For those who don't ever want to date white men?

For those that NEVER wanted to try white men would one day?

  • Yes, because I'm curious

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • No, just not interested

    Votes: 79 79.8%

  • Total voters
The ones that approached me when I was single were not my type. I am pretty sure I wouldn't have a problem dating a White guy it would be different than dating a black man (culture, upbringing, relating to each other's family, and reactions/assumptions from strangers).

Culturally me and DH had almost the same exact upbringing so we relate extremely well. We also fit really well into each other's family.
It has nothing to do with attractiveness I haven't really been that attracted to men that I have dated.

For me its culture, its how your family will receive me, and attention in public. . which would apply to interracial relationships in general.

My ideal type of guy is professional, driven, ambitious, and hopefully an entrepreneurial spirit. Now how many white guys with that profile do you see dating outside of their race more specifically black women?! At most you will see them with an ivy league asian chick . . but never with a black woman. .

If I was looking for average joe schmoe and his parents accepted me it could work. .but I'm not looking for that. .

And as far as looks go I am DEFINETELY NOT attracted to the "lighter" ones the ones with very pale fair skin and especially not blonde hair. I ususally like the dark spaniard/italian dark eyes/hair and olive complexion. . I could do light eyes w/ dark hair but light brown to blonde hair and pale skin. . no!

I'm so with you especially on the bolded:yep:
My ideal type of guy is professional, driven, ambitious, and hopefully an entrepreneurial spirit. Now how many white guys with that profile do you see dating outside of their race more specifically black women?! At most you will see them with an ivy league asian chick . . but never with a black woman.

I date those types of white guys all the time. :ohwell: Met their parents too.
Originally Posted by pisceschica

My ideal type of guy is professional, driven, ambitious, and hopefully an entrepreneurial spirit. Now how many white guys with that profile do you see dating outside of their race more specifically black women?! At most you will see them with an ivy league asian chick . . but never with a black woman.

Hmmmmm, really...I'm married to a white guy like that!
I have a question - out of curiousity are the women in this thread that stated they're just not attracted to white men or never see good looking ones -- are you regularily approached by white men, or have you never really been in a situation where one seemed interested in a way that was not just for the sake of sexual experimentation?

Hmmmmm, really...I'm married to a white guy like that!

You know!

I won't hijack the thread, but I'm gonna say this... I don't care if people don't wanna date white dudes or Indian dudes or whomever, but I just kinda have to chime in whenever folks say like it's a fact that certain dudes just don't date black women.

Whether it's professional black men, professional white men, whatever... I wonder what the point is of saying, "These men don't date black women," when that is totally not true.

And it's usually the folks who aren't dating white men or other non-black men who are the first to say who's not dating black women... how do you know? Now I'm not saying every professional white dude out there is dating a BW or wants to date one, but to make it seem like it's not very likely, well, that's limited thinking in my opinion.

If you want to date and marry a certain type of man -- of any race -- yes, you too as a black woman can find someone who wants you. Period.

Now if you just don't like white dudes period, then hey, that's cool too. :cool:
oh -- and what's with the pink peen thing? That's like someone saying the brown ones look like poo! :lachen: I've just never heard that particular sentiment expressed before. It kinda caught me off guard.
I have dated white men and black men but i am getting married to a black man......

And i still wanna pass out every time i see Daniel Craigs sexy face:lick::lick:

(be good now henri)
I date those types of white guys all the time. :ohwell: Met their parents too.

I'm speaking in general terms not isolated cases. :perplexed

I'm talking about the wealthy old/new money type with alot of power. .I'm dont' see many of those types dating outside their race. .
You know!

I won't hijack the thread, but I'm gonna say this... I don't care if people don't wanna date white dudes or Indian dudes or whomever, but I just kinda have to chime in whenever folks say like it's a fact that certain dudes just don't date black women.

Whether it's professional black men, professional white men, whatever... I wonder what the point is of saying, "These men don't date black women," when that is totally not true.

And it's usually the folks who aren't dating white men or other non-black men who are the first to say who's not dating black women... how do you know? Now I'm not saying every professional white dude out there is dating a BW or wants to date one, but to make it seem like it's not very likely, well, that's limited thinking in my opinion.

If you want to date and marry a certain type of man -- of any race -- yes, you too as a black woman can find someone who wants you. Period.

Now if you just don't like white dudes period, then hey, that's cool too. :cool:

Maybe I just dont' see many examples. .

I know there are plenty of non-black men willing to date black women. .but I'm talking about a specific type of white man. .

It does occur but not frequently (atleast not from what I see) so that is why I say that its probably not a HIGH possibility.
Maybe I just dont' see many examples. .

I know there are plenty of non-black men willing to date black women. .but I'm talking about a specific type of white man. .

It does occur but not frequently (atleast not from what I see) so that is why I say that its probably not a HIGH possibility.

Well, seeing that most black women date black men anyway and vice-versa, then yes, it probably wouldn't be a high possibility anyway.

But it's not like a needle in a haystack either... I AM specifically referring to that type of white man that you're talking about. I mean, I date interracially and I'm certainly not going to lower the standards I have a for a black dude just because some dude is white.

I have been approached by and dated white male professors, CEOs, engineers and folks in the medical field. (And no, they didn't just want me for sex cause I didn't sleep with none of 'em and they stuck around!) I didn't go out with Joe the Plumber or Joe Sixpack. Some had been married to black women before... so while I don't go around thinking that every professional white man is like that, I was pleasantly surprised based on my own personal experiences to meet more than I expected in that category.

