Is Life This Hard In The Dating Streets?

I do think the dating game is a bit rougher for the simple fact that the good ones with little baggage in my age group (34) are mostly taken so the pool is tighter. Then there’s also these weird movements that aren’t helping much (like MGTOW, incels, f boy movement, extreme feminists, etc.) people have lost their marbles.
Agree with this- and MGTOW- whew- if that mentality spreads more than it has already, I fear the future.

Like I said in another thread- woman can do all this work on herself but if there are no decent men out here ALSO doing work on himself or even worse, being told by other men that he doesn’t need to- then what is the point. You are going to be single for a really long time or end up settling.

And to who ever posted the “there isn’t a man for every woman” line- that hit me in my soul. But you right- :crying3:

To play devils advocate and from my experience- there are a lot of decent men out here- but they are 5’5 or less, severely overweight, or have some other unattractive feature about them. I am trying my best to look past that for dating sake but I just really feel like I would be settling for the sake of having someone versus someone I would be attracted to and happy with.

And yes, I know it is “masculine” to want a man for his looks but all the money in the world won’t keep my eyes from wandering if I am unattracted. Physical attraction starts to be less important the more time you spend getting to know someone- but even the unattractive guys don’t want to take the time to get to know you. After one date- THEY are even expecting you to give it up. I swear- dating has really changed compared to 10 years ago- and for the worst.
Men have become skilled in making women feel bad about wanting to be treated like ladies. They don’t want to invest time or money-but they talk a good game about wanting something deeper, spiritual, and are open about their “feelings”. They are employed with decent jobs and don’t out right disrespect the women. They just convience women that demanding anything more in the relationship than bare minimum somehow negates them connecting on a deeper level.

So the men get sex, commitment from the woman, and someone willing to be in a fake relationship for less than the price of a hot and ready pizza. Meanwhile the men maintain their freedom, have no titles/ no commitment on their part, no demands on their time, and no financial investment.
Very true - I had a whole discussion yesterday with a man who thinks that women don’t deserve nice engagement rings (online forum). He said a man’s heart should be enough.
And yes, I know it is “masculine” to want a man for his looks but all the money in the world won’t keep my eyes from wandering if I am unattracted. Physical attraction starts to be less important the more time you spend getting to know someone- but even the unattractive guys don’t want to take the time to get to know you. After one date- THEY are even expecting you to give it up. I swear- dating has really changed compared to 10 years ago- and for the worst.
So true!!
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Agree with this- and MGTOW- whew- if that mentality spreads more than it has already, I fear the future.

Like I said in another thread- woman can do all this work on herself but if there are no decent men out here ALSO doing work on himself or even worse, being told by other men that he doesn’t need to- then what is the point. You are going to be single for a really long time or end up settling.

And to who ever posted the “there isn’t a man for every woman” line- that hit me in my soul. But you right- :crying3:

To play devils advocate and from my experience- there are a lot of decent men out here- but they are 5’5 or less, severely overweight, or have some other unattractive feature about them. I am trying my best to look past that for dating sake but I just really feel like I would be settling for the sake of having someone versus someone I would be attracted to and happy with.

And yes, I know it is “masculine” to want a man for his looks but all the money in the world won’t keep my eyes from wandering if I am unattracted. Physical attraction starts to be less important the more time you spend getting to know someone- but even the unattractive guys don’t want to take the time to get to know you. After one date- THEY are even expecting you to give it up. I swear- dating has really changed compared to 10 years ago- and for the worst.
Since when did it become masculine to want to be sexually attracted to the man you date? I only hear women on this forum talk like that. It’s never occurred to me to try to introduce a friend to an ugly or overweight man. In my real life I have never heard a woman say, “I don’t think this guy is physically attractive but I want to have sex with him because he’s nice and has a good job.” Perhaps it’s generational thing. When I was first starting to date and have a real interest in the opposite sex it was all about how fine a guy was . If the panties stayed dry, I stayed home.:lachen:
Since when did it become masculine to want to be sexually attracted to the man you date? I only hear women on this forum talk like that. It’s never occurred to me to try to introduce a friend to an ugly or overweight man. In my real life I have never heard a woman say, “I don’t think this guy is physically attractive but I want to have sex with him because he’s nice and has a good job.” Perhaps it’s generational thing. When I was first starting to date and have a real interest in the opposite sex it was all about how fine a guy was . If the panties stayed dry, I stayed home.:lachen:
I totally agree with you. Right now my friends are trying to hook me up with this guy who’s a good match for me on paper. When I kept refusing they asked why? I told him because he doesn’t get my panties wet. Plain and simple.
I totally agree with you. Right now my friends are trying to hook me up with this guy who’s a good match for me on paper. When I kept refusing they asked why? I told him because he doesn’t get my panties wet. Plain and simple.
I just feel like you have to at least have that feeling in the beginning. Because it doesn’t last and you need your memories.
I totally agree with you. Right now my friends are trying to hook me up with this guy who’s a good match for me on paper. When I kept refusing they asked why? I told him because he doesn’t get my panties wet. Plain and simple.

