Do You Not Date White Men...

AND stop putting down the USA...this is the greatest modern society on the planet. Of course there are problematic elements. But show me a society where there are NO problematic elements. Jamaica, UK, Asia, or other wise. USA! USA! USA!

I didn't put America down, just don't like this anti-black culture and the sissyfied men. And keep in mind if you travel around the world the only people who think the USA is the greatest country in the world are usually Americans. That's your perogative to think so but, America is NOT the greatest country, it may be great but there are other countries that are also great.
This summer I was really happy with my length and new color and began wearing more and more Huge blown out fro's when I went was like the floodgates opened and white men were beating down the doors crossing the streets getting on the wrong train just to sit next to me, offering to drive me anywhere take me anywhere. Its been crazy. Its been mainly Europeans and They. Go. IN. they do not play lol

On the one hand its fun, I have no racial preferences, I'm attracted to the race of HOT and focus on character.... that can come in every shade of the rainbow in my book. I have no inferiority complexes, I was recently out on the rooftop of the hudson hotel with a bunch of girlfriends and we were being treated to an evening out with a Rugby team from the UK (the hottest english accents ever!) They reserved a table for us and we were getting drinks poured for us all night their treat. The Becky's were in disbelief and hating harrrrd on several occasions and I just give them a look like yea, we are the flyest ones in this place....AND? :giggle: thats fun sometimes.

On the other hand, I'm weeding out those that are just "black curious" and those that have a genuine interest in me sometimes I am suspicious but only when they give me reason to be....its just like with any other man. So far I have two European businessmen telling me to choose any restaurant I want to go to in the city and they will pick me up and drive me there, I'm never allowed to pay for a thing. One of them just asked if he could take me out every day for the rest of my vacation and I told him "I'd get back to him":lol:

Both of them treat me like my name is Queen Nefertiti and I like getting driven around in Benz's enjoying what Manhattan has to offer me so I'm enjoying myself right now. If they want to treat me to a whole buncha stuff then you know what, I'll let em.

I'm all about dating and seeing what life has to offer me these days. I've found the total package before and I hope to find it again. I'm giving them a try and keeping my options open untill I actually have the title of girlfriend with someone. I'm just kinda easy breezy right about now.

Oh, and do you have hair pics? :giggle:
/\ Check my blog love:yep: just add .com to my screename and you'll get it. I'm gonna add more pix to my blog in the coming days and I should be starting a thread on the experience shortly;)
I didn't put America down, just don't like this anti-black culture and the sissyfied men. And keep in mind if you travel around the world the only people who think the USA is the greatest country in the world are usually Americans. That's your perogative to think so but, America is NOT the greatest country, it may be great but there are other countries that are also great.

like? :sekret:
I agree with everything you said. Personally, I've met lot's of white guys at work, guys that I considered my friends. If I meet someone at work or a friend of a friend I'm comfortable. However, if a stranger approaches me on the street or something, then I'll wonder...hmmm....what does he want? Especially since he wouldn't know my personality. I'd think all that he see's is black female. In a night club I don't get suspicious cause most guys are drunk and I'm usually half naked, so in that situation what any man would want is obvious.
Okay, if a black man who's a stranger approaches you on the street do you still think "what does he want?" You already realize that he thinks you're attractive and would like to get to know you (or just hit that...depending on the guy). Well it's the same with white men. Do they typically approach random women? In my experience, no. However, if a white man does randomly approach me I don't assume there is any ulterior motive or that he's hunting black women.
Your friend is a fool. I really worry about people who take advice from someone solely on the basis of them being an older person. You know how many old fools there are? How many idiots reach middle age without getting hit by a bus? SMDH.

Co-sign with BMP about European dudes. They love black women like American men love Asian chicks. They don't have to pussyfoot around, do any mental excavation or whatever before stepping to a fly black woman. They see what they want and proceed to make their feelings known. I can really appreciate that. Plus it's so cute seeing the different mannerisms they have like the way they use utensils is so different, the way they dress etc. And who could resist a foreign accent! :love:

White American men can be cool as well, but in my experience there may be MORE misunderstandings because of the way American culture has reared us to think that race is the sole determinant of 90% of things about a person. Seems like most of us here believe that a black dentist from Wisconsin would have more in common with a black goat-herder from Cameroon than they would with a white dentist from Wisconsin lol. It's just crazy.

