Highway to a Husband


Well-Known Member
So basically, Julia Yarbough decides to leave a successful 22 year career in journalism to search for a husband. Her friend, who was also a reporter joins her on the journey. I totally feel like it's her prerogative. But I won't lie, I feel some kind of a way about this. :ohwell:

I just heard about the 52 Weeks 2 Find Him woman and that made me a bit sad (she put her business out there and didn't meet "him"... womp womp :perplexed) . I don't feel quite the same way about this sister but still the word "desperation" comes to mind. We should be proactive. But to leave your career? I can understand a woman leaving her career to move to another place with her HUSBAND. But is the hope of finding a man who may or may not exist worth leaving everything behind? Would any of you do this?
i don't know any of the story lines u r referencing AT ALL (smh) lol


It seems as if their blog is a new way for them to work with their writing, so I think they're just saying that they're leaving their careers to make it sound more dramatic.

It sounds like a way to sell some books...
HECK NO! That just seems too extreme. What man would be attracted to that? Any intelligent man wants to know that you have more going for yourself than just being with him. I don't think they would respect that.
Methinks that she's actually 'on break' from her career, taking a hiatus rather than giving up journalism entirely, regardless of what she says. I hope she finds the one though.
Julia Yarbough, has enough money in the bank, she has secure investments, and at the end of the day, what does she come home too? She wants to be loved and cherished. I wish her best wishes in her search and May the Lord bless her!
It seems as if their blog is a new way for them to work with their writing, so I think they're just saying that they're leaving their careers to make it sound more dramatic.

It sounds like a way to sell some books...

Yeah I mean they are pretty young and are having a fun adventure. Writing about this for the public/blog is a way to keep their skills. They'll be making contacts as they travel. (The Julia/ Julia movie started as a blog) Plus look at the bottom of the page where she advertises her skills as a public speaker. If she gets a hubby out of the adventure great. If not she'll have some exciting adventures and plenty of funny stories to tell.
Honestly, I commend her for what she's doing. She knows what she wants: to get married. I respect that she's pursuing her goal with full force.

Life is too short to not go after what you want. :yep: I like people who live out loud.
It seems as if their blog is a new way for them to work with their writing, so I think they're just saying that they're leaving their careers to make it sound more dramatic.

It sounds like a way to sell some books...

cha-ching! Sounds to me like they are trying to turn meeting the husband into a book contract and some talk and morning show appearances.

Reminds me of the chick who wrote Around the world in 80 dates where she took time off from her job as a travel editor for Lonely Planet to go on dates around the world in search of hubby (she found him about mid way through at Burning man!) or even Eat, Pray, Love...I mean would that woman's book have sold like hot cakes or would they be making a movie out of it if there wasn't a man at the end of it?

I just heard about the 52 Weeks 2 Find Him woman and that made me a bit sad (she put her business out there and didn't meet "him"... womp womp ) . I don't feel quite the same way about this sister but still the word "desperation" comes to mind. We should be proactive. But to leave your career? I can understand a woman leaving her career to move to another place with her HUSBAND. But is the hope of finding a man who may or may not exist worth leaving everything behind? Would any of you do this?

:yep: Hope this sister finds someone because getting to the end of that journey without a man will not make her as much money.

HECK NO! That just seems too extreme. What man would be attracted to that? Any intelligent man wants to know that you have more going for yourself than just being with him. I don't think they would respect that.

If I knew a man was out there hunting for a wife and blogging about it I don't know if I would be interested....
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A man that may or may not exist...idk, the 52 weeks lady said she went out with 30 some-odd men. It's difficult to accept that none of those were both marryable and interested in a serious relationship with her. *I think* it comes down to what you're ultimately looking for and whether you'll be happy with the options presented to you.
A man that may or may not exist...idk, the 52 weeks lady said she went out with 30 some-odd men. It's difficult to accept that none of those were both marryable and interested in a serious relationship with her. *I think* it comes down to what you're ultimately looking for and whether you'll be happy with the options presented to you.

I think I always agree with you. :yep:

In theory, I'm not opposed to what this woman is doing. Heck, I'm in the same field and an older, married white lady made this suggestion to me a while ago when I was talking about desiring a mate.

(I didn't take it, but I was surprised that she flat out mentioned the "leaving your job" idea!)

The thing is, I'm reading this blog and some of the things that Julia is doing are not necessarily signs that she is seriously vetting the men that she's meeting to see if they are marriage-minded and husband material. I think the 52 Weeks lady had the same problem... she did meet a lot of men, but NEVER had a third date. Was she too into men who weren't interested in her, and failed to pay attention to others who might have been attracted to her?

So... I think something like this COULD work, but the key to success sometimes is the execution... if it was as easy as just meeting men, nearly everyone who wants to be would be married right now!
A man that may or may not exist...idk, the 52 weeks lady said she went out with 30 some-odd men. It's difficult to accept that none of those were both marryable and interested in a serious relationship with her. *I think* it comes down to what you're ultimately looking for and whether you'll be happy with the options presented to you.

I have a friend who went on 50 blind dates (online and friend set ups) with no winners.....she's now married and in one of the happiest marriages I know.

I think things like this just scream out publicity stunt and I wonder just how serious these women are about finding "the one". I mean the Highway to Husband folks have sponsors and are doing TV and press events like the Today show....how many quality men want to be a part of that circus?
But is the hope of finding a man who may or may not exist worth leaving everything behind? Would any of you do this?

but neither did she.

btw... nor would I do that with a man who did exist
{tho I have in the past:ohwell:,}

the kind of man I would be with and the man I am with now
would not desire a woman who would do this..
& I'm not referring to sacrifices one makes in the name of love between two caring people,either. That is a beautiful thing..

a large part of attraction for a successful handsome upwardly mobile ambitious guy...at least the guys I am interested in ...is attraction to a woman who is autonomous, feminine...has a fulfilling incredible life that usually includes a passion that's career gnererated...where
the guy enhances and inspires who she is....and vice versa....they are proud of each other's accomplishments and talk about it ..i t's a bond and encourages even more greatness

....though significant... he is NOT the sole object or sole focus
of what she does ....ie: THE SEARCH

try telling a guy you are on nationwde/international search for a husband
and that was your primary focus of being and you are so passionate
about it .....you took a indefinte sabbatical from your career. Unless he's traditional ..so a search like that would inflate and appeal to his his ego...or is so wowed by her sexappeal and physical beauty....that it overrrides..the former
I truly doubt there would genuine interest.....at least not by by men who are
highly successful..imhe


I could be wrong!
but I agree it's publicity and ka-ching
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It seems as if their blog is a new way for them to work with their writing, so I think they're just saying that they're leaving their careers to make it sound more dramatic.

It sounds like a way to sell some books...

hmmm... hadn't thought about that. that makes sense then. if i were a dude i'd feel a bit put off if i knew a woman had a website and everything devoted to blogging about meeting a husband. website aside, i still don't think i could leave everything behind. I do however, think that if your career is so hectic that it makes it really difficult for you to form a relationship then a change would seem wise. i guess this is what she did. it seemed bolder when i first skimmed the site. to each her own.
Yeah I mean they are pretty young and are having a fun adventure. Writing about this for the public/blog is a way to keep their skills. They'll be making contacts as they travel. (The Julia/ Julia movie started as a blog) Plus look at the bottom of the page where she advertises her skills as a public speaker. If she gets a hubby out of the adventure great. If not she'll have some exciting adventures and plenty of funny stories to tell.

See, that to me makes me think this whole thing is just a stunt to get her a book/movie deal or otherwise make her more money. I don't knock her hustle, but the way she is going about it is a tad bit tacky, imho.

I think things like this just scream out publicity stunt and I wonder just how serious these women are about finding "the one". I mean the Highway to Husband folks have sponsors and are doing TV and press events like the Today show....how many quality men want to be a part of that circus?

This looks weird. The cheap clothes...the posing. I agree that this has to just be a gimmick.

ITA with the these two posts.

All of that said, I would much rather see this sista on that new reality show coming to TVOne over *gag* Omarosa.
i still don't think i could leave everything behind. I do however, think that if your career is so hectic that it makes it really difficult for you to form a relationship then a change would seem wise. i guess this is what she did.

I read an article about her website and from what I gather, her decision wasn't as dramatic as it sounds.

She had a contract with the TV station and it came up for renewal. She decided not to renew it so she could go on this road trip.

I'm thinking that in the last year of her contract, she had some time to think about this, line up some sponsors for her idea and get her ducks in a row to make this happen.

So... it was a leap, but not as dramatic as "quitting" her job. I don't see her decision as much different from deciding to take a year off work to travel the world... when she's done with this road trip, I'm sure she'll find something.

(Plus, in the journalism field, more and more folks are pursuing fulltime freelance work and self-employment instead of working crazy hours. She probably will do that.)
Upon closer inspection it's not nearly as crazy as it sounds. That being said, she could have chosen better pics for the site :ohwell: and her friend too. :perplexed They are cute but good lawd the posing situation makes them look like a failed audition for a Doublemint Gum commercial :down:
It seems that she put too much emphasis in her job all those years, which made her feel the need to take a break and just focus on men for a year. Honestly, I think she should just mix the two together.

As a single chick, I say hey, go on ahead and do what you do. I'm more about balance in life. Finding love (whether it be tripping upon someone accidentally, or going on a epic search) isn't easy to do, or every woman who wanted someone would have him...