Is Life This Hard In The Dating Streets?

She's an idiot. And I hope she dumped his behind. She seemed heartbroken when he said he will cheat if he "cuffs" her. He is telling the world what he is so it's up to her/us to decide what to do about it. :nono:

Let me check out his YT and hope she walked.
Reminded me of this video. These guys today. :nono:

I dont know what I hated more....the way he talked (like so many of these young dudes) or what he said to her which made no sense. I wouldn't have sat there that long.

I cannot STAND guys like him..... :nono:

And then he had the nerve to be like: "Oh I can sleep around and talk with other girls, but if YOU did the same with other guys you'd be cut off".... :rolleyes:

Classic double standard....

How are people raising such self-entitled fboys?? :confused: Where does this mindset come from?? Maybe I'm tripping, but I feel like this player mentality has increased in the past decade.

Funny thing is, if ALL women stood up for each other and said: "'re talking to me and Sandra, Tiffany, and Jennifer too? Oh heck no....we're through...." then most men wouldn't be able to get away with half the stuff they're getting away with.
I cannot STAND guys like him..... :nono:

And then he had the nerve to be like: "Oh I can sleep around and talk with other girls, but if YOU did the same with other guys you'd be cut off".... :rolleyes:

Classic double standard....

How are people raising such self-entitled fboys?? :confused: Where does this mindset come from?? Maybe I'm tripping, but I feel like this player mentality has increased in the past decade.

Funny thing is, if ALL women stood up for each other and said: "'re talking to me and Sandra, Tiffany, and Jennifer too? Oh heck no....we're through...." then most men wouldn't be able to get away with half the stuff they're getting away with.

He has since made 2 more YT videos about her and the issue and saying the same ish. What he said and what viewers are saying to her seem to be affecting her as she went 2 days without talking to him (which was an anomaly for them) so he went to her apartment and she seems to want more that he isn't wanting to give. I hope the next video I see a video her saying she is done with him. :peace:

But if not, then it will only perpetuate the cycle. Why would these f boys stop if they can keep getting that p without a title and stress??
Can you expound on the fundamentals? I am leaning this way but primarily because I don't think feminism was made with black women in mind (aka Bell hooks ideas are starting to sink in). I'm just curious to the fundamentals that lead you away from feminism from your point of view.

I know that I have some beliefs that are on track with theirs but many that are in direct opposition. Though it is often said that women have the freedom to do what they want, there seems to be a set rule of "what" that entails and it seems to entail this tit for tat thing that we're talking about in this thread versus a man improving upon your life. I think that women add value to a man in many ways and there's nothing wrong with a man adding value too. And we don't have to add things up: Me plus you, I do this you do that, for things to be equal. He should of course value my mind and view me as an equal, but I am not down with keeping some scoreboard and making sure to keep up. I think that women add to marriage just by our sheer existence hence the reason men live longer. Most women of worth will add to a marriage period, so there's no need to tap dance and be super woman just to prove we have a "place" in the relationship.

And when you mention a traditional mindset, I thought the point of feminism was to have choices, but yet it almost shames a traditional mindset , if a woman wants that dynamic. Curious to your thoughts.

I agree with everything you said. For me the fundamentals are equal rights, equal pay for equal work, and the right to choose what I do with my body. Black women were the original feminists in this country but middle class white women coopted the whole thing and I'm simply never going to be in lock step with them on anything beyond the fundamentals.

What I see happening with them right now is this superficial nitpicking at stuff like chivalry and gender roles. For THEM it makes sense because wm see them as children. That has never been our issue (it's actually been to the extreme opposite direction) so we can afford to value traditional relationships and gender roles at home without sacrificing our advancement in society.

Angela Davis wrote a piece on this a long time ago tracing back to enslaved women and how performing rigid gender roles at home after sundown was actually liberating since their womanhood/motherhood/femininity was completely devalued in all other contexts. So for me, bw can afford and in fact DESERVE to have it all...success outside the home and the expectation of being taken care of at home. Or just one. Or the other. Whatever we want.
Reminded me of this video. These guys today. :nono:

I dont know what I hated more....the way he talked (like so many of these young dudes) or what he said to her which made no sense. I wouldn't have sat there that long.

