:
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Date#2 w/ NOGE (Nigerian Oil & Gas Engineer) He claims he can dance so we are going to find out tonight. About him 32, single, claims never married no wives in Nigeria :look: yeah I asked! 5'10 slim build, making $130k+ :look: Seems very interested in if I will have kids :look:

Lol he told you his income? Alright now! Let me get out to meet these menfolks.
He didn't tell me it was an estimate based on his education, the companies he has worked for and industry standards. I think my estimate is low. Petro engineers start at $80k w/ a Bachelors. He has a masters and has worked for 2 of the Major Intl Oil & Gas companies not to mention he as been working in the industry almost 10yrs.
:look: NOGE and I spoke after our date. Just under $130 Gross. We had fun on the date but I can tell he isn't the one. I'll keep him on the team as a repeat but there was no spark. Maybe he is one that takes a few dates for a spark.

Anyone have spray results to report? :rofl:
I've been on 1....with a guy I will only see as a friend! Finding Vegan guys seems to be a lil tough...need to work my magic a lil harder!
Yes, I've had 2 dates with the same guy (dates 2 & 3) in 2012. I like him. He went overseas on vacation today. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

On another note, I'm scheduled to meet my matchmaker in 9 days. I'm wondering if I should move forward with this. The 30 minute 'group' meeting costs $200 and it's just an opportunity for her to understand my personality and see if any of her current/future clients (who willingly pay out the wazoo) are a match for me. She already met me once at a class she teaches. Since then, she has emailed me personally each month advising me to attend her monthly official 'meet & greet' event. After all of this, if she doesnt have a specific man or 2 or 3 in mind for that she plans to set me up with...boyyyyyyyy!

I could do a lot of other things with $200 y'all. I'll sleep on this decision.
Ash25 maybe you should join a Vegan meetup group.

Why is it that you need a Vegan man? Does it just make eating out easier?

That's where I met Mr. Friend :lachen: But I'll keep going to different events. Maybe my boo just couldn't make it to that one:yep: lol

It just makes life easier....I tend to have more things in common with men who are vegan. Men who are meat eaters tend to have a totally different lifestyle then I do....we are hardly ever interested in the same things. I've met one guy who is a meat eater and we had a ton in common....except diet :ohwell: For me begin a Vegan is more of a lifestyle than just my diet. Id rather not fit two totally different life perspectives into one relationship.
So you just walk around smilin'? My friends always tell me that I'm too 'serious' and men are probably afraid to say something....but I just can't imagine walking around with a big ol' smile on my face looking like this:


Instructions por favor.

i used to think this was crazy too. i was one of those people who had a serious expresssion all of the time,was very quiet and did not give much eye contact. constantly people would ask if i was angry or tired and people would call me "smiley" because i never smiled LOL

what helped me was to smile or give a friendly face to anyone who i had eye contact with.(with discretion of course) i thought this would allow me more of a "reason to smile" without smiling all the time. at first i thought it was stupid. some people would be responsive and some would ignore me etc... after doing this for like 3 months is became automatic people totally changed the way they respond to me and are happy to see me. all it took was a smile and then later on i was able to say a hello or how you doing. now when some people see me they act like we have been buddies for years:lol:

now i smile alot more frequently just because it makes me feel better and more positive.

I haven't tried the spray yet but after having a very lousy year in 2011, I entered in '12 smoking hot! I had 3 different guys trying to take me out in the same week since 12/31. I have had 2 dates with two and lining up 2 more when my schedule frees up. Indian guy, Dutch guy, Irish brothas yet!

I may cancel the date with the Dutch man as he said when he first saw me he knew right then he wanted me to have his children... :perplexed

PP, I totally agree that it's in smizing/smiling and being confident ♥
The key to google is not looking only at the first page. My girls call me a detective :sekret: I'm just diligent. I asked and then I looked for myself. Now this doesn't always work but you at least have to try. I looked on 14 pages of google. First I looked at his email screen name. Then I looked at 10pages of his real name. The marriage certificate info was on page 3 and it was on a genealogy site.

Eta 14 was only on regular google I also looked on the pic and video tabs. He had profiles on 4 different dating sites. I also googled his wifes name but he must keep her away from technology because nothing popped up under her maiden or married name. For those wondering why i searched her it was pure curiosity. I wanted to see what she looked like :look:

PS I'm on the way to another date and have a date tomorrow and turned down a trip to New Orleans/Mississippi this wknd. I don't know dude like that to travel with him this soon.
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The green tea/cucumber spray by dove

I had a great date on Saturday.........until his girlfriend showed up :rofl: I have the best story but i'm trying to meet a deadline.