Crackers Crumbs: How You Go On Vacation Without Your Wife? >:(


Her first husband went out like Sonny Bono and hit tree while skiing. I know that the friend has life insurance that he likely made her a beneficiary of but I don't know if she has her own policy on him.

See, you are giving me a whole new line of questioning.

Ha. Read up on the signs of arsenic poisoning just in case.
DH and I have never been on separate holidays. The only time we have been apart is due to work. He travels for work and I do the occasional business conferences etc. But no holiday apart.

I once saw a doc about people who were married for eons and 2 things stood out. They did not go on separate holidays and they never went to bed mad. I really tried the latter, to no avail. But the former was doable.
DH and I have never been on separate holidays. The only time we have been apart is due to work. He travels for work and I do the occasional business conferences etc. But no holiday apart.

I once saw a doc about people who were married for eons and 2 things stood out. They did not go on separate holidays and they never went to bed mad. I really tried the latter, to no avail. But the former was doable.
The "don't go to bed mad" rule didn't make it through the first 6 months of my marriage. We found that trying to force discuss an issue while emotions were high led to a bigger, worse argument. We ask if the other is ready to discuss; if no, it waits. I'll take me some bendaryl and gone to sleep.

The latest Crackers Crumbs reminded me that there was no update to this thread last month when "Sheldon" called to wish me happy birthday but was really calling to spill some tea.

Mail Order Bride aka Maily aka Mai Lee, had been having issues with her job. She was really unhappy because....ummm insert reasons that translated into she was tired of working. So fast forward to the first of the year when everything came to a head and Sheldon's description made it sound like she quit but he was trying to make it sound like she got laid off. It was ok tho, because Sheldon and Maily sat down and discussed a full on strategy to get her into a new industry that she always wanted to work in and that she would be back to work within 3 months.....except guess who got pregnant within two weeks of that conversation after managing to not get pregnant during year or two years of dating and a year and a half of marriage? If you guessed Mai Lee, then

Sheldon is nervous about becoming a father, even though he's been playing step daddy for a few years. Remembering this thread I asked him if his life insurance policies were up to date and if he was doing any financial planning for the baby. So yeah, Mai Lee already the sole beneficiary so we will see if Sheldon has any unexpected fatal accidents after this kid is born. She'll be 2 for 2 for dead white husbands.

I also confirmed that before Mai Lee moved in he had to de-hoarder the house. He wants me to meet Mai Lee and all that good stuff so I'll probably get an invite to either the baby shower or catch up with them after the baby is born. I will update if and when I find out more.
My father in law once went on Hajj without my mil because she wasn't healthy enough to go. He's gone on several of them so there was no urgent need to go. The other men he went with took their wives so I can't imagine what made him think that was acceptable.

My husband has gone on trips with his family without me more than once. Years ago they went to Canada and his mother even invited me (and she doesn't like me) and he said no. Also sometimes I'm invited to little family gatherings by the inlaws but he shuts me out or takes no interest in my being included.
I've concluded that he doesn't want his family to like me and that perhaps he's actually behind a lot of their dislike for me.
Not cool babes:bighug:
Assuming folks did not cohabit or date for a very long time most couples are attached to the hip as newlyweds and many of them having sex like they are getting paid. That’s what I find odd about a man leaving his new wife for 3 weeks - no sex for 3 weeks with your new wife? Maybe he is older so he doesn’t have the drive...

Anyhoo, since I am African it is common for folks in my circle to travel for even 2-3 months without a spouse. Going to Kenya is so long. There are no direct flights so the trip takes a good twenty-something hours. It is expensive from CA and the jet lag is awful.

So I don’t make that trip unless I can spend a minimum of four weeks. And many husbands and wives may be unable to both take the same amount of time off. My brother is an engineer (I dunno exactly what he does but it is a huge company) and he is never able to take more than a few days off work. When I was super ill like I was going to die he flew in for one day and flew back home. So when he gets married unless he gets a different job I can see his wife traveling alone a lot.

The latest Crackers Crumbs reminded me that there was no update to this thread last month when "Sheldon" called to wish me happy birthday but was really calling to spill some tea.

Mail Order Bride aka Maily aka Mai Lee, had been having issues with her job. She was really unhappy because....ummm insert reasons that translated into she was tired of working. So fast forward to the first of the year when everything came to a head and Sheldon's description made it sound like she quit but he was trying to make it sound like she got laid off. It was ok tho, because Sheldon and Maily sat down and discussed a full on strategy to get her into a new industry that she always wanted to work in and that she would be back to work within 3 months.....except guess who got pregnant within two weeks of that conversation after managing to not get pregnant during year or two years of dating and a year and a half of marriage? If you guessed Mai Lee, then

Sheldon is nervous about becoming a father, even though he's been playing step daddy for a few years. Remembering this thread I asked him if his life insurance policies were up to date and if he was doing any financial planning for the baby. So yeah, Mai Lee already the sole beneficiary so we will see if Sheldon has any unexpected fatal accidents after this kid is born. She'll be 2 for 2 for dead white husbands.

I also confirmed that before Mai Lee moved in he had to de-hoarder the house. He wants me to meet Mai Lee and all that good stuff so I'll probably get an invite to either the baby shower or catch up with them after the baby is born. I will update if and when I find out more.


That's how it's done :trophy:
I was away for three weeks 2 years ago without SO and he was away with DS for three weeks last year. No problem. We've been together for a long time though.

He's leaving for another three weeks soon, but that's for work.
People need time away. Sometimes I want to get away with my friends or myself for a bit. Let me run these streets (go on vacation) for a minute so I can come home and love you better. Lol!!

Every vacation I take won’t be with my husband/family. Sorry not sorry!
I was ki-ki'ing with my college roommate about Sheldon last night and she reminded me of a bit of useless trivia. She asked if he had always been into Asian women and I know he had a white live in gf for a few years before Maily and a white pen pal who he sent gifts too but all the other women I had known of were Asian and then I remembered some 20 year old tea that I don't know how she missed cuz she was in the circle of conversation when it happened.

Sheldon lost his virginity to Anabel Chong. You might not be too familiar with that name if you are not both Genex and lived in LA in the 90's but I am both of those things. Anabel starred in the first ever "World's Biggest Gang Bang" where she had sex with 251 dudes on 10 hours. This film is where Sheldon became a man and perhaps it affected his choice of women over the long haul. He tried to go back to white but I guess something about standing in line around the block with a bunch of other dudes to get some free far east good good got him hooked.

I have never watched that movie because gross but his nerd crew was so proud of him back then. All the rest of us were like
Is Anabel Chong still alive?

250 dudes in 10 hours? That sounds unsanitary and unhealthy.
Yep. Not only did she live but homegirl didn't ask for her money up front and ended up not getting paid one dime of the $10K she was promised by the filmmakers for taking those 251 penii. They also told her they would do STD screening and that all the dudes would use condoms and that didn't happen. She got done hella dirty, pun intended.

There's a documentary about her on Netflix called 251. Nowadays, she works for a software design company in LA.
Yep. Not only did she live but homegirl didn't ask for her money up front and ended up not getting paid one dime of the $10K she was promised by the filmmakers for taking those 251 penii. They also told her they would do STD screening and that all the dudes would use condoms and that didn't happen. She got done hella dirty, pun intended.

There's a documentary about her on Netflix called 251. Nowadays, she works for a software design company in LA.

Anabel doesn't sound very smart. No money up front, no money in the end and agreed to do it for a measly 10k? I don't know if there is a price out there, but 10k is no where near enough.

Good to hear she is making a respectable living now. Poor thing.
I was ki-ki'ing with my college roommate about Sheldon last night and she reminded me of a bit of useless trivia. She asked if he had always been into Asian women and I know he had a white live in gf for a few years before Maily and a white pen pal who he sent gifts too but all the other women I had known of were Asian and then I remembered some 20 year old tea that I don't know how she missed cuz she was in the circle of conversation when it happened.

Sheldon lost his virginity to Anabel Chong. You might not be too familiar with that name if you are not both Genex and lived in LA in the 90's but I am both of those things. Anabel starred in the first ever "World's Biggest Gang Bang" where she had sex with 251 dudes on 10 hours. This film is where Sheldon became a man and perhaps it affected his choice of women over the long haul. He tried to go back to white but I guess something about standing in line around the block with a bunch of other dudes to get some free far east good good got him hooked.

I have never watched that movie because gross but his nerd crew was so proud of him back then. All the rest of us were like
Wow her story is disturbing.
Little Sheldon came out 9 pounds, looking long legged and Asian with an extra side of Asian. Sheldons wife's older half white child looks more Keanu than Ken Woo so I suspect Sheldon was expecting the similar. This kid is YUGE whatever white genes he had went into making him taller than every other baby in the ICU. BTW - What is with these babies with their eyes wide open (or as open as his can get) right out the briar patch?

I don't think they have left the hospital yet so I'll let them settle in and report more tea when I have it.
Little Sheldon came out 9 pounds, looking long legged and Asian with an extra side of Asian. Sheldons wife's older half white child looks more Keanu than Ken Woo so I suspect Sheldon was expecting the similar. This kid is YUGE whatever white genes he had went into making him taller than every other baby in the ICU. BTW - What is with these babies with their eyes wide open (or as open as his can get) right out the briar patch?

I don't think they have left the hospital yet so I'll let them settle in and report more tea when I have it.
Is Anabel Chong still alive?

250 dudes in 10 hours? That sounds unsanitary and unhealthy.
I'm shocked she's able to walk after that :eek:

Little Sheldon came out 9 pounds, looking long legged and Asian with an extra side of Asian. Sheldons wife's older half white child looks more Keanu than Ken Woo so I suspect Sheldon was expecting the similar. This kid is YUGE whatever white genes he had went into making him taller than every other baby in the ICU. BTW - What is with these babies with their eyes wide open (or as open as his can get) right out the briar patch?

I don't think they have left the hospital yet so I'll let them settle in and report more tea when I have it.

I hope they don't treat him bad cause he doesn't look mixxxed like the older one.
Sorry, no updates. I thought about this thread because of a conversation in Torah Study about a man's responsibility to his wife during the first year of marriage. Sheldon is not Jewish but this seems to be practical advise for men across the board.

Here is a Q&A from from a Rabbi about it.

What are a husband's responsibilities during the 1st year of marriage?
By Moshe Goldman

In Deuteronomy 24:5, it is stated: "When a man has taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business; but he shall be free at home for one year, and make happy his wife."

While I make it my mission to make my wife happy, I have a job that keeps me busy and out of the house most of the day. What does it mean that I not be charged with any business and be free at home for one year?


I guess you deserve a belated Mazel Tov if you're still before your first anniversary!

I looked into this subject back when I got married, and here's what I found. The idea behind this commandment is not that you should desist from living a normal life, including going to work and supporting your family — the Torah doesn't advocate going on welfare or otherwise putting yourself intentionally on the community's payroll...

What it does mean is that as a general rule, your wife is an extra special priority during the first year of married life together, when the bonds between the two of you are still being formed, and as such are more tenuous than say, those of a couple married for 25 years. This helps to strengthen the notion that you are hers and she is yours. That's why the Torah forbids a newly married man to go to war etc.

If at all possible, make a serious attempt at limiting the amount of time you must be away, and business travel which takes you away from home overnight should be curtailed to the extent possible. You don't have to follow your wife around 24/7, but try not to be away so much during this critical time.

Once you have set this foundation during this all-important year, these regulations are relaxed because the "mold" which will define your life together has been set, and will hopefully serve as a foundation for the rest of your lives.

I'm glad to hear that you make it your mission to make your wife happy. The world needs more men like you! Keep it up, and get everyone around you to do the same.

Click here for more about marital harmony and married life.

Rabbi Moshe Goldman for

It also reminded me of this post which I guess shows the old man read this passage. A whole lot of things that I didn't realize make sense now.