Does your husband "cover" you?

Thank you @hopeful for this thread. It is beautiful. Got me feeling sentimental...
My husband covers me in every way. I love that he is protective of me. I love that he is sweet to me all the time, not just sometimes. He is supportive of me. He provides for me (although we both have careers) he encourages me, he takes care of me, he compliments me, and he loves me. Sometimes, I think he is perfect. I know he is not. And we have had our disagreements, but very few, and even when we do have a disagreement, he doesn't yell at me (never has) or disrespect me. Omg, I love him so much.
Thank you @hopeful for this thread. It is beautiful. Got me feeling sentimental...
My husband covers me in every way. I love that he is protective of me. I love that he is sweet to me all the time, not just sometimes. He is supportive of me. He provides for me (although we both have careers) he encourages me, he takes care of me, he compliments me, and he loves me. Sometimes, I think he is perfect. I know he is not. And we have had our disagreements, but very few, and even when we do have a disagreement, he doesn't yell at me (never has) or disrespect me. Omg, I love him so much.

This was so beautiful! ! Your pretty. What advice would you give other women who wants a guy similar to yours..
This was so beautiful! ! Your pretty. What advice would you give other women who wants a guy similar to yours..

Thank you @sweetvi. I had to think hard about that question. You know, I think the best advice I can give is to not settle and wait for what you want. If I had settled with the guy I dated right before I met my dh (or the others for that matter) my life would have been so much different. I knew dh was different from my previous relationships because he was kind and he went above and beyond to make me happy and to be kind to my family. I don't want to give a false impression that we are a perfect couple. We really have to put work into our relationship, because we both came into it with our own issues/insecurities. And we are a work in progress. But when it comes down to it, he is a good man with a good heart.
Thank you @sweetvi. I had to think hard about that question. You know, I think the best advice I can give is to not settle and wait for what you want. If I had settled with the guy I dated right before I met my dh (or the others for that matter) my life would have been so much different. I knew dh was different from my previous relationships because he was kind and he went above and beyond to make me happy and to be kind to my family. I don't want to give a false impression that we are a perfect couple. We really have to put work into our relationship, because we both came into it with our own issues/insecurities. And we are a work in progress. But when it comes down to it, he is a good man with a good heart.

Thank Youuu :). I hope this blesses someone else like it did me
Thank you for coming back to share this with us. If its not too intrusive, would you please give us some examples of how your husband covers you?
@MizAvalon Care to share any examples of how your dh covers you? The best parts of this thread are where women shared examples. Please and thank you.

I'm so sorry, I kept forgetting to come back and answer this.

I am number one in DH's life. No man, woman, child, job, whatever comes before me and our marriage. About a year ago I had a health scare and while we were in the car getting ready to go into my doctor's appointment, DH prayed over me. He asked God to please heal me, to watch over our marriage, and to please not take me from him when he had waited his whole life to find me. Just hearing him say those things and watching his actions during that difficult time made me feel so safe and cared for. Later after we found out everything was ok, he confessed about how terrified he was but that it was his responsibility to be a rock for me so that I could be as vulnerable as I wanted. He actually said, "It's ok if you want to fall apart because I'm going to be right here to pick you up."

I love that man. :love:
I'm so sorry, I kept forgetting to come back and answer this.

I am number one in DH's life. No man, woman, child, job, whatever comes before me and our marriage. About a year ago I had a health scare and while we were in the car getting ready to go into my doctor's appointment, DH prayed over me. He asked God to please heal me, to watch over our marriage, and to please not take me from him when he had waited his whole life to find me. Just hearing him say those things and watching his actions during that difficult time made me feel so safe and cared for. Later after we found out everything was ok, he confessed about how terrified he was but that it was his responsibility to be a rock for me so that I could be as vulnerable as I wanted. He actually said, "It's ok if you want to fall apart because I'm going to be right here to pick you up."

