Crackers Crumbs: Tales Of A Successful Matchmaker. They's Married Now!

I'm glad I started from the beginning instead of reading this thread backwards (am I the only one who does that?). Woo.
No i am up to page 9 going backward smh
I peeked in and out of this thread when @Crackers Phinn was just gettg started w these two. Now we got mama drama and tip sharing:p Send them to me too, i have some nieces and cousins to guide
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Apparently Baby #2 is being planned and plotted for 2021. They have agreed to two as a minimum but three as an option and they want to get the second one at least in the oven before she turns 30 in 2022. They also don't want to have them too far apart but still at a manageable pace for them both.

Niece's business is doing incredibly well and nephew's career is going as expected. His mama and daddy are cool with everything, I don't even ask about her mama.