Does your husband "cover" you?

So I have a question that popped into my mind while I was watching The Office. (bear with me)

Are there any tv/movie/book relationships that you would point to as an example of covering? I know they are fictional and should be taken with a grain of salt, but I'm curious.

It hit me b/c Jim and Pam on The Office have always been one of my favorite tv couples. I've loved watching their relationship blossom over the years. I love the way they vibe together, the way they laugh and joke and goof off. but most of all, I've always been touched by his love for her. Even when she was engaged to Roy, he kept a respectful distance, but he looked out for her, he encouraged her (even when she didn't believe in her) with her job and with her art, he protected her, he bought her a hit me today that this might be a very good example of covering.

I also liked Sinclair and Overton from Living Single. For all their goofiness, they always seemed a have a strong and solid vibe and had each other's backs.
hopeful , thank you a thousand times for bumping this thread. It came right on time. You know, this is why I stay renewing my membership on LHCF and rather spend my time on this forum then on Facebook or other social networks. Yes there can be drama here as well, but there's also a lot of uplifting, motivating discussions such as this one, that educates and inspires as well.

I'm not married but just through reading this, I can see where I need to better prepare myself to really see the man that God has placed in my life and to know what it means to truly be "covered" according to God's word.

To all the happily married ladies who have shared their stories, do know (and I'm sure I speak for a lot of single ladies), that it is truly appreciated.

Perfect timing for a bump! Some of the recent threads I've seen on this site and in person stories I heard about cheating spouses over Christmas made me want to drop to my knees and thank God for DH.
So I have a question that popped into my mind while I was watching The Office. (bear with me)

Are there any tv/movie/book relationships that you would point to as an example of covering? I know they are fictional and should be taken with a grain of salt, but I'm curious.

It hit me b/c Jim and Pam on The Office have always been one of my favorite tv couples. I've loved watching their relationship blossom over the years. I love the way they vibe together, the way they laugh and joke and goof off. but most of all, I've always been touched by his love for her. Even when she was engaged to Roy, he kept a respectful distance, but he looked out for her, he encouraged her (even when she didn't believe in her) with her job and with her art, he protected her, he bought her a hit me today that this might be a very good example of covering.

I also liked Sinclair and Overton from Living Single. For all their goofiness, they always seemed a have a strong and solid vibe and had each other's backs.

When I was a little girl, my first ever example of what I think is covering was the show Hart to Hart. I said one day I will find a man like that. I know it's fictional but Jonathan Hart was very protective and supportive of his wife. Always looking out for her. When Jennifer Hart brought a man home claiming to be her cousin Jonathan looked into it and kicked him out of the house to protect her. Not only is the show full of romance and adventure it showcases the love between them.

Thank you ladies for this thread. I knew there was a reason I was still up this late. I am truly grateful. I have been racking my brain on dating and relationships and what I was missing. And this helps me tremendously.

Can someone elaborate on what covering really means and all that it entails?
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CurlyMoo In some ways I think it is indescribable. You know how God loves you? When you are silent and in that sweet space where you know without a doubt that there is a God and he is indeed watching over you, and you feel completely loved and safe? I think it is like that.

A husband who loves and covers you does his best to be sure you feel secure and loved. You are his priority. Being a good husband is important to him. He does not treat you like a child but like a partner. But he knows and understands that you need his masculine energy as much as he needs your feminine energy. He sees being a husband as a responsibility and a job he loves, not as a small thing or a chore.

ETA: I loved Hart to Hart too!
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I did some digging for links since I would like to discuss this with people who are not on LHCF.

RE "Under your husband's covering" -

RE "Protect your Wife" -

(this second link looks like a gem as there is 4 part series about leadership in the home)

Really enjoyed the second link. That was a great series of articles.
I will soon go back into the dating world and couldn't be happier to be able to start totally fresh and new. This thread is really eye opening and is helping me internally articulate just what I am looking for in a husband and what qualities I should be deliberate about or strongly consider in my search.
Ladies, were your DHs always like this or did they have to learn to cover you so well?

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Always, since Day 1. I didn't have the patience to teach a man how to treat me. Dh always did this or I never would have been his girlfriend in the first place. I can still remember my friends telling me that I'd never have a serious boyfriend because I was too picky. :rolleyes:

We met early in life (teens), but he met all my criteria and that's why we're still together 24 years later. Everybody always told me I was an 'old soul', so when my husband showed himself to me at 17 years old, I held on to him. :grin:
Thanks for starting this thread @hopeful.

I love @naturalmanenyc response and I feel like that is exactly what I have in FH. His father covers his mother and my father covered my mother until he died. That is a natural relationship dynamic that is ingrained in both of us and keeps things flowing very smoothly in our relationship.

We are getting married next year and I have no doubts whatsoever that he will "cover" me all of the days of our lives. He simply doesn't know how to do otherwise and I am so grateful for that.

I wrote the above a couple of years ago before I was married. Now that I am, I can happily say that it is exactly as I said it would be. My husband covers me in every way possible. He is such a rock, I love that man so much.

Thanks for bumping this hopeful. This is one of my all time favorite threads.:grin:
Although I am unmarried, this is the type of relationship I desire with a man but have been unable to articulate it properly.

I have been accused of being elitist because I believe a man's job is to protect and provide for his family, but I also want to be covered in all ways. In turn, I will be my husband's helpmeet. If it is not possible, I'd rather be alone.

Hopeful, thanks for starting this thread. I really enjoy reading the stories of others on this board.
Ohh yes this thread. I have been thinking about this constantly as I have been out in the dating world.

So far - duds. I haven't identified yet one man who has shown any real signs that he could "cover" me and I him. I am feeling frustrated in general about things this weekend but I'm holding strong.
I wrote the above a couple of years ago before I was married. Now that I am, I can happily say that it is exactly as I said it would be. My husband covers me in every way possible. He is such a rock, I love that man so much.

Thanks for bumping this hopeful. This is one of my all time
favorite threads.:grin:

Thank you for coming back to share this with us. If its not too intrusive, would you please give us some examples of how your husband covers you?
I wrote the above a couple of years ago before I was married. Now that I am, I can happily say that it is exactly as I said it would be. My husband covers me in every way possible. He is such a rock, I love that man so much.

Thanks for bumping this hopeful. This is one of my all time favorite threads.:grin:

@MizAvalon Care to share any examples of how your dh covers you? The best parts of this thread are where women shared examples. Please and thank you.