I love that man. :love:
WOW, thank you for sharing.
Great thread. I just wish people would stop looking at crazy Celebrity marriages and talk to people on the ground who are living regular lives. There is so much good advice to be shared and there are so many good men and women in the real world. Celebrities are less than 0.1 % of the population but they influence way too much to the detriment of society. People need to see them as entertainment and leave it at that. Obviously there are trifling couples but they should not become the norm. Good solid marriages with ups and downs that create a good foundation should be highly encouraged and become the norm. The success of our children and future generations depend on it. Keep sharing ladies till we are brain washed into expecting good treatment from the men in our lives and not accepting all the nonsense that is being put out there right now.
I'm so sorry, I kept forgetting to come back and answer this.

I am number one in DH's life. No man, woman, child, job, whatever comes before me and our marriage. About a year ago I had a health scare and while we were in the car getting ready to go into my doctor's appointment, DH prayed over me. He asked God to please heal me, to watch over our marriage, and to please not take me from him when he had waited his whole life to find me. Just hearing him say those things and watching his actions during that difficult time made me feel so safe and cared for. Later after we found out everything was ok, he confessed about how terrified he was but that it was his responsibility to be a rock for me so that I could be as vulnerable as I wanted. He actually said, "It's ok if you want to fall apart because I'm going to be right here to pick you up."

I love that man. :love:

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :cry2: :cry2:
I read this thread last year and it made me realize that even though I had been married for 10 years I was never 'covered' by my husband.

My first reaction after reading it was to cry my heart out. To be covered by my husband is everything I've ever wanted and the realization that I wasn't getting that or going to get that from him hit me like a ton of bricks.

I looked at my marriage and realized I didn't want that to be what my children grow up believing is the norm. That along with a host of things ended our marriage. We are currently in the midst of a divorce.
I'm so sorry. But I think that is at the heart of this thread. If "covering" is missing, lots of other things are missing as well, and lots of other things are going on too that make a wife unhappy. I think that if a wife feels covered she can forgive a lot of things because those things aren't that big of a deal in the big scheme of things and overall she feels cherished and safe.

Please continue to keep us updated as you continue on your journey. I wish you peace, happiness, much success, and love. Take good care of you :kiss:.
Great thread. I just wish people would stop looking at crazy Celebrity marriages and talk to people on the ground who are living regular lives. There is so much good advice to be shared and there are so many good men and women in the real world. Celebrities are less than 0.1 % of the population but they influence way too much to the detriment of society. People need to see them as entertainment and leave it at that. Obviously there are trifling couples but they should not become the norm. Good solid marriages with ups and downs that create a good foundation should be highly encouraged and become the norm. The success of our children and future generations depend on it. Keep sharing ladies till we are brain washed into expecting good treatment from the men in our lives and not accepting all the nonsense that is being put out there right now.

Well saidOrange, Well Said Orange!!

I need posts like this especially after dealing with so much bull.... I started to get discouraged. I thank LHCF because everytime I need encouragement, you guys deliverr..

I hope more married women contribute
I'm so sorry. But I think that is at the heart of this thread. If "covering" is missing, lots of other things are missing as well, and lots of other things are going on too that make a wife unhappy. I think that if a wife feels covered she can forgive a lot of things because those things aren't that big of a deal in the big scheme of things and overall she feels cherished and safe.

Please continue to keep us updated as you continue on your journey. I wish you peace, happiness, much success, and love. Take good care of you :kiss:.

Hopeful, thanks so much for your kind words. That's just it, I don't remember feeling cherished by him. I remember saying to him that my heart wasn't safe with him.
I do believe that our relationship's purpose was to highlight for me all the areas in my life that needed healing. He was the perfect person to help me see them. I can tell you that all the ways I felt neglected, unloved, not important or unworthy as a child he highlighted in our 10 years of marriage.
I'm grateful everyday that I have seen it and taken action now at 35 and not at 50.
For the first time probably in my life I am truly happy! I have taken the time to face me and learn to love and accept me....all of me. It's a journey I am happy to take and the greatest reward is I can now model this for my children and teach them the same.
For the ladies who have shared their stories of being covered, I read your posts with hope. Thanks for sharing. I may yet have my own story to share, in time.
Hopeful, thanks so much for your kind words. That's just it, I don't remember feeling cherished by him. I remember saying to him that my heart wasn't safe with him.
I do believe that our relationship's purpose was to highlight for me all the areas in my life that needed healing. He was the perfect person to help me see them. I can tell you that all the ways I felt neglected, unloved, not important or unworthy as a child he highlighted in our 10 years of marriage.
I'm grateful everyday that I have seen it and taken action now at 35 and not at 50.
For the first time probably in my life I am truly happy! I have taken the time to face me and learn to love and accept me....all of me. It's a journey I am happy to take and the greatest reward is I can now model this for my children and teach them the same.
For the ladies who have shared their stories of being covered, I read your posts with hope. Thanks for sharing. I may yet have my own story to share, in time.

