For those who don't ever want to date white men?

For those that NEVER wanted to try white men would one day?

  • Yes, because I'm curious

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • No, just not interested

    Votes: 79 79.8%

  • Total voters


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Why? What is about white men that you don't find attractive?

Are you curious? Or just not interested?

Well I never dated one, I always been into the tall, dark, and handsome type. I don't ever say never, but when I try to see myself dating let along attractive to a white men it's just a thought that quickly goes away. I love some white men's icy blue eyes; I may would try one if he was drop dead fine and kind of a Jon. B type.

Well what about you?
When I was younger, it wasn't so much as I didn't like them as I had Latin Fever and wanted a "hood" man. If the white guy was hood, I was interested.... but for the most part I was in classes with white guys and they didn't like me.
for me, the few white men that i may find attractive, i feel i do not have enough in common with mentally. i've '' talked '' to a few and the interactions were just so.. awkward. of course, i'm sure there are white men out there that i could relate to but, why bother when i'm barely physically attracted to them in the first place? i love black men and 9 times out of 10 we can get a convo going without having such culture shock.
you want the truth?

They just dont look appealing...... and after reading the history of what they use to do to my never been the same for me...

now i see some fine white boys.....

but i dont like them in a sexual way.
In my youngen dayz I dated them and a few other nationalities. I'm old and they are still attracted and say things to me but I love everything about a black man. If they pissed me off I would have a Roots rememberance moment and don't want to really catch a case! LOL

In my youngen dayz I dated them and a few other nationalities. I'm old and they are still attracted and say things to me but I love everything about a black man. If they pissed me off I would have a Roots rememberance moment and don't want to really catch a case! LOL
I have a lot of mini crushes on white actors, but IRL I haven't met one white man that I find sexually attractive.
you want the truth?

They just dont look appealing...... and after reading the history of what they use to do to my never been the same for me...

now i see some fine white boys.....

but i dont like them in a sexual way.

:yep::yep: This is exactly how I feel. Also...most of them don't age gracefully.
For the men that I'm attracted to most of the attraction is in the complexion. I love some dark chocolate brothers
ive NEVER dated white guys....i dont look in their i dont notice them. Being in nyc and all....if u asked me at the end of the day how many cute white guys i walked passed...i couldnt even tell u!..the average white guy is not attractive to me. u would have to be on the level of bradd pitt & justin t. to get my attention...the non scruffy justin that is. Although, i did catch myself one day drooling over this yt guy on the subway weeks ago. Where i grew up there were mainly white guys who had a lil urban flavor to them...and i liked that. But as i traveled and went to was mainly the corny...scruffy haired..tight jean...skater type of wht guys which were not appealing at all. So that didnt help my outlook on the possibility of dating them either
Well I love black men and simply was not interested in dating White men. I was in a relationship with a Black Man for 10 years. We never married, but we lived together during those years we lived in DC to southern MD.

In 2006, we had moved to Dundalk, MD and only after 7 months we broke up. Dundalk, IMO is a noncultural area. Most people are Black or White. Where Whites dominate the Blacks in number. To me the area is segregated, but you will find some areas where the Whites and Blacks interact.

My next door neighbor is White. Being his neighbor we had only light conversations in passing. A few times, he had invited my and my now ex over for "neighbor night", but I had turned him down each time.

Well a couple of months after me and my ex brokeup, he invited me over. I accepted and had a blast. The neighbors were mainly Black with the exception of his Dad who is also a neighbor. At any rate it was the most fun I had in years. Me and my neightbor have now been together alittle over a year.

I can admit this...being with my ex was easy on an external level. I did not have to answer questions on why I was with him. I did not have to worry about people and their stares. I could easily open up to him about my "personal struggles" that anyone of the Black race can endure at any given time. We shared stories about our race, the struggle and the upliftment of. It was again easy. Too bad we were not compatible and our personalities were like oil and water.

My new SO and I are very compatible, we have the same goals, interest, personality. However at times, its hard relating to each other on racial topics.
Years ago I said never but ended up dating a white dude for 5 years. He was a fluke. I'm not attracted to white dudes unless they are darker complected like Greek (I knew this fine *** Greek dude in high school). Don't think I would do it again because physically white guys don't do anything for me.
Well I love black men and simply was not interested in dating White men. I was in a relationship with a Black Man for 10 years. We never married, but we lived together during those years we lived in DC to southern MD.

In 2006, we had moved to Dundalk, MD and only after 7 months we broke up. Dundalk, IMO is a noncultural area. Most people are Black or White. Where Whites dominate the Blacks in number. To me the area is segregated, but you will find some areas where the Whites and Blacks interact.

My next door neighbor is White. Being his neighbor we had only light conversations in passing. A few times, he had invited my and my now ex over for "neighbor night", but I had turned him down each time.

Well a couple of months after me and my ex brokeup, he invited me over. I accepted and had a blast. The neighbors were mainly Black with the exception of his Dad who is also a neighbor. At any rate it was the most fun I had in years. Me and my neightbor have now been together alittle over a year.

I can admit this...being with my ex was easy on an external level. I did not have to answer questions on why I was with him. I did not have to worry about people and their stares. I could easily open up to him about my "personal struggles" that anyone of the Black race can endure at any given time. We shared stories about our race, the struggle and the upliftment of. It was again easy. Too bad we were not compatible and our personalities were like oil and water.

My new SO and I are very compatible, we have the same goals, interest, personality. However at times, its hard relating to each other on racial topics.

No way! I'm from Dundalk (Turners Station to be exact). Man it's still like that? I would have thought more Messicans would have infiltrated.
I have no intrest in them Even though My Great-Grand Father is White =) Love My Great Grandpa

However, there are too many AA males or Carbi. Males African Males to choose from=)
Simply put, they're white.

I agree.

I dated a white guy once in high school. He was an art freak and his family was super rich. When I met his mom, she said "It's good that she's so light-skinned."

He didn't bat an eye.

I broke up with him and haven't looked back.

(Plus their thingys are pink colored) eew.

I can't even think of one fine arse YT guy I would go nuts over....I hate to say it, but they just don't interest me.
I honestly just don't think I'm attracted to them (pale white men). I'm more attracted to men with some degree of color to their skin, like Italians. Give me a black man, Latino man, Filipino, even a cute Indian....just give some color! lol
I see cute ones on TV but not really where I live or maybe I just am used to not paying attention to them. I guess anythings possible
I find 'em sexually attractive, but not enough to want to act on it.

Some might say it's limiting, but I personally love black men. And there are plenty of got-it-together brothers with swagger out there to go around.
It has nothing to do with attractiveness I haven't really been that attracted to men that I have dated.

For me its culture, its how your family will receive me, and attention in public. . which would apply to interracial relationships in general.

My ideal type of guy is professional, driven, ambitious, and hopefully an entrepreneurial spirit. Now how many white guys with that profile do you see dating outside of their race more specifically black women?! At most you will see them with an ivy league asian chick . . but never with a black woman. .

If I was looking for average joe schmoe and his parents accepted me it could work. .but I'm not looking for that. .

And as far as looks go I am DEFINETELY NOT attracted to the "lighter" ones the ones with very pale fair skin and especially not blonde hair. I ususally like the dark spaniard/italian dark eyes/hair and olive complexion. . I could do light eyes w/ dark hair but light brown to blonde hair and pale skin. . no!
Well, my mom told me I BET not bring one home or she would kill me!!
My dad told me I BETTA not bring one home or he would kill me!!
And I believe them both:nono:

Seriously, my mom had me watching Roots at an early age, and if I was going to ever think about being with a white man in my future, that movie killed it for me.

I don't find them attractive at all!! I don't like their pale skin, their hair, their souless voice, no swagger, no culture (imo), eye color creeps me out, when they get old....ughhh it just gets worse!! Weak, Weak minded...I could go on and on.

I even prefer my black man dark as all get out. I only find find two light skin black men sexually attractive, Boris K and Common.

God knows I have been through some things with brothas, but I refuse to give up on them, there are good ones out there and I've been blessed with one.
I sho' wish more black men would have the attitudes of the ladies in this thread :ohwell:

I never dated a white guy. I just don't think they're for me at all. :nono: If I were to date a white guy, he would need some soul/ "urban flavor" (like someone else said).

Just thinking about it....

Bringing him home....:nono::nono::nono:
meeting his family... hell nah! :nono::nono:
sex.....:barf: pink & possibly smaller than what I'm use to...:down::down: