Can A Brother Get A Date???

I think only men celebrate that. Most women I know who had it rough and then make it good in the way he's talking about are trying to let the ratchet go.

Uhm, no I'm not :look: There's still a place for my ratchet.:lol::lol:

He is of average height. Yes, I believe he's celibate with women. No, I don't know to whom his OP-ED is aimed at. Don't make me say more. :nono:

What exactly does that mean?
Well, that certainly explains things. If we both share a love of the D, it can't work.
This is the internet. Any tea that I spill will be traced back to me, and I don't need to be burning bridges just to satiate y'alls[sic] thirst for the dirty details. :nono: :lol: I'll just say this: He is SINGLE for a reason. I'll take limited questions.

@LaBelle Africaine29

What is the reason? :blush: Feel free to use metaphors or limit explanation as fits.

Or feel free to use my cheat sheet without being specific. Is it...

1) His attitude?
and pick a reason for his attitude
A) because..he think his ish don't stank but it is a whopper
B) Is afraid of women and timid
C) Insensitive
D) Wants women to bow down to him.

2) Who he wants to date (out of his league).

3) Has horrible Hygiene

4) Is a momma's boy

5) Is a Beta

6) Is a Narcissist

7) Hates women.

So for instance without saying anything you can say 1C, 1A, or 2, etc and we will fill in the pieces.:grin: Feel free to use multiple numbers if necessary
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@luckiestdestiny is so thristy for tea she came up with a hassle-free tea divulging system. :lachen::lachen::lachen:






Just trying to help :yep:....everyone :look: ... cause I want to know and I know

I'm not the only one.
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.....waiting. Thought my system was pretty awesome: we get the tea, she gets to say nothing other than numbers.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep on staying hydrated:
Nah. Dude is a Black man from the hood done good. He is sophistoratchette and he wants a woman cut from the same cloth. :lol:

I don't believe it. He is labeling black women as something he wants to control no matter what she's accomplished nor how much better a cloth she was cut from compared to himself. He's the pseudo-sophistoratchet...jerk.


Word out on the street, he has no functioning equipment..

He caught the cooties a few times...

He's a fudge-packer...with Putin

He's a satanist...:giggle:
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i have a friend like him. He must be an arrogant faux spiritual ,self talking weirdo who goes with both men and women.
:rofl: I gave y'all more than enough. You asked if he's into bananas? Well, Terrell is a working journalist. He's apt to grab a banana every so often for a quick energy boost while burning the midnight oil. He is also a great guy that's single for a reason.

That's all I've got.

How could you let me succumb to dehydration like this? Ahh.... it hurts. I'm suffering :lol:

:rofl: I gave y'all more than enough. You asked if he's into bananas? Well, Terrell is a working journalist. He's apt to grab a banana every so often for a quick energy boost while burning the midnight oil. He is also a great guy that's single for a reason.

That's all I've got.

I'm taking this to mean, what I think it might mean. If I'm right, don't say anything in this thread. We totally understand plausible deniability. But 8-12 days from now, I will post a reply, you thank it, then multiquote me and the OP of the thread, use a winking smiley and '@' me with a reply 'the crow flies at night'. I will reply "in which direction?" Remember, 'south' to deny, 'north' (either the text or a picture of the West kid) to confirm. Thank you for the oolong.
:rofl: I gave y'all more than enough. You asked if he's into bananas? Well, Terrell is a working journalist. He's apt to grab a banana every so often for a quick energy boost while burning the midnight oil. He is also a great guy that's single for a reason.

That's all I've got.

:scratchch This and :think:
the "Celibate with women" comment. :thumbsup::cheers:

Gotcha. Do not like this post if it's true :peek:...I will take it to mean, you like this post:lachen:

I think we're all straight here, at least in our understanding of the journalist but understand the journalist is on the downlow as to his real intentions for the article.


To think I had the wrong questions in my guide key :lol:.
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I'm taking this to mean, what I think it might mean. If I'm right, don't say anything in this thread. We totally understand plausible deniability. But 8-12 days from now, I will post a reply, you thank it, then multiquote me and the OP of the thread, use a winking smiley and '@' me with a reply 'the crow flies at night'. I will reply "in which direction?" Remember, 'south' to deny, 'north' (either the text or a picture of the West kid) to confirm. Thank you for the oolong.


Wait...what?! I have no idea what I just read. And I read that like five times.

:rofl: The thirst is real on LHCF. I should come around more often. Y'all are nuts!
still surprised he's single if thats the case Labelle Africane. Ive come to relaize there are quite a number of women, black woman included who have no problem with bisexual males.
This is why I never lower standards when it comes to men, even the bummiest of bums still gets to have theirs; I once had had a client who was homeless, malodorous and adentulous tell me he wouldn't even deal with a woman who didn't at least have section 8, I was too through after that lol.....

You win da Innanets.
This thread is hilarious.

He reminds me of a blogger who is also "sophistiratchet" (new word for me) and complains that the well-educated, upper middle-ish black women he's interested in aren't interested in him because, even though he owns his condo and has traveled and makes decent money, he didn't go to college and is in a blue collar profession. He says that blue collar women just aren't what he likes, and aren't smart enough for him. :ohwell: He also seems to prefer black women. Who knew that this was a thing among men like this.

I agree that the guy in the op likely wants a woman who is significantly better off financially than he is, as that may take some pressure off of him and give him the freedom to continue following a less than ambitious path. He chose interesting over ambitious, which is not bad, but women who chose ambitious over interesting are more likely than not looking for men who have done the same.

Plus, men always have the option to make themselves more financially viable for marriage. I recently met a 23 year old law student who married while still in college, who is well on his way to a big law career which he chose specifically because he said he planned on getting married and knew "I'd have to actually make money." Not everyone has to follow that path, but it is a choice. With his experiences, language skills, and prestigious fellowships, I think there are a number of avenues that would be more financially rewarding for the op than the one he is currently on. It sounds like at this point in his life he should be more strategic about his career endeavors.
So, just to clarify, is he bisexual?

If he is, why not date high powered/high earning black men?
Because most black gay men don't want to date a buster....

I assume that the traditional gender roles of men being the provider and earning more wouldn't be there in a gay relationship so it would be easier for him to keep doing what he is doing.
This thread is hilarious.

He reminds me of a blogger who is also "sophistiratchet" (new word for me) and complains that the well-educated, upper middle-ish black women he's interested in aren't interested in him because, even though he owns his condo and has traveled and makes decent money, he didn't go to college and is in a blue collar profession. He says that blue collar women just aren't what he likes, and aren't smart enough for him. :ohwell: He also seems to prefer black women. Who knew that this was a thing among men like this.

I agree that the guy in the op likely wants a woman who is significantly better off financially than he is, as that may take some pressure off of him and give him the freedom to continue following a less than ambitious path. He chose interesting over ambitious, which is not bad, but women who chose ambitious over interesting are more likely than not looking for men who have done the same.

Plus, men always have the option to make themselves more financially viable for marriage. I recently met a 23 year old law student who married while still in college, who is well on his way to a big law career which he chose specifically because he said he planned on getting married and knew "I'd have to actually make money." Not everyone has to follow that path, but it is a choice. With his experiences, language skills, and prestigious fellowships, I think there are a number of avenues that would be more financially rewarding for the op than the one he is currently on. It sounds like at this point in his life he should be more strategic about his career endeavors.

I think this is the same author of that blog. Lol