:hugxplode: :bighug: I am sorry this happened to you as well! @Kim0105 It is refreshing to know that now, you are truly happy. As women, we deserved to be cherished! I believe that is what God initially intended when he created Eve after Adam.
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I am a newlywed (our anni is in 2 weeks :yahoo:)! My husband has covered me since we started dating!

He covers me physically:
I remember once, when we were dating in college, we were standing outside talking and a random guy ran up out of nowhere talking crazy and looking deranged. I was so scared that I ran behind my husband (then boyfriend) for protection. This man's chest puffed up so quickly to defend us.:pity: Though I was scared, I felt so safe in that moment.Thankfully, the man was only drunk and looking for a party and not actually trying to harm us. I called him my superman after that.

He covers me spiritually:
We are expecting and sometimes I catch him praying over us (me and baby) before I awake in the mornings. :love: :love: He makes sure to study his word and constantly seeks God when we have to make challenging decisions before he acts.

He covers me emotionally:
My husband knows when certain situations upset me and knows how to calm me. He also knows what I like and dislike. Most times when we go out to eat, I am VERY indecisive. I'll ask him what I should order and he'll say, "I got you" and order something he knows I'd like. I end up completely satisfied. On the other hand, if he gives his suggestion of what I'd like and I order otherwise, my food ends up being something I regret ordering. He will simply remark, "see, I know what you like." :rolleyes: :giggle:
My husband is a wonderful man. Very considerate. Very gentle. Very loving and affectionate and very honest. However, he does not cover me in the ways I would like for him to. BUT he is willing to listen to my needs and adjust his behavior because of his loving and considerate nature.

Man his mother spoiled him to heavens. He's used to people handling his problems. He's very laidback and he will wait for someone else to solve it with no qualms. I have told him over the years how this hurts me. I have seen many small improvements over the years. I think I was expecting to see his "45 year old self" at his current age of 30 if that makes sense. He's changing just like I am. It makes me feel so special when he does cover me. It's an amazing feeling.

My alternator went out when I was on the road coming back home a few weeks back. I called him and no longer called anyone else (dad or friends) and let him handle it. We were able to get the alternator changed where I was and when I came back he had the money I spent on the alternator waiting on me on the table to reimburse me. I had the money to pay for it myself of course. But just the fact that he said he would pay anything to make sure I was home safely and not in any kind of inconvenience touched my heart that day.
Your welcome! Also I noticed hopeful that some people also don't know how to receive being covered! I remember an episode on Divorce Court where the wife was divorcing her hubby because........he was too nice! He cooked for her, raised her kids as his and so forth. It's was sad...

We as women have been warped by society that if the relationship doesn't have drama, then he doesn't love you. * shrugs*. I strongly believe that we ought to work on ourselves as well ........

And this would be me. #ImJustBeingHonest I prayed for a healthy relationship. I thought that would be like my parents. I now realize that my parents don't have a healthy relationship. They are still married but argue all the time and don't compromise at all. They both sit waiting on the other to do something and won't budge or try something new to improve their relationship. Always arguing. Mini drama.

My relationship is the opposite. Always calm. Sooooo freaking boring. Not boring because we don't go anywhere or don't do new things together. We are young, off on weekends and holidays, and kid free so we do plenty of that. BUT I read a book about poverty stricken children love to be yelled at because they are conditioned to it at home. It's what they are used to. I believe I have been conditioned to drama.

I HATE passionate love making all the time. I HATE 24/7 nice people. I LOVE an arsehole that I can toe to toe with and "put in their place". Oooh that's my honest turn on. I love arguing. I HATE gentle touches all the time. Forehead kisses. A man wanting to be around you all the durn time. Never with the boys. Come home all day. Gentle Rubbing...hate it. I LOVE Fawking. Rough Ish. Scars. Arguing. Makeup Funtime. Aight too graphic I'll stop.

Bruh Bruh I've been thrown into the crossfire with this relationship. This is not my element. But I realize that my previous way of thinking was not healthy. Allowing him to cover me instead of needing to be covered with a sheet away from him because of demons in his life like my past relationships is best for my life lol.
And this would be me. #ImJustBeingHonest I prayed for a healthy relationship. I thought that would be like my parents. I now realize that my parents don't have a healthy relationship. They are still married but argue all the time and don't compromise at all. They both sit waiting on the other to do something and won't budge or try something new to improve their relationship. Always arguing. Mini drama.

My relationship is the opposite. Always calm. Sooooo freaking boring. Not boring because we don't go anywhere or don't do new things together. We are young, off on weekends and holidays, and kid free so we do plenty of that. BUT I read a book about poverty stricken children love to be yelled at because they are conditioned to it at home. It's what they are used to. I believe I have been conditioned to drama.

I HATE passionate love making all the time. I HATE 24/7 nice people. I LOVE an arsehole that I can toe to toe with and "put in their place". Oooh that's my honest turn on. I love arguing. I HATE gentle touches all the time. Forehead kisses. A man wanting to be around you all the durn time. Never with the boys. Come home all day. Gentle Rubbing...hate it. I LOVE Fawking. Rough Ish. Scars. Arguing. Makeup Funtime. Aight too graphic I'll stop.

Bruh Bruh I've been thrown into the crossfire with this relationship. This is not my element. But I realize that my previous way of thinking was not healthy. Allowing him to cover me instead of needing to be covered with a sheet away from him because of demons in his life like my past relationships is best for my life lol.

Well dangggg. Lol. You know what's so funny , maybe that's what I've been attracting hmmm. I shun away from certain guys and try to tame the emotionally withdrawn ones or ones with issues persay.

Hmmm. I might have to trade with you... I'm tired
Y'all still being covered?
Any updates, comments, words of advice? :2inlove:

New thoughts/revelations:
Feeling uncovered/ unsafe/ unprotected within the relationship is a major read flag, our intuition telling us something is off, wrong, something is amiss. A guy saying he's covering you or acting like he is covering you (putting on a show) is not enough. There is a reason we feel this way.
3 1/2 year update

Still basically the same. DH has been really good about making me feel appreciated and not feeling like I have to be superwoman: working full time, cooking, cleaning, working out, keeping up with hair, manicures/pedicures etc. He picked up dinner last night and was up cleaning the house this morning. I do wonder how much will change when we have kids.

The aunt I mentioned in my 4/2013 post died but DH has other aunts, one who he takes dress shopping and grocery shopping every few weeks. She has grown kids who live close but ...yeah.

I still don't think it's natural to cover your wife. Some guys just don't get it. They feel like if they are paying the bills, that is enough or maybe it entitles them to cheat every now and again? I don't agree that it comes from upbringing or lack thereof. DH turned out great but has some cheating brothers including one who I'm sure is currently cheating on his wife. He even moved some years ago when one side chick kept driving by the house. They were all raised by the same parents although DH admits that as the baby boy he was 95% with his mother and not allowed to run behind his brothers too much. He was either working in his dad's shop or with his mom/sister.

A friend admitted some things to me recently that made me realize she isn't being covered by her husband. From the outside, things do look fine. He's going through some legal troubles and she feels like he didn't consider her or their family when he allowed the situation to happen. I don't know all the details but it cost him his job/career so he will need to find some other way to support the family. I had the impression that he was a religious and praying man but maybe he did not pray about that deal? I generally feel like DH, when making any huge financial commitment or decision, would pray on it and discuss it in detail with me. Hell, he calls me before he spends $50 on anything more than getting his hair done.
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Y'all still being covered?
Any updates, comments, words of advice? :2inlove:

Yes, very much so. :yep:

Comment: I don't know if men understand how powerful they are as it relates to their wives. The way they treat us can literally make us more feminine and soft or it can make us hard and prickly. I was talking to a friend and her dh is a good guy but he doesn't do a good enough job covering her and I can see it in her appearance and in her body language. And that in turn affects the way she treats him. It's a vicious cycle.