I ain't mad at ya!

YOU have to wake up to your man every morning. Why you want to scream in horror every time the sun comes up? :lol:
This video made me think of this thread. I don't know how many of you follow Te-erika, but I've always admired her drive. This vulnerable moment of hers made me cry because I understand how she feels. Though I have some great men in my life, in relationships I've definitely struggled. I lucked up and found a great guy, but during my single years I went through some stuff.

No cliffs, just listen if you have the time
I ain't mad at ya!

YOU have to wake up to your man every morning. Why you want to scream in horror every time the sun comes up? :lol:

I'm so done lolol

A few years ago my cousin and her husband tricked me into a double date with a friend of theirs who I didn't think was attractive at all. All I remember about him was that he was my height. I gave no cares he had an engineering degree. So do I. Bye!
This video made me think of this thread. I don't know how many of you follow Te-erika, but I've always admired her drive. This vulnerable moment of hers made me cry because I understand how she feels. Though I have some great men in my life, in relationships I've definitely struggled. I lucked up and found a great guy, but during my single years I went through some stuff.

No cliffs, just listen if you have the time

I appreciated this video, but it shouldnt have been a video come the ending... Like chica maybe therapy would service you well... :perplexed:
Since when did it become masculine to want to be sexually attracted to the man you date? I only hear women on this forum talk like that. It’s never occurred to me to try to introduce a friend to an ugly or overweight man. In my real life I have never heard a woman say, “I don’t think this guy is physically attractive but I want to have sex with him because he’s nice and has a good job.” Perhaps it’s generational thing. When I was first starting to date and have a real interest in the opposite sex it was all about how fine a guy was . If the panties stayed dry, I stayed home.:lachen:
My friends IRL are dating ugly men because they can provide/give allowances. One actually told me she focuses less on his looks if he has money and can do for her/give her what she wants. And it did start on this forum for me but my friends are practicing it.
Agree with this- and MGTOW- whew- if that mentality spreads more than it has already, I fear the future.

Humph, every time I come in here, there's a different type of man doing foolishness :mad:

Since when did it become masculine to want to be sexually attracted to the man you date? I only hear women on this forum talk like that. It’s never occurred to me to try to introduce a friend to an ugly or overweight man.

God bless you, because a few (ex) friends tried that, thinking they were doing a favour.

In my real life I have never heard a woman say, “I don’t think this guy is physically attractive but I want to have sex with him because he’s nice and has a good job.” Perhaps it’s generational thing. When I was first starting to date and have a real interest in the opposite sex it was all about how fine a guy was . If the panties stayed dry, I stayed home.:lachen:

They don't say it out loud, but instead of "I want", change that to "I will" if the coins are right. Sugar baby culture is real.
Here is another one TMASTT - they are literally advocating for changing "innate feminine" mindset that men are suppose to protect/provide for women. Want to feel covered? Want to feel safe? Not here.

And here I thought I was up on all of it considering the digging I do in make spaces, but this is new to me. LOL
Yoooo this is so real. I thought there was some generational gap that I don't understand all this fawning over a man bringing you some takeout LOL! But if I were to use the relationship memes I see as barometers for relationship standards I would say low is an understatement for the expectations LOL!
I think all those memes are made by high school kids. There’s no way grown people are going through this. I refute the claims on them.