Super abusive and manipulative. He's legit throwing a tantrum because she wants a commitment, but if she dates others he'll cut her off. And he doesn't want to be friends unless he can sleep with her? So she has to either accept being used and putting her health at risk AND stay loyal to him with no future or get rejected and ignored after already sleeping with him? I'm disgusted and have no words.
I cannot STAND guys like him..... :nono:

And then he had the nerve to be like: "Oh I can sleep around and talk with other girls, but if YOU did the same with other guys you'd be cut off".... :rolleyes:

Classic double standard....

How are people raising such self-entitled fboys?? :confused: Where does this mindset come from?? Maybe I'm tripping, but I feel like this player mentality has increased in the past decade.

Funny thing is, if ALL women stood up for each other and said: "'re talking to me and Sandra, Tiffany, and Jennifer too? Oh heck no....we're through...." then most men wouldn't be able to get away with half the stuff they're getting away with.
This is the thing though, women are pressed to be married and shame other women for not being married, so I think on some level, a lot of women take what they can get. That's why I get so irked on here when people get all hyper and judgy about marriage. Too many people force crappy situations to not be alone, to legitimize their kids, or to get chose.
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Bless her heart. I watched men in my family pull this trifling trick on women. Ain't no way bih no way.

I was dating someone who said "cheating happens, women have to learn to deal with it, even in marriage" . I laughed loud and long the told him that I am as faithful as the man I'm with.

Dude was taken aback. "You are suppose to be better than that" lol. I said "You talk big about traditional rlp, well you are suppose to lead by example. I assume if you are sleeping with other people we are in an open rlp that applies to both of us.". He didn't want to talk anymore after that.

I let him go soon after but yeah I don't have time for the foolishness you want to play games lehgo.

I hope this girl packs her cat and leaves. He has made it very clear he is unable to give her what she wants .

He has since made 2 more YT videos about her and the issue and saying the same ish. What he said and what viewers are saying to her seem to be affecting her as she went 2 days without talking to him (which was an anomaly for them) so he went to her apartment and she seems to want more that he isn't wanting to give. I hope the next video I see a video her saying she is done with him. :peace:

But if not, then it will only perpetuate the cycle. Why would these f boys stop if they can keep getting that p without a title and stress??
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What do we need to do? As stated earlier in this thread these men try this on everyone and if no one plays along they’ll sit home whine on the internet about us and indoctrinate more men to be just like them. They are still dusty even if they readjust their attitudes. No one should have children with them so that their dust can die out.
We just need to leave the trash alone. I'm not a big proponent of celibacy for the sake of celibacy but women just gotta stop slumming it for the sake of sex. That's how we get caught up with trash. it's hard to ask someone to ignore their sexual needs but honestly and truly most of these men are terrible in bed. carry diseases. want to stick it in without condoms etc. Just get a vibrator and sleep peacefully. Or at minimum get on Prep and use condoms and dental dam for all sexual activities!

I also want to add the motivator behind this is not so men can act right but so women can be protected from trash.

I looked at that video of ol boy talking to "his friend" I can guarantee they are sexing raw. He's likely raw sexing all of his friends under the idea that they are only having sex with him so he's protected and safe. etc. At minimum that girl needs to require condoms and no unprotected oral sex.
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This is the thing though, women are pressed to be married and shame other women for not being married, so I think on some level, a lot of women take what they can get. That's why I get so irked on here when people get all hyper and judgy about marriage. Too many people force crappy situations to not be alone, to legitimize their kids, or to get chose.
Yes. the road to the ring. it was evident when it came out that Cardi B was secretly married and folks were all like "ha. That's for all the people who said she'd have her baby oow" Is it really a win though?
Yes. the road to the ring. it was evident when it came out that Cardi B was secretly married and folks were all like "ha. That's for all the people who said she'd have her baby oow" Is it really a win though?
Exactly. He's a proven cheater and doesn't seem to have much going for himself except the rapper fame. Their relationship will only last for as long as she's willing to take the crap.
Reminded me of this video. These guys today. :nono:

I dont know what I hated more....the way he talked (like so many of these young dudes) or what he said to her which made no sense. I wouldn't have sat there that long.

I was so confused watching this. I didn't watch the whole thing. I cut it off after they started talking about friends with benefits. This is not even a conversation I would be interested in having. It just makes you feel crazy and stupid and like you are the only normal looking person living in the pig face people world. I don't need any help going insane thank you very much.

In the end none of the stuff he said mattered but one thing. When he flat out told her "I'm not spit. I'm not the one for you" Nothing else matters after that. If you're not the one for me then we have nothing else to discuss. Thanks for telling me. Bye! :peace:
We just need to leave the trash alone. I'm not a big proponent of celibacy for the sake of celibacy but women just gotta stop slumming it for the sake of sex. That's how we get caught up with trash. it's hard to ask someone to ignore their sexual needs but honestly and truly most of these men are terrible in bed. carry diseases. want to stick it in without condoms etc. Just get a vibrator and sleep peacefully. Or at minimum get on Prep and use condoms and dental dam for all sexual activities!

I also want to add the motivator behind this is not so men can act right but so women can be protected from trash.

I looked at that video of ol boy talking to "his friend" I can guarantee they are sexing raw. He's likely raw sexing all of his friends under the idea that they are only having sex with him so he's protected and safe. etc. At minimum that girl needs to require condoms and no unprotected oral sex.
Super abusive and manipulative. He's legit throwing a tantrum because she wants a commitment, but if she dates others he'll cut her off. And he doesn't want to be friends unless he can sleep with her? So she has to either accept being used and putting her health at risk AND stay loyal to him with no future or get rejected and ignored after already sleeping with him? I'm disgusted and have no words.
I can't see the video, but if she's telling him she wants to be exclusive and he doesn't, why are they still talking? She should have said "Thanks for your honesty" and walked out. Why would you even want to be friends with a man that treats you like that? She needs her pride back.
I can't see the video, but if she's telling him she wants to be exclusive and he doesn't, why are they still talking? She should have said "Thanks for your honesty" and walked out. Why would you even want to be friends with a man that treats you like that? She needs her pride back.
Ma'am get to a computer and watch it. What you can stomach at least. I couldn't see the video either but just figured it was bad based on the comments in the thread. It's worse. It's the twilight zone. I cannot imagine sitting next to a man who is recording telling me to my face that he just wants to mess around with me while he messes with other women and I am cut off if I mess around with anyone else. And also tell me that we can be friends with benefits and when I say no he acts stupidly surprised like I'm the one out of my mind. It sounds made up almost. Something you have to see to believe. And then this man posts this for the world to see. It's disturbing. Where did boys like him come from? And I say boy because he looks like a boy.
Reminded me of this video. These guys today. :nono:

I dont know what I hated more....the way he talked (like so many of these young dudes) or what he said to her which made no sense. I wouldn't have sat there that long.

Wow! The whole thing is SO misogynistic. The double standards, his stance (completely facing away from her, clearly rejecting her before they even started talking), the language, ugh... "Female", "Cuff", "Cut off", "His treatment" like seriously? Who does he think he is? He's not even remotely attractive, well spoken or charming, wth? The girl is ratchet, but she's pretty. If she styled herself better she'd look good. *sigh* I hate that these weak women are displaying this behavior in public. She's letting him humiliate her and she's still trying to convince him. Once a man told you "you're not my girl", "I'm not the one for you", why are you still sitting there and talking? Little girls are learning from these morons begging men for the honor of their presence is okay :rolleyes::nono:

This may be a little inappropriate, but how can these men be good in bed? They don't even like women. I doubt a man like this is trying to please a woman. The way he told her she'd be "cut off" is like it'd be a punishment for her, not him, as if she couldn't find 10 dudes exactly like him in less than a week without any effort. What kind of sorcery are these men working on these women? Cause this is beyond low self esteem. I'd get myself a nice toy and keep my pride.

Ma'am get to a computer and watch it. What you can stomach at least. I couldn't see the video either but just figured it was bad based on the comments in the thread. It's worse. It's the twilight zone. I cannot imagine sitting next to a man who is recording telling me to my face that he just wants to mess around with me while he messes with other women and I am cut off if I mess around with anyone else. And also tell me that we can be friends with benefits and when I say no he acts stupidly surprised like I'm the one out of my mind. It sounds made up almost. Something you have to see to believe. And then this man posts this for the world to see. It's disturbing. Where did boys like him come from? And I say boy because he looks like a boy.
You were not kidding. *sigh*
Wow! The whole thing is SO misogynistic. The double standards, his stance (completely facing away from her, clearly rejecting her before they even started talking), the language, ugh... "Female", "Cuff", "Cut off", "His treatment" like seriously? Who does he think he is? He's not even remotely attractive, well spoken or charming, wth? The girl is ratchet, but she's pretty. If she styled herself better she'd look good. *sigh* I hate that these weak women are displaying this behavior in public. She's letting him humiliate her and she's still trying to convince him. Once a man told you "you're not my girl", "I'm not the one for you", why are you still sitting there and talking? Little girls are learning from these morons begging men for the honor of their presence is okay :rolleyes::nono:

This may be a little inappropriate, but how can these men be good in bed? They don't even like women. I doubt a man like this is trying to please a woman. The way he told her she'd be "cut off" is like it'd be a punishment for her, not him, as if she couldn't find 10 dudes exactly like him in less than a week without any effort. What kind of sorcery are these men working on these women? Cause this is beyond low self esteem. I'd get myself a nice toy and keep my pride.