Somebody needs to write an advice book for men regarding this issue. Then again they probably wouldnt5 read it lol.
Yes this is a wonderful topic. I am so happy for all the women who are being covered. It is so lovely and so encouraging to hear these stories. Unfortunately my husband and I are not there yet but its getting a lot better. We are in counseling now and we are learning a lot about each other even though we've know each other over a decade. Here is just my .02 for someone to learn from the mistakes I made:

* I was that independent successful woman --- I bought my own condo at 25 and second rental property before 30 with a positive cash flow. I had multiple degrees before 30 and was at the top of my career in every way. My intentions to marry were not pure. I wanted to have a man by my side while I continued to climb the ladder. "Covering" was seen to me as not living up to my full potential and allowing myself to thwart my success. I have learned now that a) no man, no matter how successful YOU are, wants to be second to his wife or emasculated. Allowing your man to cover you allows him to BE the man. Even if you make more than your man, you have to let him be the MAN. b) Men want a woman to support them and make them feel like a man...hard to do if you are always "boss" c) Men will seek women who allow them to be covered --- this is why a lot of times you see men cheat and the other girl is less attractive, less successful but bet she knows how to be a woman and feminine which is what men want.

* Be honest before you marry about your situation. I never did well with successful men because they were always jealous and competing. I dated many but it always came back to they needed to feel like #1 and I wasnt giving up my spot. So therefore I ended up being in long term relationships with men who were not as ambitious. My sister however married a millionaire and is fully covered. BUT they have a very traditional relationship. That is OK if thats what you want. Know what you want. Once you get married and have kids its going to be really hard to change the dynamics of the relationship.

* Women have to be vulnerable. This was very hard for me. I didnt want to let go. I didnt want to trust. I didnt want to risk feeling like the fool. If you are going to allow yourself to be covered you have to trust the process. If the person is not the right person and shows you that later, consider yourself lucky and move on.

* God first, husband second. Period. Your relationship with God will get everything right so that you will know what to do next with your husband. My stuff was all out of order. My husband was absolutely last. I thought being pretty and successful meant I was a good wife. Not even close. Its like saying a BMW will make you happy and your relationship with your diamond ring will keep you warm and safe at night.

* Marriage is HARD WORK. Whew. The work we've started to put in recently through counseling is no joke. If you dont have two committed people then you dont have a marriage. I am fortunate that my husband and I came together at the same time to work on our marriage and realize we were headed down the wrong path. If you are early in your marriage now, begin to make those corrections before you get to the point of no return. Our therapist told us we would not believe how many people leave their mate because they cheated, or spent too much or didnt make enough, etc... then they marry again and guess what? Same issues or they project the past issues on to the new mate. He was saying that he really encourages individuals to work through their issues, if they dont stay together continue to work on yourself before getting back out there and he said this should be a nice lengthy process to avoid the rebound effect.

Sorry to be so long but because I am really working on my marriage I was excited to come across the topic and hear all the lovely women share their stories. Thats another thing ladies, make sure you are around POSITIVE women who will uplift you and hold the high watch for you and your husband. There are far too many bitter, unforgiving women who will tell you what to do with your man, what not to do, why covering doesnt work, etc...but thats why you have to have your relationship with God first. And if you are blessed to have positive women you are married in your life, happily married, and *honest* about the struggles it can be such a blessing. Right now I have a really good friend who is really helping me through my situation with my husband. We are both learning how to be more loving, kind, forgiving and gentle. This all will make your man GLADLY want to cover you. :)
So much truth in this post! I've found that a few of my girlfriends can't "turn off" at home.
I'm certain that is why one marriage is on the rocks. Their interaction is very much like boss/employee.

You sound very much like me with investing in real estate early on and climbing the corporate ladder.

My favorite aunt always kept me in check when I was getting "bossy" at home. She and my uncle had a traditional marriage where she generally stayed home to raise the kids. Most marriages are not like that these days, so the dynamics are different. I've had a couple of friends with stay at home husbands as well as a VP at my company who mentioned it in a meeting since she was upset about missing her son learn to tie his shoes.

My aunt and uncle are both deceased. I do still try to think of what she would suggest though before I react.

Yes this is a wonderful topic. I am so happy for all the women who are being covered. It is so lovely and so encouraging to hear these stories. Unfortunately my husband and I are not there yet but its getting a lot better. We are in counseling now and we are learning a lot about each other even though we've know each other over a decade. Here is just my .02 for someone to learn from the mistakes I made:

* I was that independent successful woman --- I bought my own condo at 25 and second rental property before 30 with a positive cash flow. I had multiple degrees before 30 and was at the top of my career in every way. My intentions to marry were not pure. I wanted to have a man by my side while I continued to climb the ladder. "Covering" was seen to me as not living up to my full potential and allowing myself to thwart my success. I have learned now that a) no man, no matter how successful YOU are, wants to be second to his wife or emasculated. Allowing your man to cover you allows him to BE the man. Even if you make more than your man, you have to let him be the MAN. b) Men want a woman to support them and make them feel like a man...hard to do if you are always "boss" c) Men will seek women who allow them to be covered --- this is why a lot of times you see men cheat and the other girl is less attractive, less successful but bet she knows how to be a woman and feminine which is what men want.

* Be honest before you marry about your situation. I never did well with successful men because they were always jealous and competing. I dated many but it always came back to they needed to feel like #1 and I wasnt giving up my spot. So therefore I ended up being in long term relationships with men who were not as ambitious. My sister however married a millionaire and is fully covered. BUT they have a very traditional relationship. That is OK if thats what you want. Know what you want. Once you get married and have kids its going to be really hard to change the dynamics of the relationship.

* Women have to be vulnerable. This was very hard for me. I didnt want to let go. I didnt want to trust. I didnt want to risk feeling like the fool. If you are going to allow yourself to be covered you have to trust the process. If the person is not the right person and shows you that later, consider yourself lucky and move on.

* God first, husband second. Period. Your relationship with God will get everything right so that you will know what to do next with your husband. My stuff was all out of order. My husband was absolutely last. I thought being pretty and successful meant I was a good wife. Not even close. Its like saying a BMW will make you happy and your relationship with your diamond ring will keep you warm and safe at night.

* Marriage is HARD WORK. Whew. The work we've started to put in recently through counseling is no joke. If you dont have two committed people then you dont have a marriage. I am fortunate that my husband and I came together at the same time to work on our marriage and realize we were headed down the wrong path. If you are early in your marriage now, begin to make those corrections before you get to the point of no return. Our therapist told us we would not believe how many people leave their mate because they cheated, or spent too much or didnt make enough, etc... then they marry again and guess what? Same issues or they project the past issues on to the new mate. He was saying that he really encourages individuals to work through their issues, if they dont stay together continue to work on yourself before getting back out there and he said this should be a nice lengthy process to avoid the rebound effect.

Sorry to be so long but because I am really working on my marriage I was excited to come across the topic and hear all the lovely women share their stories. Thats another thing ladies, make sure you are around POSITIVE women who will uplift you and hold the high watch for you and your husband. There are far too many bitter, unforgiving women who will tell you what to do with your man, what not to do, why covering doesnt work, etc...but thats why you have to have your relationship with God first. And if you are blessed to have positive women you are married in your life, happily married, and *honest* about the struggles it can be such a blessing. Right now I have a really good friend who is really helping me through my situation with my husband. We are both learning how to be more loving, kind, forgiving and gentle. This all will make your man GLADLY want to cover you. :)
I want to emphasize that it's all about the right man as well. You can be sweet, vulnerable, kind, and open to being covered, but if the guy is a jerk there is nothing you can do about that. Nothing you do or say can change another person. I also believe men should earn your trust. Prove themselves first and consistently. Most men will take advantage of blind trust. My point is that some men have no interest in covering anyone and in fact intend for others to cover them. Trust your instincts ladies. If he says he's covering you or acts like he is covering you, but you don't feel covered or safe and secure, something is probably wrong.

A woman can also have a bossy personality and still deserve covering. We are all different and a certain type of personality isn't more deserving of or guaranteed covering. I don't believe a woman has to be submissive to anyone in order to be loved and covered.
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