I am going to ask: If you were a guy would you date a black woman??

If I was a guy, you better believe I would date a black girl. But I need one that has a sense of humor, loves to try new things, and have nice boobies ( I dont have any of my own) :lol: But for real I would date most of my friends and many of you ladies.
SummerRain said:
This will definitely be an interesting thread. Thinking about it as objectively as possible and taking race out of the equation, I can understand why a man wouldn't want to be with ANY woman that they view as angry, bitter, hostile, or otherwise lacking feminine traits. Just as I wouldn't want to be with a man (regardless of race) that I viewed as being effeminate.

IMHO - it's the stereotypes about us that are unattractive, not "us" specifically.

I agree with this.
If I was a man, I would def. date black women (the pretty ones :D )

I couldn't see myself dating a white woman because I don't think most of them are attractive. Just my opinion. I have some pretty white female friends but they are the exception. The white women are who considered attractive in LA look too artificial and plastic to me.

On the other hand I would also date other women of color like Indians, South Pacific Asians, and Latinas.
MuseofTroy said:
If I was a man, I would def. date black women (the pretty ones :D )

I couldn't see myself dating a white woman because I don't think most of them are attractive. Just my opinion. I have some pretty white female friends but they are the exception. The white women are who considered attractive in LA look too artificial and plastic to me.

On the other hand I would also date other women of color like Indians, South Pacific Asians, and Latinas.

I don't generally find white women attractive either. It's the features and a combination of their bodies I don't like.
Heck yea I'd date a black woman! I love how beautiful black women are, their skin, their hair, their bodies. No other race can compare.
MuseofTroy said:
If I was a man, I would def. date black women (the pretty ones :D )

I couldn't see myself dating a white woman because I don't think most of them are attractive. Just my opinion. I have some pretty white female friends but they are the exception. The white women are who considered attractive in LA look too artificial and plastic to me.

On the other hand I would also date other women of color like Indians, South Pacific Asians, and Latinas.

Too much going under the knife:lol: This can become an addiction
Incredible1ne said:
I would. I'd be open to date a woman of any race as long as she was attractive and had goals. I don't get why some people think black women are the only one with attitudes. I've seen women of all races go off publicly and at work LOL.

I totally agree with you. I live in Wisconsin (plenty of white folks) and the attitudes are off the chain up here.
Y'all don't want to see suckas get my MIL (white) mad. They will get TOLD about themselves from pre-conception to the funeral. :lachen: All without raising her voice.
I'll be over in the corner :lachen: unable to breathe, because they don't see it coming.
Absolutely YES!!!! For instance, just on this board, there are quite a few women here on this site that I would date in a heartbeat if I were a guy.

There are also a few women here that I wouldn't touch with a six-foot pole. LOL!!!
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FlowerHair said:
If I were a man: Yes, Yes, Yes! :)

I would date women of all races :D

I find black women so beautiful and feminine, gorgeous bodies and skin tones.

Just take a look at the ladies of this board...

I couldn't agree more, I would def date women of all ethnicities, but my fav would have to be women of color (Asian, Arabic, Hispanic, Black, Indian,...etc).
Atlien11 said:
Some women cant get along with each other because of jealousy or insecurities they have toward other women.
Some women dont even like other women period.

Some women have mostly male friends because of the things other women have done to them so they no longer trust women nor can stand to be around them or close to them (which is sad).

This goes across all races but of course we all know is first hand with black women as well. it made me think twice when thinking about my answer to this question.
I love myself and i love black people but we have some things we need to work through for sure.

cocoberry10 said:
This is sad but true.

OT: Your hair looks great!

Thanks Cocoberry ;)

I said that because with all those issues, i wouldnt date anybody like that. Black, purple, green or paisley.
sunshine91496 said:
I was reading last week a couple of boards about Men and black women. I found it totally by accident, while exploring well, let's just say some material for mature audiences. Anyway, the discussion was mostly from non-black guys stating why they would a) would have sex with a black woman, but not date or marry her, b) not marry or date under any circumstances) c) or date but not marry her. It was a little disturbing to say the least.

So these guys were going down the stereotypical reasons (loud, angry, etc.,) and it got me to thinking, if I were I guy would I be attracted to/ date etc. a black women, and I have to say I am not sure. I mean I see attractive black women all the time (including myself), I live in the DC area so they are everywhere, but I just can't imagine if I were a guy or hell even homosexual going for a black woman. That is not to say that I would go after a white woman either- because I probably would not.

I have been trying to figure this out for a few days. I know its not the end of the world, but I figured if I had so much difficulty understanding why I felt that way, maybe that explains, the guys' migration to women of other races. One thing I think is that not only are the stereotypes played up in the media, but as a result, even I as a black woman expect a "angry black woman" reaction when I encounter other black females. Many times I have been wrong, obviously, but I always seem to remember those instances, where I would meet, talk or ineract with the dreaded "angry black woman."

I guess what bothered me so much about this whole thing is

1) The fact the guys of all races were talking about this;
2) that not only did some of them find black women undesireable, but the fact that even in my own hypothetical it appeared that I also would find being with a black odd.

It is really an eye-opening experience, and I am not sure where this goes, but I thought it could be an interesting topic of discussion.

And before its said, I am not a self-hating black woman, I don't want to be anyone else than I already am (maybe a few pouns thinner- but that's really it). Any thoughts about this . . . . always looking for answers
I'd date a black woman if she had qualities I desired; or white or asian, hispanic. No biggie...
I think Black women are stunning, sweet, kind, lovable, feminine, and just fabulous. I really think that we, and Black people in general do not have good PR. We need to market ourselves better. We need better media portrayals and images.
There is nothing wrong with black women or black people
and the whole notion of thinking that there is, is just sad.
Of course. Black women are beautiful. I agree with what has been previously posted, though: No hoodrats need apply. I would stamp a great big "DENIED" across her forehead :look:
How did I miss this thread the first time around? I have got to get to this part of the board more often.
Yes.......and no....

IMHO: Black women are very hot and cold. When we're on top of our game we are the MOST amazing, vibrant, beautiful God given gifts to the world..no joke. But, when we go bad it aint a pretty sight AT ALL. The most attractive and the least attractive women I've known have been black women. The most wonderful to be around and the most obnoxious have been black women. I mean, every type of people fit somewhere within the categories but black women have such a broad spectrum. There's no such thing as "you seen one you seen them all" with us as there is with some races (I won't name any names) Unfortunately, the world tries to put us all in same size boxes, just because you can do that with most women of other races. That's why we're so misunderstood.

So to answer your question YESSSSSSS!!!!! As long as she's on top of her game, that includes the physical, emotional, spiritual, financial and even etiquette game (I couldn't be with Tasha Simth's character in Why Did I Get Married:nono:)