I just had to say BIG UP to CAMEROON!!!

Okay, carry on.
I didn't put America down, just don't like this anti-black culture and the sissyfied men. And keep in mind if you travel around the world the only people who think the USA is the greatest country in the world are usually Americans. That's your perogative to think so but, America is NOT the greatest country, it may be great but there are other countries that are also great.

Those are basically my complaints about America. I would add that Americans don't respect or value education. I read a book called "Destined to Witness" - an autobiography about a black German who grew up during the rise of the 3rd reich. He wrote that even with nazism at it's peak, Germans changed their tune about Jesse Owens and the other black athletes when they learned they were collegiate athletes because the Germans respected education/educated persons so much.

There really is something singularly anti black woman about contemporary America.
I can't think of any other place even remotely like it.
one of my white male classmates had a huge crush on me and I found out through the grapevine. I don't know why I never really looked into it. I just didn't take it very seriously for some reason.

Most times when men of other race express interest in me, I didn't take them very seriously. I was single at the time, and I think it was cuz I was listening to the stuff my black male friends would say about men of other races and black women. Now looking back, I think they might have just been a little upset that I was getting more play than them, but oh well. :lol:

I would be open to dating outside now, if I was wasn't in a relationship.
Those are basically my complaints about America. I would add that Americans don't respect or value education. I read a book called "Destined to Witness" - an autobiography about a black German who grew up during the rise of the 3rd reich. He wrote that even with nazism at it's peak, Germans changed their tune about Jesse Owens and the other black athletes when they learned they were collegiate athletes because the Germans respected education/educated persons so much.

There really is something singularly anti black woman about contemporary America.
I can't think of any other place even remotely like it.

Very interesting I had no idea about that the Germans felt that way about Jesse Owens and had that much appreciation for education.

America has a very negative view and active part in maintaining a certain sterotype of Black women. It's much of the media and those that run it that is doing it. Too bad so many Americans are hung up on the boob tube. The media and those that run it know this, they know that Americans are lazy and want to be told how to think and feel. And it's not just Black woman it's women in general, Black people and many other things as well. Anyway, it's just sick.

Why should I as a woman be subjected to being asked if my breasts are real or if my hair is real on a date??? Even just walking down the street. Makes no sense, it's demeaning, rude, disrespectful and uncomfortable to have my womanhood questioned.
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I should take my french citizenship and boggie on down to the EU!!! Sounds like the place to be from what you guys are saying.

Moopeh, when you say EU do you mean European Union? If so what's the difference between France and the EU? I thought France was apart of the EU.?
Wait, what?
You think a cute white guy should pick you only in the absence of white women!!! Wowzer.

He picked you because you look good to him. Men aren't that deep. If he thought the white girls were cuter, he'd have been up on them. Myself, I don't want a man of ANY race who sees BW as the last choice to pick only when white girls aren't around.
I agree! I'm a attractive black women and white men hit on me all the time.

Men like what they like, women are the one's with the complex.
I didn't put America down, just don't like this anti-black culture and the sissyfied men. And keep in mind if you travel around the world the only people who think the USA is the greatest country in the world are usually Americans. That's your perogative to think so but, America is NOT the greatest country, it may be great but there are other countries that are also great.

AMEN!!! It's so arrogant to claim USA as the greatest country in the world. How would one decide that? GDP? Crime rates? National literacy rates? Or because you just like it? :rolleyes:
all of the above? :look:

The EU has a higher GDP than the US. US is #21 out of 180 nations in literacy. There are 78 nations with a lower homicide rate than the US. And well, I'd be interested in knowing what percentage of Americans like living here.
All of these generalizations generated in this thread are simply sad, btw, I'm American and have never been lazy in my life in education AND work ethics.
I dont have a problem dating white men. Im hoping to schedule a date with this nice Jewish guy I just met who's really funny so we shall see. Getting kind of sad though, I need me a European obviously!
I'm not hesitant to date any race. My current boyfriend is white, but spent years living in Europe and Africa. It's refreshing to talk to him about racism and sexism because he's so open. He's also a feminist, so he doesn't get defensive when I point out his straight, white, male biases.
I'm glad you walked away...stay selective ....that's how it should be....:yep:
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