Is Life This Hard In The Dating Streets?

I'll admit I haven't watched yet but they got two new videos!! YAAASSSSS! Let us explore the health and strength of this lovely relationship.!! #blacklove

ETA: Summary. First video she gets his name tattooed on her forearm and he talks about how much she loves him and not once does he say he loves her. :rolleyes:

The second video he goes on about how her mother, father and sister don't like him and he doesn't know why since he isn't gang banging. They have seen the viral video. Also he gives sage advice to parents saying that parents should let their kids adults if they grown. She also reveals that she has had 2 boyfriends. This guy and her ex husband :eek:. His facial expression when she says that is priceless. He looks shook. This convo starts around 18:20. I suspect he may not have known she was previously married. He does comment at the end that she said something that he doesn't know what to say or react. The plot thickens!!!
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I'll admit I haven't watched yet but they got two new videos!! YAAASSSSS! Let us explore the health and strength of this lovely relationship.!! #blacklove

ETA: Summary. First video she gets his name tattooed on her forearm and he talks about how much she loves him and not once does he say he loves her. :rolleyes:

The second video he goes on about how her mother, father and sister don't like him and he doesn't know why since he isn't gang banging. They have seen the viral video. Also he gives sage advice to parents saying that parents should let their kids adults if they grown. She also reveals that she has had 2 boyfriends. This guy and her ex husband :eek:. His facial expression when she says that is priceless. He looks shook. This convo starts around 18:20. I suspect he may not have known she was previously married. He does comment at the end that she said something that he doesn't know what to say or react. The plot thickens!!!

I think she likes drama. A healthy relationship with a good man would be boring to her. Some people thrive in high drama environments.
OKAY I'M MAD YOU GUYS GOT ME GIVING THIS DUDE VIEWS. This is like LAHH but I don't have to wait for Monday evening.

Sorry! :lol: But I had to share. And yes, I didn't want to add to his wallet by giving him views but I can't look away from the train wreck. I wondered at first if this was all for views but the thoughts and feelings from both seem legit. Only time will tell.
I didn't click but the tattoo :barf:

I don't understand people that want to brand themselves like that. You met me at this height and size, you didn't contribute to this body, my education, etc. why would I do that to myself? You might as well put a collar on your neck and chain yourself to this ugly, mediocre douchebag for ever.

It's funny he can't figure out why her family doesn't like him. He's completely unable to see himself and his actions. I wonder what that's like...
He probably sees himself as a beautiful, all knowing, all powerful, virile and gorgeous male deity who can't do wrong. He got that Kanye/Trump disease :king:

I wouldn't be surprised if he dumps her cause she's divorced.
I'll admit I haven't watched yet but they got two new videos!! YAAASSSSS! Let us explore the health and strength of this lovely relationship.!! #blacklove

ETA: Summary. First video she gets his name tattooed on her forearm and he talks about how much she loves him and not once does he say he loves her. :rolleyes:

The second video he goes on about how her mother, father and sister don't like him and he doesn't know why since he isn't gang banging. They have seen the viral video. Also he gives sage advice to parents saying that parents should let their kids adults if they grown. She also reveals that she has had 2 boyfriends. This guy and her ex husband :eek:. His facial expression when she says that is priceless. He looks shook. This convo starts around 18:20. I suspect he may not have known she was previously married. He does comment at the end that she said something that he doesn't know what to say or react. The plot thickens!!!

Thanks for doing the dirty work because I wasn't going to watch. But I sure did watch from the 18 minute mark on in the 2nd video. I legit thought she was about to get dumped on tape because his face. :lachen: Could it be that she said ex husband in that hoodtastic way people refer to their long time partners as husband/wife?

Then she talking about don't cuff someone unless they check everything on the list, meanwhile she had to beg ol boy to be with her. From their other videos he didn't have a list. He reluctantly agreed. And the way he keep talking about she's the happiest she's ever been....he doesn't say anything about her, about how she makes him feel or any feelings he has for her really except that dumb wink he did when she said she was faithful. Wow.
There's my "fake medical" thread, my crazy SIL and then the stories I hear from my single friends.

#1. Someone I know was dating a guy and he would always come to her house and she would pay for all the food all the time (it'd be over for me). So a friend told her ask to go to his house. She went and dude didn't even offer her water. Then she went in his bathroom and found long hairs, hair products, lotions, perfume, pink hairbrushes...surprise surprise. She still slept with him and then coyly asked him about the products. His response, "I ain't married to you." And yes, she's going out with him again.

#2. Girls runs out of the office in tears. I go check on her and she shows me her man's texts. He is calling her an ugly fat pig because she refused to send him money and his baby momma is all on him about giving her money. She doesn't understand why he is "being so mean..." She is trying to "work things out with him."

#3. She gets asked out. She immediately asks the guy if he will pay for dinner (*sigh*). He says yes. Says meet me at 6pm. She shows up at 6pm and finds he came at 5pm, ate and paid for his own food. He asks her to order and watches her eat and pay for her own meal. She not only proceeds to the movies with him but is calling him daily wondering why he won't return her calls.

So my friends, is it really this rough out there? And are folks so lonely they are willing to put up with it?
What the hell? I would be at home, by myself, watching Netflix. My mother didn’t give birth to me and suffer over my head, to be putting up with bs like these.
What the hell? I would be at home, by myself, watching Netflix. My mother didn’t give birth to me and suffer over my head, to be putting up with bs like these.
Lol I just said something similar like this today! I wasn’t put on this Earth for foolishness! Lol