Crackers Crumbs: Tales Of A Successful Matchmaker. They's Married Now!

Ok, I'm the kind of auntie that gives sex tips. Lil Dude is whipped to begin with and I told my niece to do something that I felt would speed things along on his end.

Apparently, they both liked it.

A lot.

A whole lot.

Sometimes when people like things a whole lot, they will take them to the next level. This tip called for at least one person to be the voice of reason and he wasn't and she isn't capable so a baby happened.

Girl. I know that you want to help them together and live happily ever after, but you have to know the people you're helping. It's like giving a full honeypot to Winnie the Pooh and expecting him to exercise moderation. Ain't gonna happen!

That said....I would ummm like this tip too. :)
She is pregnant. She says it belongs to Lil Dude and she did it on purpose. I'm not going to get into the specfics because this thread will go sideways but I'll just say that he was aware that they were having unprotected sex. He is on board with the baby on the way and they are going to leave a few days earlier for the vacation I bought them and get married in Las Vegas this coming weekend. Neither one have told their parents. I told her that I think that's for the best.

So um, if all goes well then by this time next week I will be a slightly successful matchmaker instead of a completely :censored: -all useless one. This is a win that doesn't feel like a win but i'm still going to take it.
I thought you meant that they haven't told their parents about the pregnancy. The parents know about the wedding in Vegas, right?

Anyways the quickie wedding in Vegas is for the best at this point. They can have a reception later (before she starts showing a lot) if they want or do a 1 year anniversary party with the baby. Good looking out for booking and paying for the vacay.
I would hope the mom would want her grandbaby to be born within wedlock. As long as dude is ok with it, it's all good. Shame it was intentional though

Valid point as that is a desired situation. I hope she sees the big picture but you know how folks can be. :nono:

If the mom is this traditional, then she's gonna be pissed that she wasn't apart of the nuptials :lol:

If she cares that the baby gets born in wedlock, then why don't they tell her?

OP, so was the baby on purpose for him, too?

I hope that it turns out for the best but she better be prepared for some drama. His mother will probably think that she got pregnant to 'trap' her son and the quickie wedding only adds insult to injury. Hopefully the mother will come around but you never know ( and I just hope her mother doesn't start acting any more ratchet than she already has thereby confirming his mother suspicions).

What about her future plans- wasn't she going to finish school or something? And is he prepared to be a new husband, a new father and defender of his wife against both mothers all at the same time?
I thought you meant that they haven't told their parents about the pregnancy. The parents know about the wedding in Vegas, right?

Anyways the quickie wedding in Vegas is for the best at this point. They can have a reception later (before she starts showing a lot) if they want or do a 1 year anniversary party with the baby. Good looking out for booking and paying for the vacay.
Their parents don't know anything about the wedding or the baby.
Wow. This thread just grabs you!

I think it should be broken down into Seasons and Episodes to allow for easier binge-reading. Each new update by CP will be Ep1 of a new Season. The latest Episode should be titled “Just the Tip.”
With HIS momma looking at them like:


And With HER momma looking at em like:


will they make it to the altar? Will there be blood on the dance floor?

Find out next time on “Just the tip”.
Wow. This thread just grabs you!

I think it should be broken down into Seasons and Episodes to allow for easier binge-reading. Each new update by CP will be Ep1 of a new Season. The latest Episode should be titled “Just the Tip.”
You ain't lying and public service to all super young girls reading this: No matter what a dude says it's never going to be "Just the Tip".
I'm obviously biased as far as encouraging them to do everything on the sneak tip but I'd been thinking from jump that a courthouse or quick trip wedding was the best bet. Lil Dude comes from regular degular middle class people so the wedding was going to be majority on his own dime and I shudder at the hot ghetto mess featurette of a wedding that my niece would plan with her mother at the helm.

At this point, he's 28 and she 26 (Libra and Aquarius). Everybody under 30 got milk on their breath as far as I'm concerned but I realize that these are not kids. She's probably dated more than he has but they both been around the block and they have a Obie and Synclair vibe going on that's very sweet. If I thought that the odds were against them in the long run I would have stepped back and let the wick burn out on it's own.

All parents involved are going to have a :censored: fit but the ultimate decisions have been made by two grown ups. It is what it is.
This sounds dirtier than intended :lol:

I have to sneak them in since the feds are always watching and deleting.
