Can A Brother Get A Date???

I'm taking this to mean, what I think it might mean. If I'm right, don't say anything in this thread. We totally understand plausible deniability. But 8-12 days from now, I will post a reply, you thank it, then multiquote me and the OP of the thread, use a winking smiley and '@' me with a reply 'the crow flies at night'. I will reply "in which direction?" Remember, 'south' to deny, 'north' (either the text or a picture of the West kid) to confirm. Thank you for the oolong.

This thread delivered so beautifully. I wanna give a special shout-out to LaBelle Africaine29. I love this board.
He sounds like one of those faux nice guys....the deck is stacked in favor of any black man who seemingly has an ounce of potential so I agree with the popular opinion of him basically wanting a sugar momma. This is why I never lower standards when it comes to men, even the bummiest of bums still gets to have theirs; I once had had a client who was homeless, malodorous and adentulous tell me he wouldn't even deal with a woman who didn't at least have section 8, I was too through after that lol.....

I was off the board for a few days and came back to this gem. This ENTIRE thread gave me life! I love these type of threads. :yep:
The letter he wrote seemed really long. Where did he post it. It seems like he should go to nice sounding activities and approach ladies.
What is a buster? Sorry to have to ask.

Dude in the

I kid. I kid. It's usually synonymous with scrub. Broke. No shine. No style. Nothing to offer anyone romantically and is occasionally unattractive to boot. Like failing at life in every way. Not even good enough to be considered generic or "okay."

Other areas may use it differently. But it's usually not a compliment. I used to hear it all the time in those west coast black movies in the 90s. Lol.