Is Life This Hard In The Dating Streets?

Someone told me that we only want to be wined and dined because we are trying to be like white women. :lachen:

But what does that even mean? Were they trying to say only white women need to be taken care of and cherished? That black women are less than and don't deserve to be treated right? There is something toxic in the black community that is quite recent and needs to be stopped immediately. All this gaslighting and self hatred is very disturbing.
The problem is you having self esteem while dating isn’t enough. As long as men can get away with doing the bare minimum many will. And those who are willing to put in the work know that if they ever get tired their is a woman who only needs “love”. Others keep setting the bar lower and lower and those who want more are seen as high maintenance.
You can’t control men or what other women do. All you can control is your actions. Love yourself enough to walk away when he doesn’t treat you the way you think you deserve to be treated. Have standards. If he leaves then good! You have your answer. There are good men out there. The question is how fast can you sort. This is why properly vetting a man is so important. It simplifies dating.
Mine as well. I am 32, I was married before. I am remaining hopeful that their are good men, out there. I also think we as women need not just focus on BLACK MEN!.. Do not get me wrong I love Black men, I would rather have someone that values me than to settle for anything someone provides.

I had a gentleman trying to keep my company for a few months, and I just notice little things he did. When I told him I worked full time, had a second job and in grad school. If he really wanted to date me to plan it and I would make myself available. Ladies that went on deaf ears, and I am a stickler when it comes to things being planned at this moment in my life. He did not respect my time or the fact that I was working on me. Even when something looks good, know that there is something else even better. Keep in mind he makes 6 figures, no kids, two degrees, and is handsome as can be. All I could think was I will wait on my millionaire. lol

You're breaking my heart.
But what does that even mean? Were they trying to say only white women need to be taken care of and cherished? That black women are less than and don't deserve to be treated right? There is something toxic in the black community that is quite recent and needs to be stopped immediately. All this gaslighting and self hatred is very disturbing.

From what I've observed irl and on a bm forum, it's not that they think only ww need to be taken care of. It's more so that they think white men have let ww get away with acting like spoiled helpless children. The bm who think like this don't single out bw. They don't think any woman should get special treatment.***

***Unless she's the one, or super fine, in which case they would proudly don capes and spend all their money. :rolleyes:
And as I've said before, the pick me stuff is becoming more and more common among ww, but I can't decide if that's good or bad (or neutral) as it relates to black women and dating...

That all sounds like the truth. When you are with a great guy popcorn and reruns really is a fun time. I'm not going to be online saying all that because it screams "PICK ME!" and you need to get to the point where you have invested enough and proven yourself to me that just chilling with you is fun. We still going to that steakhouse next week though lol.
Even when something looks good, know that there is something else even better. Keep in mind he makes 6 figures, no kids, two degrees, and is handsome as can be. All I could think was I will wait on my millionaire. lol

This is sad. Sounds like you guys would have made a formidable couple. Why do guys have to have everything on their schedule?
This is sad. Sounds like you guys would have made a formidable couple. Why do guys have to have everything on their schedule?

Honestly he did everything on his time. Seeing as we knew each other for years, sometimes I would even make myself available last minute to accommodate him. I just noticed he wanted me to be available when he was. That just didn’t work for me. It was also an issue of me being sick and him texting all weekend and not once did he offer to come by or if I needed anything. Keep in mind I live in a city where I do not know too many people.

Too answer your question.. all men are not that way. One of my closest friends is a wonderful man.. he recently moved the only reason we did not date, I don’t do long distance relationships. We went out as if we were on dates and he treats me like a queen. My family loves him to death. A man will treat you how you allow him too, if that is one thing I have learned throughout the years. I have some wonderful male friends in my life, and who knows I may end up with one of them in the future.
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I'm really late to this thread, but as someone who's dated in ATL AND in LA, it's definitely hard in these streets. And more importantly, it's THAT hard. I don't think working on yourself and lots of men are trash are mutually exclusive.
I've done and experienced both at the same time. I agree with @Crackers Phinn and I agree with the other posters also.

I wrote more but deleted it. The bottom line is women have to sift through the leftovers in dumpsters. The question is are women diving in McDonald's/Taco Bell's dumpsters or are they diving in Nobu/The French Laundry's dumpsters? Or somewhere in between?
Some women don't know any better/ don't know how to level up. This is a unicorn board, so a lot of women outside of this board really don't know their worth. So they're doing the best they can (in their minds). And some women are just tied and just dealing with anything. And if women aren't ready to (possibly) be single for a long time, then these are what they end up with. And these men take advantage.
That all sounds like the truth. When you are with a great guy popcorn and reruns really is a fun time. I'm not going to be online saying all that because it screams "PICK ME!" and you need to get to the point where you have invested enough and proven yourself to me that just chilling with you is fun. We still going to that steakhouse next week though lol.

Right of course that's the stuff you do when you're in a settled place but yeah, women of all races are announcing this stuff publicly, and I've actually seen much worse.
And as I've said before, the pick me stuff is becoming more and more common among ww, but I can't decide if that's good or bad (or neutral) as it relates to black women and dating...

She can cut it out with all this. All this screams to a man is "great, a woman I don't have to try with! jackpot!" You save this talk for when you actually find your man and then tell your friends you don't care what you 2 do as long as you 2 do it together. After he has won your heart. But even that's dangerous before you have a ring on your finger.

I just had a text argument with a friend of mine whose gf basically took back her exclusivity because he's been slipping. They've been dating for about 10 months and exclusive for the past 4. He used to go to her plays, take her places, buy little 'just because' presents, come to her apartment and cook her meals when she had long rehearsal nights, etc. He has suddenly stopped doing these things - for no reason at all other than he probably thinks he doesn't have to try anymore because he got her. So now all he does is send her good morning and good night texts and asks her out via text whenever he wants to see her (i.e. have sex with her). She recently declined one of his dates because she had a date with another guy. And she told him! :lol:

He wanted to text me and cry about it. He said she told him that when the guy she fell for showed up again tell him to come find her. I sent the clapping emoji and a high five gif.:lachen: She also said she deserves more than to be relegated to sporadic movie nights in his tiny arse apartment and that he doesn't deserve even that little bit of her time with those bogus non-dates. I kept thinking she must be on that dating coach life! lol He told me that if she feels like he doesn't deserve her then she can beat it because "who in the hell does she think she is?!" He feels like it's negative punishment and if she wants him to compete to win then he doesn't know if he wants her. The entitlement! like she was just supposed to be happy with his crumbs because he picked her. I was like if you think she wasn't dating others and you didn't compete and win her the first time around then you're delusional. And this is supposed to be a good one. Smh Smart, decent career and money, mature, good looking, wants to marry, wants a family and all that.

He was so mad and started telling me I'm cold. I just stopped responding. I thought of this thread because he texted me today to tell me he apologized to her and told her he would try harder and he wanted things back to normal and she said ok. :lol: Little does he know, this girl is probably all set to replace him. But he's so used to dealing with pick me women that this has him so confused.
Right of course that's the stuff you do when you're in a settled place but yeah, women of all races are announcing this stuff publicly, and I've actually seen much worse.

You’re supposed to keep this in your head and still make him work for it. Women need to re-learn how to keep things on the low, I swear that art is dead with SM.
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I do think the dating game is a bit rougher for the simple fact that the good ones with little baggage in my age group (34) are mostly taken so the pool is tighter. Then there’s also these weird movements that aren’t helping much (like MGTOW, incels, f boy movement, extreme feminists, etc.) people have lost their marbles.
She can cut it out with all this. All this screams to a man is "great, a woman I don't have to try with! jackpot!" You save this talk for when you actually find your man and then tell your friends you don't care what you 2 do as long as you 2 do it together. After he has won your heart. But even that's dangerous before you have a ring on your finger.

I just had a text argument with a friend of mine whose gf basically took back her exclusivity because he's been slipping. They've been dating for about 10 months and exclusive for the past 4. He used to go to her plays, take her places, buy little 'just because' presents, come to her apartment and cook her meals when she had long rehearsal nights, etc. He has suddenly stopped doing these things - for no reason at all other than he probably thinks he doesn't have to try anymore because he got her. So now all he does is send her good morning and good night texts and asks her out via text whenever he wants to see her (i.e. have sex with her). She recently declined one of his dates because she had a date with another guy. And she told him! :lol:

He wanted to text me and cry about it. He said she told him that when the guy she fell for showed up again tell him to come find her. I sent the clapping emoji and a high five gif.:lachen: She also said she deserves more than to be relegated to sporadic movie nights in his tiny arse apartment and that he doesn't deserve even that little bit of her time with those bogus non-dates. I kept thinking she must be on that dating coach life! lol He told me that if she feels like he doesn't deserve her then she can beat it because "who in the hell does she think she is?!" He feels like it's negative punishment and if she wants him to compete to win then he doesn't know if he wants her. The entitlement! like she was just supposed to be happy with his crumbs because he picked her. I was like if you think she wasn't dating others and you didn't compete and win her the first time around then you're delusional. And this is supposed to be a good one. Smh Smart, decent career and money, mature, good looking, wants to marry, wants a family and all that.

He was so mad and started telling me I'm cold. I just stopped responding. I thought of this thread because he texted me today to tell me he apologized to her and told her he would try harder and he wanted things back to normal and she said ok. :lol: Little does he know, this girl is probably all set to replace him. But he's so used to dealing with pick me women that this has him so confused.

Savage!! I love it!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
His update text telling me that she agreed to go back to the way things were was his way of telling me I was wrong. He said "I told her I wanted things to go back to the way they were and she said ok. See you was talking crazy" I wrote back "yeah after you apologized and begged her back and you still only got a one word ok. Good luck with that" I included a thumbs up emoji. He didn't respond. :lachen:
His update text telling me that she agreed to go back to the way things were was his way of telling me I was wrong. He said "I told her I wanted things to go back to the way they were and she said ok. See you was talking crazy" I wrote back "yeah after you apologized and begged her back and you still only got a one word ok. Good luck with that" I included a thumbs up emoji. He didn't respond. :lachen:
Yup she gonna keep doing what she wants anyway. Good for her!
His update text telling me that she agreed to go back to the way things were was his way of telling me I was wrong. He said "I told her I wanted things to go back to the way they were and she said ok. See you was talking crazy" I wrote back "yeah after you apologized and begged her back and you still only got a one word ok. Good luck with that" I included a thumbs up emoji. He didn't respond. :lachen:
Yup she gonna keep doing what she wants anyway. Good for her!

Right. Bet she still went on that date and he's a fool if he thinks "the way things were" will be his way and not HER way. :rofl::lol:
His update text telling me that she agreed to go back to the way things were was his way of telling me I was wrong. He said "I told her I wanted things to go back to the way they were and she said ok. See you was talking crazy" I wrote back "yeah after you apologized and begged her back and you still only got a one word ok. Good luck with that" I included a thumbs up emoji. He didn't respond. :lachen:
Huh?! He thinks she is going to settle on the Netflix and chill and text messages?! Yea ok, he is now regulated to her rotation... :grin: