I am going to ask: If you were a guy would you date a black woman??

big hugs...


im not even going to address the loud uneducated viewpoints that are often times used to describe blk woman cuz I CAN LITERALLY FILL 100 ROOMS WITH BLK SISTAHS WHO R WELL-EDUCATED PHD-HAVING, FINE *** HELL..NOT LOUD OR ETC...


like i said b4 im just baffled why ppl associate these attributes to US when i see many women of all races at one time or another display the same behavior...on a regular basis..

Honey said:
You know, I am reading this and wondering how is it possible that some of us have so little regard for ourselves, that we would excuse the prejudice and bigotry of others. I really don't get it.

HollyGolightly1982 said:
Yes... they do. One time I was in a cab and I was chit chatting with the cab driver and he said to me, " you speak really well". WTF was that supposed to mean? Do black people not have a grasp on the english language or something? :perplexed :perplexed
Let me guess you weren't using slang or splitting infinitives to the nth degree. Someone said this to me and I was like "You do realize that is not a compliment, right?" That's like saying "Gee, you don't sound all n*****ish like I expected you to." Sowwy, end of rant.
Most definitely :D ! Any shade or nationality.But, she would have to have well cared for (natural or relaxed)LHCF-quality hair. Small busom, flat abs, a full but cellulite-free bum would be bonus, too :lol: .
SleekandBouncy said:
I've met lots of angry white women, but when a white person exhibits a particular quality they are "Martha the bit**y lady" when a black, latino or asian exhibits a particular quality they are "the B**chy black chick", "the smart asian guy" or the "slutty latino".

As for the black men that generalize black women. According to statistics the number of successful, educated, job having black men are low. Black women attend and graduate college at a higher rate than black men. Should I use that as a reason not to not date all black men? On a daily basis I run into several black men that look successful, but are looking for some chick that will pay their way. I overheard a respected older businessman (drives a benz and all) telling someone that he'd like to get to know me because I seem like I might have $$ and he needs another chick on the side to pay for this stuff! However I don't assume that's all or even most black men nor do I walk around spewing hateful comments about black men. I think some of these people esp. black men forget that there's someone looking at them thinking the same thing about BOTH black men and women. There are a whole list of negative generalizations that could be made about every race. One could argue that white women are slutty (Paris, Lindsay, Nicole vs. Beyonce, Rihanna, etc.), but of course that wouldn't be accurate....

To your first bolded part, I totally agree.:eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: To your second bolded part, but I agree. You can’t stereotype based off of a few bad apples.
I was on Princeton Review's website and the white guys would comment that black women have hair sickle cell!:eek: I was through but of course for all of those 1 or 2 maybe 3 bad comments, I have many many white men (and the others) who will go the last mile and absolutely adore black women more than our own men! The problem non-black men and black men alike tend to stereotype us on being loud, bad language, mutiple baby daddies, overbearing, etc. I even had a persian guy that I was dating tell me that black guys constantly told him that black women "ain't ****!" :mad:
dona_flor said:
Most definitely :D ! Any shade or nationality.But, she would have to have well cared for (natural or relaxed)LHCF-quality hair. Small busom, flat abs, a full but cellulite-free bum would be bonus, too :lol: .

Yeah, LHCF quality hair is a requirement.:lol:
WhipEffectz1 said:
I was on Princeton Review's website and the white guys would comment that black women have hair sickle cell!:eek: I was through but of course for all of those 1 or 2 maybe 3 bad comments, I have many many white men (and the others) who will go the last mile and absolutely adore black women more than our own men! The problem non-black men and black men alike tend to stereotype us on being loud, bad language, mutiple baby daddies, overbearing, etc. I even had a persian guy that I was dating tell me that black guys constantly told him that black women "ain't ****!" :mad:

What is that?
The only problem I've ever had with the "Angry Black Woman" theory, is the fact that I see MORE than my share of "Angry White Women" on a daily basis (at work...or arguing with customer service at Target about what they're "entitled" to, etc, etc.)... So what they use less slang or ebonics, and get to the point S... L... O... W... E... R??? In my experience, they CAN and HAVE been just as loud and indignant... and they will tell you in a minute what (and who) they like and don't like, and spare no detail (as I write this, these white women at work need to shut up talking about folks as loud as they are :mad:). personally I think all it is is "they" are better at being passive-aggressive than we are - because it's certainly not that they *feel* less angry... Oh, they are angry - they just deal with it by laughing with and smiling at you while they are sharpening their knife (or their tongue, for a later date)...


Why can't people just leave us alone... And let us be WOMEN
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WhipEffectz1 said:
I was on Princeton Review's website and the white guys would comment that black women have hair sickle cell!:eek: I was through but of course for all of those 1 or 2 maybe 3 bad comments, I have many many white men (and the others) who will go the last mile and absolutely adore black women more than our own men! The problem non-black men and black men alike tend to stereotype us on being loud, bad language, mutiple baby daddies, overbearing, etc. I even had a persian guy that I was dating tell me that black guys constantly told him that black women "ain't ****!" :mad:

Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus. I have had non-Black women who dated black men tell me similar things. This is the only thing about interracial dating that pisses me off. There was this one woman I volunteered with and she basically confessed that I was her first black female friend. She said black women used to come up to her when she and her ex boyfriend (he was black) were dating or yell things when they were walking down the street. She grew up in an all white community, and never had any black friends. Her ex was the first black person she knew. He made some comments about all black women having attitudes, and when these activities would happen to them, she told me she began to believe it. Now, I’m not saying that she shouldn’t have made an effort to get to know other black people, but we do have to realize that our comments to others about our own race and the people in it, can be extremely powerful. For good or for bad, and we have to be aware and responsible with this. If you trash your own family, everyone else will too

If you choose to go outside your race, don’t blame your race, no matter what (and this applies to both men and women)
cocoberry10 said:
Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus. I have had non-Black women who dated black men tell me similar things. This is the only thing about interracial dating that pisses me off. There was this one woman I volunteered with and she basically confessed that I was her first black female friend. She said black women used to come up to her when she and her ex boyfriend (he was black) were dating or yell things when they were walking down the street. She grew up in an all white community, and never had any black friends. Her ex was the first black person she knew. He made some comments about all black women having attitudes, and when these activities would happen to them, she told me she began to believe it. Now, I’m not saying that she shouldn’t have made an effort to get to know other black people, but we do have to realize that our comments to others about our own race and the people in it, can be extremely powerful. For good or for bad, and we have to be aware and responsible with this. If you trash your own family, everyone else will too

If you choose to go outside your race, don’t blame your race, no matter what (and this applies to both men and women)

Very true, negative comments between ourselves have really gotten out of control. that sometimes we even believe them.
I would date ethnic women because as a woman i only date ethnic men. I have 7 brothers though and 6 of them REFUSE to date a non-black or black looking woman.
HollyGolightly1982 said:
Yes... they do. One time I was in a cab and I was chit chatting with the cab driver and he said to me, " you speak really well". WTF was that supposed to mean? Do black people not have a grasp on the english language or something? :perplexed :perplexed
I get this all the time. I DO take it as a compliment because in my eyes I just showed that person the stereotype on tv isn't always correct.

We all know how black women are portrayed on tv on whites and blacks shows ie Flav of Love, Charm School, and the 'token' black on white shows that talks in slang/broken english, loud, causing trouble, & ready to fight at a drop of a dime. Sad part is, we as blacks are the ones putting the image out there; cosigning on what non-blacks thought all along. Why would any man want that (unless he has the same mentality).

I understand there is a wide array of A.A. but many other ethnicities don't have the luxuary to associate with us therefor We all need to be shining examples.
cocoberry10 said:
Can you elaborate?

I think i hold myself to very high standards, in terms of the way I dress, my education, etc. So if I was a guy, I would expect the same in a woman I date. But yes, I would date black women if I was a guy.
Kiwi said:
I think i hold myself to very high standards, in terms of the way I dress, my education, etc. So if I was a guy, I would expect the same in a woman I date. But yes, I would date black women if I was a guy.

Oh, I gotcha!:D
Hell yes, why wouldn't I?!

Looks at at our bodies, our skin, our features, etc. We are the best looking race of women out there. If I was a white/indian/chinese/etc man, I still would try to holla.
Honey said:
You know, I am reading this and wondering how is it possible that some of us have so little regard for ourselves, that we would excuse the prejudice and bigotry of others. I really don't get it.


I agree. And there are SOOOO many positive black women out there, why do we ALWAYS focus on the negative ones? I mean s seriously!:confused:
I will answer honestly and I think the answer could possibly be no depending on what race of man I was. Its kinda hard to imagine yourself a male and another race ha.

Honestly I can see why men dont think we are attractive and generalise and I think its possible that If I were of another race who had mostly another race of friends I may feel the same.

The things that contribute to my view are
1. The majority of Black little girls are unconciously socialised not to flirt, spend too much time with, be receptive to White men in general. You can see this easily by watching young people interact. Of course they are exceptions. This behaviour of limited emotional contact with Black females in teenage years will affect other races of men (in particular White men) views on Black women.
2. Black men arent snatching us up. Well yes they are but not in the numbers that most other groups support their womens beauty. For example 60% of BM in the UK are living with WW. Not to mention Black male Media stars going for non Blacks (Which includes mixed) in over-the-top numbers. This sh*t doesnt fly over other races heads. If the majority of Black women and Black mothers are unwed then how exactly is another race man with limited contact or moderate contact, semi moderate maturity level, and a bit of ignorance thrown in... going to imaginge himself dating/marrying a BW??
3. Just a short point but if a White man whos fond of Black women clicked onto certain websites or listened in on conversations they might hear a lot of Black women saying they couldnt do ANYTHING with a White man:lol: .
4. ATTITUDE, I dont give a damn about saying this. Another thing many BW are socialised into is that I dont needa man, Ill do stuff for myself, "All the women who independent" yada,yada. Quite a significant minority (maybe 30% of guys) strongly dislike this in women, they like to feel that they are depended on somewhat. Thats not even anything to do with Black women persay, its just a character trait that either turns men on or turns them right off.
Some Black women have so much attitude they begin to look ugly to people looking in. Even though they are not physically.

Sorry to be blatant, it does annoy me when people say generalisations about ALL Black women but when looking at it from a non Black male perspective with a bit of ignorance.
tickledpinkies said:
I will answer honestly and I think the answer could possibly be no depending on what race of man I was. Its kinda hard to imagine yourself a male and another race ha.

Honestly I can see why men dont think we are attractive and generalise and I think its possible that If I were of another race who had mostly another race of friends I may feel the same.

The things that contribute to my view are
1. The majority of Black little girls are unconciously socialised not to flirt, spend too much time with, be receptive to White men in general. You can see this easily by watching young people interact. Of course they are exceptions. This behaviour of limited emotional contact with Black females in teenage years will affect other races of men (in particular White men) views on Black women.
2. Black men arent snatching us up. Well yes they are but not in the numbers that most other groups support their womens beauty. For example 60% of BM in the UK are living with WW. Not to mention Black male Media stars going for non Blacks (Which includes mixed) in over-the-top numbers. This sh*t doesnt fly over other races heads. If the majority of Black women and Black mothers are unwed then how exactly is another race man with limited contact or moderate contact, semi moderate maturity level, and a bit of ignorance thrown in... going to imaginge himself dating/marrying a BW??
3. Just a short point but if a White man whos fond of Black women clicked onto certain websites or listened in on conversations they might hear a lot of Black women saying they couldnt do ANYTHING with a White man:lol: .
4. ATTITUDE, I dont give a damn about saying this. Another thing many BW are socialised into is that I dont needa man, Ill do stuff for myself, "All the women who independent" yada,yada. Quite a significant minority (maybe 30% of guys) strongly dislike this in women, they like to feel that they are depended on somewhat. Thats not even anything to do with Black women persay, its just a character trait that either turns men on or turns them right off.
Some Black women have so much attitude they begin to look ugly to people looking in. Even though they are not physically.

Sorry to be blatant, it does annoy me when people say generalisations about ALL Black women but when looking at it from a non Black male perspective with a bit of ignorance.

I think you have made some very valid points. These are probably hard for some to swallow, but true.
Well that would be really stupid to say NO!!!!!!!...:mad: ....ofcoarse i'd DATE black........HELL i'd date myself cause i'm a CRAZY,SEXY,COOL,Down to earth chick with an open minded,hardworking,LOVE to laugh and have fun,got a warped insane sense of humor.:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
LocksOfLuV said:
Hell yes, why wouldn't I?!

Looks at at our bodies, our skin, our features, etc. We are the best looking race of women out there. If I was a white/indian/chinese/etc man, I still would try to holla.

so true!!

JCoily said:
Yes, but I gotta agree with Bmore - no hoodrats.

I got a no hood dude rule in place now, so I'm consistent. :look:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Some women cant get along with each other because of jealousy or insecurities they have toward other women.

Some women dont even like other women period.

Some women have mostly male friends because of the things other women have done to them so they no longer trust women nor can stand to be around them or close to them (which is sad).

This goes across all races but of course we all know is first hand with black women as well. it made me think twice when thinking about my answer to this question.

I love myself and i love black people but we have some things we need to work through for sure.
Ofcourse white men would only &^#(k us, they have been doing it for 400 yrs. :mad:

OFCOURSE I WOULD DATE A BLACK WOMAN- we some fine women, ya dig :cool: :grin:
atlien11 said:
Some women cant get along with each other because of jealousy or insecurities they have toward other women.
Some women dont even like other women period.

Some women have mostly male friends because of the things other women have done to them so they no longer trust women nor can stand to be around them or close to them (which is sad).

This goes across all races but of course we all know is first hand with black women as well. it made me think twice when thinking about my answer to this question.

I love myself and i love black people but we have some things we need to work through for sure.

This is sad but true.

OT: Your hair looks great!