Husband is a woman magnet?

I don't know about ya'll but if some woman was trying to get my BF/SO/DH attention, I would notice! Something like that is easy to spot and hard to look away from. OP, I agree with the above posters in saying that you can't control other people. I also suggest that you stop pointing it out to your husband. At this point you guys should just laugh about it. It's actually kind of funny!
I guess you could say I am not super introverted but not super extroverted either. More in the middle, depends on the crowd I am with. And no i actually have a pleasant demeanor, I am able to maintain control over my attitude very well. I don't show irritation at all.

Also when I see it happen, I tend to try and look and act non chalant lol. I do realize some may do it to get under my skin. So i purposely maintain my composure. I thought maybe I was too composed and should do something else to discourage them lol.
Ahh, ok. Reason i asked about your demeanor was because i was trying to ascertain how you might come off at these gatherings that make other women feel like they could be overt like that in front of you. I kinda feel like women would be less likely to try that in your presence if you were more gregarious, life of the party, making your presence known. I feel like peope in general test more reserved personalities. People are less likely to be bold in front of you if they feel you may upstage them/tactfully embarrass them.

Or, i know this is dangerous territory, but how do you dress? Are you more traditional in your attire? Are you trendy, glam, frumpy?
I actually dress pretty fashionable. I am around a size 8 currently. Yesterday I had on a long maxi dress halter. White, with hawaiaan type flowers, bracelets to match, earrings. Hair in a natural style.

The one who tried this, had on a BABY PHAT shirt lol. And jeans. No accessories, no makeup. Sort of plain in appearance. Not an ugly girl, but definitely not a show stopper either.

I didn't look frumpy at all. I noticed quite a few of the guys there looking a little longer than necessary (even with the natural fro-like hairstyle- most women say men dont like natural hair). I think I may come off as reserverd. But shouldn't I be? Wouldn't that look terribly insecure to try an "check someone" about something like that? It would be a case of her probably playing dumb, and me looking like a nut. lol
Jenn Boo, so do you thing I should have/or try to have a more aggressive demeanor. I am lady like overall. (But if it came down to it... lady would be out the window lol... I have been known to hold my own back in my day lol). I just felt as a young woman (I am 24), that way of handling things shouldn't be my first resort.

I liked the suggestion of staring at her, smiling and rolling my eyes. I am not usually one for tact. If i address something to you, tact is out the window. At that point.... it can get ugly. i don't like going there, so I try not to.
Also, the women where I am from tend to be a little more bold, about approaching men and making it known they are attracted to a guy.
Sounds annoying, but why don't you try to flip it around in your head? You locked down a man so fionneeeee that all the ladies are desperately trying to get his attention and he's rather go play basketball. You probably can't laugh about it every time, but if you practice I bet you would eventually find most interactions humorous.
You ladies are great. I appreciate all the suggestions. I will take all of this and try to apply it now, as well as if it happens again.
Sounds annoying, but why don't you try to flip it around in your head? You locked down a man so fionneeeee that all the ladies are desperately trying to get his attention and he's rather go play basketball. You probably can't laugh about it every time, but if you practice I bet you would eventually find most interactions humorous.

This is meeeeeeeeee, LITERALLY!

My SO gave me the same advice, because he had to stop getting mad when men (allegedly) stare at me when we're together. At first it was annoying, but now I just laugh when ladies are trying hard to flirt with SO. I think he's yummy, so why wouldn't other women think similarly? :lick: lol
I'd cackle with laughter every time that woman sauntered over my hubby's way.

She bends over, I'd snort and have a sip of my drink, pivot and go on about my merry way.

Nothing else needs to be done.