And because this topic comes up so frequently, this woman has made a photo gallery that includes rich old money white men who are married to black women to say that BW can find professional and middle-to-upper middle class and wealthy men of any race who want them.
I have a question - out of curiousity are the women in this thread that stated they're just not attracted to white men or never see good looking ones -- are you regularily approached by white men, or have you never really been in a situation where one seemed interested in a way that was not just for the sake of sexual experimentation?

Yup...Most of them just stare and smile...:look: Some do try to talk to me but that gets shut down real quick...:look: I'm working on that....:blush: (maybe...:look:)
well i am an equal opp dater...:yep:

black women are so quick to want to hold that black man down that we limit ourselves and sometimes deny ourselves the opportunity of finding love.

dont get me wrong i love black men though...
They are not attractive to me, physically and mentally. Tried it once, saitiated my curiousity and am doubtful I will go there again...
Yup...Most of them just stare and smile...:look: Some do try to talk to me but that gets shut down real quick...:look: I'm working on that....:blush: (maybe...:look:)

Yes very akward for me for some reason...i'm like if you like it then holla because I def won't make the first move...I too love black men but i'm not limiting my self either the man that treats me right is the one that'll get my hand in marriage.
Yes very akward for me for some reason...i'm like if you like it then holla because I def won't make the first move...I too love black men but i'm not limiting my self either the man that treats me right is the one that'll get my hand in marriage.

I do find that most white guys are more hesitant to approach. They need to build up to it. However, I hate when somebody is all up in my space, or talking loud and I don't know them. Also - anyone that comes with "friends" Why do you need an audience to come talk to me? Looooooooosa.

ETA: the loud interjection. Like you're doing whatever and somebody shouts "DAYUM!" in your ear. Now I'm deaf AND disinterested...thank you.
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I sho' wish more black men would have the attitudes of the ladies in this thread :ohwell:

I never dated a white guy. I just don't think they're for me at all. :nono: If I were to date a white guy, he would need some soul/ "urban flavor" (like someone else said).

Just thinking about it....

Bringing him home....:nono::nono::nono:
meeting his family... hell nah! :nono::nono:
sex.....:barf: pink & possibly smaller than what I'm use to...:down::down:
There is definitely an imbalance
oh -- and what's with the pink peen thing? That's like someone saying the brown ones look like poo! :lachen: I've just never heard that particular sentiment expressed before. It kinda caught me off guard.

I dunno. I guess PINK isn't so bad? Are they normal sized (as in avg Black sized)?
Well I love black men and simply was not interested in dating White men. I was in a relationship with a Black Man for 10 years. We never married, but we lived together during those years we lived in DC to southern MD.

In 2006, we had moved to Dundalk, MD and only after 7 months we broke up. Dundalk, IMO is a noncultural area. Most people are Black or White. Where Whites dominate the Blacks in number. To me the area is segregated, but you will find some areas where the Whites and Blacks interact.

My next door neighbor is White. Being his neighbor we had only light conversations in passing. A few times, he had invited my and my now ex over for "neighbor night", but I had turned him down each time.

Well a couple of months after me and my ex brokeup, he invited me over. I accepted and had a blast. The neighbors were mainly Black with the exception of his Dad who is also a neighbor. At any rate it was the most fun I had in years. Me and my neightbor have now been together alittle over a year.

I can admit this...being with my ex was easy on an external level. I did not have to answer questions on why I was with him. I did not have to worry about people and their stares. I could easily open up to him about my "personal struggles" that anyone of the Black race can endure at any given time. We shared stories about our race, the struggle and the upliftment of. It was again easy. Too bad we were not compatible and our personalities were like oil and water.

My new SO and I are very compatible, we have the same goals, interest, personality. However at times, its hard relating to each other on racial topics.

GREAT story Blk. Congrats to you and your new SO!:yep:
I dunno. I guess PINK isn't so bad? Are they normal sized (as in avg Black sized)?

I don't make a habit of looking and strange genitalia, but as far as I know they come in all different sizes like everybody else. :grin:

Some of em hit the jackpot and some of em didn't. It happens. :ohwell:
I don't make a habit of looking and strange genitalia, but as far as I know they come in all different sizes like everybody else. :grin:

Some of em hit the jackpot and some of em didn't. It happens. :ohwell:

Fair enough. So....have your experiences
I know. It's pathetic. :jail:

I'm inexperienced! :lachen: I'm sure that's my own hangup. (do they?) :lachen:

In my experience they don't stink any worse than any other man I've ever been next to. They have to wash their behinds and use old spice like everybody else, but the man musk is no different really.

Fair enough. So....have your experiences

Mm - yes...I try not to judge as a group, rather on a individual basis. My current SO is white and we've been together for a little over 2 yrs. He doesn't stink, he is not lacking size wise, and he's a good man. Which is what I want. A good man as far as I'm concerned is much more important than his color. (so long as he's cute! JK.....sort of :look:)
To be honest never found one attractive..even though the thought of dating outside of my race and dating a white man has been entertained but i have yet to find one i find attracted and to find one that was confidant enough to approach me.

I think you have some that maybe also scared to approach Black women also that do find us attractive and dont know how to. But ive always been attracted to Black men. I love everything about a Black man, its just that whole swagger is so sexy to me.