You were not kidding. *sigh*

You ain't never lie! They can't be no good. A selfish man like this can't be putting in any kinda work in the bedroom. This lazy boys probably think their large tool is enough and any woman would be happy to just be in their presence. :rolleyes: I learned this the hard way.
flat out told her "I'm not spit. I'm not the one for you" Nothing else matters after that. If you're not the one for me then we have nothing else to discuss. Thanks for telling me. Bye! :peace:
THIS. He told you who he was right there. Thanks dude and bye. Ghosting time. I know I would've just walked off and ended all communication. We don't need closure. We don't need explanations. We are just done.

I hope she gets some self esteem because he said it himself he's "not spit" and he's "not the one for you". What else do you need? And to see her hurt face afterwards. I just wanted to reach out to her like I do my little cousins, shake her, and tell her to get some self respect because she deserves a guy who adores her, not a guy who wants to play mind games with her, gas light her, and tell her she's not the one for him while demanding her loyalty and access to her body at the same time. Lucky for me my cousins listened in the past and quickly learned to spot and get rid of these types of guys. I hope she has someone a little older in her ear cheering her on. All women deserve better.
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Update (new video posted yesterday):

How exciting. He decides he wants to be with her. He wants a relationship. He is taken and off the market. Yay. He is a winner..:rolleyes: . She won the best boyfriend lottery. :barf:

He's got some REAL delusions of grandeur. He gave me some Trump vibes. The arrogance, Lordt...

He's also super problematic. He refuses to call us "women", it's all "females", "b***es", "heauxs". It's so ridiculously reductive. Women he doesn't find attractive and he wouldn't sleep with aren't entitled to self respect and disagreeing with him. Single women also don't count. We need to keep lifting ourselves up, cause it's toxic out here. It breaks my heart that men like this have a bunch of support from women :wallbash:

I felt kinda nauseated when she said "I love you" :barf::barf::barf:
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:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: She's too cute to be playing herself like this for the world to see.
Yep, I'm embarrassed for her.

Do you believe he's gonna buy her a new car and "treat her like Beyonce"? :giggle: I bet IF he gets her a car, he'd put it in his own name and let her drive it until they break up :lachen: And his idea of spoiling her, bettering her life, treating her like Beyonce is getting her subscribers and giving her his dusty "merch"...

Please :rolleyes:
Update (new video posted yesterday):

How exciting. He decides he wants to be with her. He wants a relationship. He is taken and off the market. Yay. He is a winner..:rolleyes: . She won the best boyfriend lottery. :barf:

I'm starting to wonder if these guys are using feminism to flip the switch and turn odds in their favor. We are told we are supposed to be independent and not need anyone. So don't ask for anything, don't look needy, don't want anything, and maybe just maybe you'll win the guy in the end eh? I mean that's how she got him right? Yay!

Meanwhile get used and rinse and repeat because it doesn't work that way. I am quite sure she is in for a :censored: of a ride. To be in a relationship should have some vulnerability. You should be with someone who wants to be with you and vice versa. Not because you begged them, or waited them out while dealing with all their b.s stipulations in order to receive some reward. Did you see his face when she was like, "yay". And then he was like, "That's it?"! Like he was legit expecting her to ugly cry or something for winning his silly hand :lol:

So this be there and hold them down without expectations thing is not the biz. This needing basic decency from humans is a must and something this dude has overlooked with every "female", "hoe" and whatever other word he uses to describe women in general including the one he so called wants to be with. Basic decency and interdependency should be a requirement. You should want to be good to them and them to you and so on. Heck you should be able to rely on them even (gasp). Even if you don't need a relationship, there is nothing wrong with wanting one. And no one should exploit that need for connection that humans have. I think we are losing out on the "wanting" thing because we think it makes us look thirsty. What makes someone thirsty to me has nothing to do with wanting love, it is with losing sight of the self and self respect, so that one will do anything for love including things that are harmful (mind, body, spirit, and soul to self)....things like waiting for this horrible excuse for a guy while risking sexual health, body, mind, and soul for just a chance to be with him (because this could also go the other way with her still playing the waiting game. And even though she's won, she has lost because he now knows what she will put up with just to have him).

That's when you end up winning something which in the end should not be on the table in the first place. Wwanting a guy to treat us right and to have a fulfilling relationship is not a bad thing, and a good guy would not exploit that, he would be happy to take on that role. Nor would he debase or devalue women for seeing that her basic needs are in jeopardy. I think a shift has to take place in minds of knowing this. More women have to be repelled by these types to the point that they're shamed, or at the very least, they know that they will not get anywhere with a woman. That way women will move beyond these men and these convos won't continue to happen. The fact that dude had a vlog series of these talks is wack. I should wonder what happened to that young lady because she is out after that mess. Instead she's somewhere probably trying to act like she doesn't need him while hoping that he changes his mind and starts treating her right, and she's going over convos in her head, and twisting herself into a pretzel to try to prove herself to this guy and hope that he will see her in a different light when in reality, she should be so disgusted with him that she doesn't want anything to do with him and doesn't spend a second longer thinking about him. His words should be beyond a turn off in ever particular way. And then what, after she's tormented herself over and over, he finally decides to "choose" her and what again she should be bursting at the seams for the honor of being with someone who is not honorable in any way.

And wtf was that? He gave her "merch"? I mean so romantic. And these guys are acting like giving you their undivided attention is the same thing as asking for your hand in marriage. Poor basic, sad dude. I bet his marriage proposal will be similar (after a series of tearful, and b.s issues that he puts her through). He'll walk up and be like, " Ta da! Let's get married. See I chose you heaux! Now what does that say? Stop listening to trifling females that want us to break up cause they ain't got nobody! Why you ain't more excited?Here's some of my new merch. Put that on. You gone get alllllll the subscribers now girl. My world is your world. I want you to be treated like a queen. My queen. :look: "
He's got some REAL delusions of grandeur. He gave me some Trump vibes. The arrogance, Lordt...

He's also super problematic. He refuses to call us "women", it's all "females", "b***es", "heauxs". It's so ridiculously reductive. Women he doesn't find attractive and he wouldn't sleep with aren't entitled to self respect and disagreeing with him. Single women also don't count. We need to keep lifting ourselves up, cause it's toxic out here. It breaks my heart that men like this have a bunch of support from women :wallbash:

I felt kinda nauseated when she said "I love you" :barf::barf::barf:

I noticed she uses the same language so I know that she views herself through his mirror. It is reductive, disrespectful, and beyond. And the idea that women would want to sleep with him is a laugh. He's out here schooling women and telling them he wouldn't sleep with them when maybe just maybe they wouldn't touch him with a million foot pole. And he is so delusional that he doesn't see that and is trying to get us right so that we can recognize that after all the crap, she's won! So if we would only do the same thing, we too could get a winner like him :lol: . I've thrown away better guys including my ex fiancé (who just had a crazy mom who he could not stand up to and that was his flaw. He didn't have issues with treatment of women, or money [he's a doctor who actually used to work in finance before going back to school to be a doc so coins are there], and he was polite, kind and considerate and in fact, people thought I lost my mind but I just know that his overbearing horrible mom was growing into a thorn that would destroy our marriage and so why go in with that? And why go in with a guy who can't stand up for me in that way? How can I rely on him later? )...and this dude thinks that just announcing he wants to be faithful is a thing. That is a minimum requirement for a man in my book.

I felt super embarrassed and sad for her when she said I love you. When she covered her face for a second, I was like I know you feel the shame sis. I hope she did. I hope somewhere in her spirit she feels this is off even if it takes her some time to recognize an act on her feeling. I want us to win and this is just not a win.
Yep, I'm embarrassed for her.

Do you believe he's gonna buy her a new car and "treat her like Beyonce"? :giggle: I bet IF he gets her a car, he'd put it in his own name and let her drive it until they break up :lachen: And his idea of spoiling her, bettering her life, treating her like Beyonce is getting her subscribers and giving her his dusty "merch"...

Please :rolleyes:
I definitely have second hand embarrassment. Even Beyoncé's sis went crazy in an elevator and so to me, buying someone stuff is not the only requirement even if he did buy her a new car :lol: . Spoiling a woman with the best that you can give is another basic requirement, but so is fidelity, promising her and delivering on a future, covering, and doting on her (ala Ciara and Meghan's man) where you feel secure instead of having to dodge mind games and mistreatment in order to win some spot that is not even considered permanent right now. It's like with those prom proposals. Everyone is doing everything big that doesn't count, but it looks super fun and like it's a big deal. OMG he asked you to the prom! Yay! I mean will you even know the guy in a couple years? :lachen: At least the prom proposals have effort: they're usually cute, and are immature but make for a lasting memory later as was intended. He, on the other hand, gave her some "merch" and then a speal about choosing her ...finally:angeldevil:...and o_Oshe actually fell for it. I am beyond embarrassed that he has treated her this way and she decided this is the way to get a man. Securing a faithful boyfriend is not that hard at all. It should not be like winning the Olympics. :spinning: I foresee an epic struggle relationship going forward even if it does end in marriage to "prove" something to his subscribers. Like because he's going to "do right" by her, right? " Wait and see heauxs! Stop hating and get a life because we got this. Worry about you aiiight? I mean I'm only posting on social media, but still..why are you in my business? Imma prove allll you haters wrong." :lachen: Okay he hasn't said that yet but I picture that thought process going on in his head.
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That video. :naughty:

This boy really is representative of all that's wrong with dating today. He hit every single one.

His comment about "females" opinions not mattering because he wouldn't sleep with them is hilarious. Like dude...we see how you treat your "prizes" what sane woman would want to join his harem??

That poor girl. Shes so pretty and doesn't even know she doesnt deserve this foolishness. o_O
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I definitely have second hand embarrassment. Even Beyoncé's sis went crazy in an elevator and so to me, buying someone stuff is not the only requirement even if he did buy her a new car :lol: . Spoiling a woman with the best that you can give is another basic requirement, but so is fidelity, promising her and delivering on a future, covering, and doting on her (ala Ciara and Meghan's man) where you feel secure instead of having to dodge mind games and mistreatment in order to win some spot that is not even considered permanent right now. It's like with those prom proposals. Everyone is doing everything big that doesn't count, but it looks super fun and like it's a big deal. OMG he asked you to the prom! Yay! I mean will you even know the guy in a couple years? :lachen: At least the prom proposals have effort: they're usually cute, and are immature but make for a lasting memory later as was intended. He, on the other hand, gave her some "merch" and then a speal about choosing her ...finally:angeldevil:...and o_Oshe actually fell for it. I am beyond embarrassed that he has treated her this way and she decided this is the way to get a man. Securing a faithful boyfriend is not that hard at all. It should not be like winning the Olympics. :spinning: I foresee an epic struggle relationship going forward even if it does end in marriage to "prove" something to his subscribers. Like because he's going to "do right" by her, right? " Wait and see heauxs!

Absolutely! I can tell immediately when a woman is in that kind of relationship. You can tell she's relaxed, feels safe and completely taken care of. It's something to see. This guy is gonna be sleeping with other women and very, very soon, and he's gonna remind her "I told you things would change if I cuffed you" o_O when she's crying and asking why.

Stop hating and get a life because we got this. Worry about you aiiight? I mean I'm only posting on social media, but still..why are you in my business? Imma prove allll you haters wrong." :lachen:
Okay he hasn't said that yet but I picture that thought process going on in his head.

I'm starting to wonder if these guys are using feminism to flip the switch and turn odds in their favor. We are told we are supposed to be independent and not need anyone. So don't ask for anything, don't look needy, don't want anything, and maybe just maybe you'll win the guy in the end eh? I mean that's how she got him right? Yay!

Absolutely. They always have to win. So now that we're supposed to be "equals" they want to do even less. In marriage too. You got men expecting women to work full time outside the home and be Betty Crocker at home while they sit on their butts watching the game. We lose either way with men like this. As much as they wanna say 50-50 they have zero intention of doing anything. Now they got the excuse "well, you're a feminist, you don't need me", and you KNOW they don't believe we're equals, they're just throwing a tantrum by making you feel like crap for not being wonder woman. The amount of men that resent their wives for staying at home is alarming to me, like raising YOUR children is not a full time job. They want us to struggle. They can be making good money and not need the second income but it's still an issue. Feminism has given weak men another excuse to be entitled jerks, while good strong men are capable and more than willing to take care of their wives and children because they understand their role.

Meanwhile get used and rinse and repeat because it doesn't work that way. I am quite sure she is in for a :censored: of a ride. To be in a relationship should have some vulnerability. You should be with someone who wants to be with you and vice versa. Not because you begged them, or waited them out while dealing with all their b.s stipulations in order to receive some reward. Did you see his face when she was like, "yay". And then he was like, "That's it?"! Like he was legit expecting her to ugly cry or something for winning his silly hand :lol:

So this be there and hold them down without expectations thing is not the biz. This needing basic decency from humans is a must and something this dude has overlooked with every "female", "hoe" and whatever other word he uses to describe women in general including the one he so called wants to be with. Basic decency and interdependency should be a requirement. You should want to be good to them and them to you and so on. Heck you should be able to rely on them even (gasp). Even if you don't need a relationship, there is nothing wrong with wanting one. And no one should exploit that need for connection that humans have. I think we are losing out on the "wanting" thing because we think it makes us look thirsty. What makes someone thirsty to me has nothing to do with wanting love, it is with losing sight of the self and self respect, so that one will do anything for love including things that are harmful (mind, body, spirit, and soul to self)....things like waiting for this horrible excuse for a guy while risking sexual health, body, mind, and soul for just a chance to be with him (because this could also go the other way with her still playing the waiting game. And even though she's won, she has lost because he now knows what she will put up with just to have him).

Yes, yes, yes! #FACTS

That's when you end up winning something which in the end should not be on the table in the first place. Wwanting a guy to treat us right and to have a fulfilling relationship is not a bad thing, and a good guy would not exploit that, he would be happy to take on that role. Nor would he debase or devalue women for seeing that her basic needs are in jeopardy. I think a shift has to take place in minds of knowing this. More women have to be repelled by these types to the point that they're shamed, or at the very least, they know that they will not get anywhere with a woman. That way women will move beyond these men and these convos won't continue to happen. The fact that dude had a vlog series of these talks is wack. I should wonder what happened to that young lady because she is out after that mess. Instead she's somewhere probably trying to act like she doesn't need him while hoping that he changes his mind and starts treating her right, and she's going over convos in her head, and twisting herself into a pretzel to try to prove herself to this guy and hope that he will see her in a different light when in reality, she should be so disgusted with him that she doesn't want anything to do with him and doesn't spend a second longer thinking about him. His words should be beyond a turn off in ever particular way. And then what, after she's tormented herself over and over, he finally decides to "choose" her and what again she should be bursting at the seams for the honor of being with someone who is not honorable in any way.

Yes! The only difference between these men and incels is "confidence" (more like delusion). If women stopped entertaining and having sex with these men, they would be forced to change. I truly believe it. They need to understand that they're not entitled to our attention and our bodies, we don't owe them ****

And wtf was that? He gave her "merch"? I mean so romantic. And these guys are acting like giving you their undivided attention is the same thing as asking for your hand in marriage. Poor basic, sad dude. I bet his marriage proposal will be similar (after a series of tearful, and b.s issues that he puts her through). He'll walk up and be like, " Ta da! Let's get married. See I chose you heaux! Now what does that say? Stop listening to trifling females that want us to break up cause they ain't got nobody! Why you ain't more excited?Here's some of my new merch. Put that on. You gone get alllllll the subscribers now girl. My world is your world. I want you to be treated like a queen. My queen. :look: "
The proposal:lachen::lachen::lachen: Merch is BETTER than a diamond, girl :laugh: The evil gold digging females are getting to you, you changed :lol:
Update (new video posted yesterday):

How exciting. He decides he wants to be with her. He wants a relationship. He is taken and off the market. Yay. He is a winner..:rolleyes: . She won the best boyfriend lottery. :barf:



Ugh....I thought she was going to get herself some self-esteem and leave this man. :nono: :nono:

I don't like their interaction at all. He seems SO insecure, childish, immature, and just.....Ugh.... :hand:

Even when she told the whole world that she loved him in the video, he didn't even say "ILY" back smh.

He's arrogant and seems like a man that likes to be coddled. I swear...where do men get this behavior from? :confused:

Anyway....good luck! She's gonna need it. Men like this do NOT change overnight. She's fooling herself if she thinks he's reformed. He was even saying in the video that he "thinks" he can do this....



If ANY man said this to me I'd be like:


You can tell he straight up just does NOT respect her at all. :nono: