He wont invite you to his house..but he loves you....


Okay, so i met this guy a few months ago, we have been talking...he had visited my spot..but when i mentioned coming to his city and then visiting his spot, he got dumb..... He says since he had a young child he doesnt want his child meeting just anyone (even though his "mother" has his child when he is at work and he supposedly "loves" me).....i told him he was full of ish and told him to lose my number. Some how i let him back "in" my heart...i know he is lying, i know he has something up his sleeve, so yesterday i told him to stop calling me for good...im dead serious..also...:nono:....was i wrong? my gut tells me he is lying...and he called me frantically, talking about im "tripping"...why do guys do dumb stuff like this...oh yea..he is 30...HA! :nono:

You are not wrong.

He's lying.

Tell him to lose your number. Forever.

The writing's on the wall. Read it.
If your gut tells you he's lying, more than likely he probably is.

If he truly loved you, then there are no secrets.

Okay, so i met this guy a few months ago, we have been talking...he had visited my spot..but when i mentioned coming to his city and then visiting his spot, he got dumb..... He says since he had a young child he doesnt want his child meeting just anyone (even though his "mother" has his child when he is at work and he supposedly "loves" me).....i told him he was full of ish and told him to lose my number. Some how i let him back "in" my heart...i know he is lying, i know he has something up his sleeve, so yesterday i told him to stop calling me for good...im dead serious..also...:nono:....was i wrong? my gut tells me he is lying...and he called me frantically, talking about im "tripping"...why do guys do dumb stuff like this...oh yea..he is 30...HA! :nono: