Could you date someone that doesn't own a car?

Could you date someone that doesn't own a car?


short answer: NO.

long answer: HEYUUUULLLLL NO.

been there, done that.


he needs to have SOME kind of transportation and that doesn't include a bus pass.

A hooptie, motorcycle, scooter, bicycle, skateboard......SOMETHING!!!
I wonder how many men feel they are looking for something more than a casual encounter and are looking for woman who stands on her own two feet. Since as you state, men do the courting, I wonder which women the men with their "**** together" choose -women who expect things they don't have or women who work to have their own things?

I don't quite understand your point, but I think men might view other things more important than whether or not a woman has a vehicle. I'm just saying that turning the tables doesn't necessarily work in every situation.

As for me, I'm a single adult so I have all the trappings that come with it, including a vehicle. I just don't think that men are as concerned with it as we think they are.

I know it's an unpopular opinion and unfair, but nothing in life or love is fair. It's also not fair that he pays for the first date but he BETTER put down that debit card and pay for our meal. :lachen:
I don't quite understand your point, but I think men might view other things more important than whether or not a woman has a vehicle. I'm just saying that turning the tables doesn't necessarily work in every situation.

As for me, I'm a single adult so I have all the trappings that come with it, including a vehicle. I just don't think that men are as concerned with it as we think they are.

I know it's an unpopular opinion and unfair, but nothing in life or love is fair. It's also not fair that he pays for the first date but he BETTER put down that debit card and pay for our meal. :lachen:


My bare minimum requirements in a man (if I were still single) are:
1. JOB
2. CAR
3. OWN PLACE TO LIVE (roommate acceptable;Mommy NOT)

These trappings suggest that a person is independant and responsible, they work everyday and don't have a lot of time for BS. Always deal with men on your level or better yet, above your level of achievements.

I can't for the life of me, understand why some girls let a guy lay up on their **** 'til he get tired of her then leaves or the next chick.
Those are my standards. I don't compromise on what I want, especially when it comes to somebody that's not even a part of my life. Wait 'til you in love before you start compromising for some guy.

In my opinion, men are looking for totally different things in a woman, than a woman is looking for in a man.

My bare minimum requirements in a man (if I were still single) are:
1. JOB
2. CAR
3. OWN PLACE TO LIVE (roommate acceptable;Mommy NOT)

These trappings suggest that a person is independant and responsible, they work everyday and don't have a lot of time for BS. Always deal with men on your level or better yet, above your level of achievements.

I can't for the life of me, understand why some girls let a guy lay up on their **** 'til he get tired of her then leaves or the next chick.
Those are my standards. I don't compromise on what I want, especially when it comes to somebody that's not even a part of my life. Wait 'til you in love before you start compromising for some guy.

In my opinion, men are looking for totally different things in a woman, than a woman is looking for in a man.

Well said. I was not going to even post but here goes. I am going to the movies tonight with a guy that does not have a car. I told him in no uncertain terms that he needs to find a ride and meet me. I am not driving 30 mins to pick him up. I told him last night when he asked me out that we can just be friends. I am not entertaing a relationship with him because he is 46 yrs old and live with his brother and sis in law and does not have a car. I have my own so I am not really looking for someone to take care of me but I work to hard to get the things I got and I credit everything I have to God. I can tell we are at different places even though I am 40 but you can never have too many friends. Now if he starts talking about a relationship then I will have to bounce.
We saw Rush Hour 3 and it was hillarious. I had a great time. He paid for everything and even brought me a bottle of Moet. After all the money he spent I did take him home. That was the least I could do. I am not sure if I am going out with him again because I am not looking to be in a relationship right now.
For me it depends on 2 factors:


If its somebody young or in school tryna do their thing thats understandible.
If we lived in a city where you don't really need a car (NYC) for instance when i lived in DC and was just out of school i didn't even think about getting a car, it seemed more like a hassle than anything, but now that i'm living back in my home state i cant imagine getting by without one.
But in general: i frown upon it, but i'll admit i'm young and just starting out so maybe i'm a little more lenient about guys my age just getting out of school too.
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Sometimes I am able to overlook it but it depends on where you live. Here? Almost impossible to be without a car. I started seeing a man with no car and almost immediately I became his driver. When I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go! Gotta pull out the train schedule and plan something 4.5 hours out so he has time to catch the bus to the bus to the train to the bus to the bus to 6 blocks from your huse, can you come get him? Lawd no!

And Marta does not go everywhere, all the time. Even if you can get a train, you still have to be picked up at the Marta station. And sometimes men without cars have a habit of getting indignant when you aren't able to come and get them, or give them a ride to where they need to go or to the Marta station. If we go somewhere and he's ready to go and I am not, here comes the "*sigh... whenever you're ready, I'm ready...*sigh*" Enough with the histrionics. I'll leave when I am ready!

This one guy told me had no intention of buying a car because he had plenty of friends with cars. Boy, BYE!

Not only that but to not come up offa some gas money, as high as gas prices are?

No thanks. I'll avoid the drama where that is concerned and just say NO.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:Oh lawd
short answer: NO.

long answer: HEYUUUULLLLL NO.


I would say it depends on why he doesn't have a car ... maybe he's recently divorced, doesn't want any debt ... I don't know. But if there is a plausible reason AND he's working on getting one I would date him or at least go out on a few dates to see what's up. I mean it's not like you would be stuck with him forever. If it becomes a problem then just end it.
, and I'm too old to be dating anyone that doesn't have the basics.
ME too:yep:
As my mother asked me " Why Would u date someone with out a car"

I dated someone with out a car.. And it went from me taking us out on dates, to me paying for dates, to me drivi ng him 2hours to school to look for an apartment.... I too felt like I was being a gold digger to want him to have a car but you know what, he was the one getting all of the perks and he never coughed up some gas money. He wouldnt even meet me half way with things like coming out to my side of town. I mean we are in chicago, gettingon the train aint that hard. Needless to say he is gone and i won;t date you unless you have a car. I am not coming to pick you up. So you can invite me on this date and I will be there.How you get there is on you. I just can't be bothered.
When i lived in NYC it was cool but now that I live in an area where a car is almost a must just to get to the grocery......I'm going to have to go with No.....I've tried it so many times and I am sometimes too tired to drive him home but don't want him to spend the night so i have no choice but to drive him home and in DC, home is about 30 mins from the city (where i live) for many people.

For some reason I have also found that the men that didn't have cars didn't have money for pretty much anything....I've only met one with w/o a car and that b/c his dumb behing had his license suspended for DUI's in Va and Md........moron
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I dated someone well at least two men with no cars or car troubles. It is very frustrating especially since I live kinda far from easy access public transportation. It is very frustrating to always be running your car from this place to that place. I will never do it again. I can say never.